Chapter 42

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Chapter 42   Everyone started to get to their own bed. Everyone really looks tired, seriously I felt guilty for all of these things.   If I just do not have this injury, maybe they will not get tired for getting me something to eat and something to drink. If I just do not have this injury, maybe they will not get tired for thinking and generating some plans just to save me from whomever the hell’s out there who’s trying to get me.   Then all of a sudden, Lee Jun poked me.   He approached near me and I haven’t noticed him since I was thinking many what ifs inside my mind.   “Hey, I know you are thinking about so many things right now! I am sure that those things did not leave your head permanently, right?” Lee Jun whispered.   “How did you?” I whispered.   “Just do not mind it, just go on and take your nap, okay? Everything is going to be fine bud! You know were not going to give you up! We’ll do anything just to keep you safe from them, even if it consumes most of our time! We’ll be happy to do that just to protect you like the way that you protect us! Don’t blame yourself, okay? It wasn’t your fault, everything just happened accidentally, alright?” Lee Jun whispered.   I wasn’t able to speak after that. I just looked at him in the eye like I am saying thank you and I appreciate all of you.   Then, he hugged me and whispered “it’s alright, go on and take your rest now!”   Because of that thing, I already knew that he understood what I am trying to imply to him that time.   After that, he came back to his bed and smiled at me. Then, he looked around at everyone; checking if everyone was all set too.   “Now that you are all back to your designated places, then I guess we are all set. Like what we have discussed earlier, we are going to take a nap for now for us to rest. I understand that all of us were already tired. But before we go to sleep, I just want to take this chance to commend all of you for being cooperative in our activities. I know it’s hard, especially right now that two of our comrades were injured. Jin was still out there safe and Gen was here but some people are trying to take her away from us. I know it’s not easy for all of you guys, especially when I got mad sometimes and I really apologize for that. I know sometimes that I cannot control my temper; leading me to be mad at some of you, but all I need you to do is to trust me. I know I am not a perfect comrade for all of you, I know that all of us here were waiting for Gen to come back to her normal state so we can finally have a true leader. But please, we all know that she’s still not doing well. I cannot let our group fail because it would be difficult for them if they saw that this group falls and we didn’t do anything to prevent it. Forgive me if I am not as good as them, but please help me protect them. Thank you guys for listening, I won’t bother you anymore! I’ll let you guys have your naps right away! See you all later!” Lee Jun said.   All of a sudden, the room was filled with claps.   Lee Jun was shocked upon seeing the reaction of our other comrades.   “It’s alright Lee, nobody is perfect here! To be honest, you really nailed it as our leader when Gen became injured! I mean, no offense Gen, you are also a good leader! Both of you were really good and efficient leaders! I mean, there’s nothing to apologize for man! You are only doing your part! Besides, it’s really hard to think of such huge things like that in your head! I cannot imagine myself doing that to be honest! We understand that you were thinking about so many things in your head, man! We all respect that thing here, right fellas?” Paulo asked while smiling.   I looked at Lee Jun and I smiled at him. I can tell that he was really happy, knowing that our other comrades appreciated his leadership.   “Aww man! That was so touching! I honestly do not know what to say right now!” Lee Jun said.    “Come here all of you! Want to have a group hug before we all nap?” Lee Jun added.   “Oh yeah sure!” Our other comrades replied.   All of our comrades were rushing to gather around in order for us to hug each other.   “Uh, a simple reminder for everyone here. You guys know about my condition right now, yeah? I am sure you are all aware that I cannot walk, so uh may I request all of you to gather around here beside my bed so uh you know; I can join you too!” I said while laughing.   “Oh we are so sorry Gen! We forgot about your condition!” Lee Jun said.   “Okay everyone, gather around Gen’s bed!” Lee Jun added.   They all gathered around my bed and started hugging each and every one.   “Honestly, you are the best buddies I’ve ever had! We can do this alright! This was just a test for us, I know!” Lee Jun said.   “Yeah, there’s no obstacle in life that can block our way to success! As long as we are together, then we are the strongest!” Paulo added.   “Now that we are all done, I guess it’s time for us to take our nap!” Lee Jun said.   “That makes sense!” Paulo replied.   “’Yeah, we agree to that thing too!” Everyone said.   Everyone go back to their respective places and started to lie down.   “Bye for now everyone! I’ll see ya all again later!” Lee Jun said.   “Yeah! See you all later guys!” I said.   “Sure!” They all replied.   Few moments passed and the noise earlier from all of us was replaced with deafening silence. Everyone was already asleep except from me.   Every bed was full, except for Jin’s. Jin’s bed was right next to mine, so I just cannot stop looking at it no matter how hard I try to avoid.   I am sure that he would also contribute a great idea whenever he’s here. All I can do right now is to hope that he was in safe hands while he’s far away from all of us.   Few minutes passed and I started to feel the call of rest. My eyes were starting to close little by little. I started to yawn and my body feels like I was good to go.   Few moments passed, and then my body became neutral to my surroundings.   Then, after few hours, I finally woke up.   I looked at the clock in front of my bed; it was already 3:30 in the afternoon. Technically, I’ve had 2 hours and 30 minutes of rest.   It’s not bad; I admit I’ve already had a good nap during that time.   I looked at my surroundings, I saw my comrades were still sleeping; maybe they were really tired and exhausted because they all serve as my body when I arrived here.   Some get my food and beverages, some of them checks something whenever I told them to do so, and others are contributing some ideas in order for us to formulate a perfect plan on how I can avoid the high table and those other individuals who wanted to interrogate me.   Even Lee Jun was still sleeping sweet and sound.   Paulo and Marco were even snoring while they were asleep.   I can tell that everyone’s pretty having a good time napping.   I didn’t wake them at all; I just let them continue napping considering that they were all tired.   Instead, I just looked around while I am still lying to my bed.   Suddenly, I remembered the night when Major Rune and I were able to watch the northern lights together.   I was just happy, because those lights remind us somehow that our planet was somehow still alive and fighting like us.   The generations have made this planet the way it is right now.   My mother kept on telling me a story when I was young, she always says that when she was a kid, she used to over barns with some farm animals. She also tells me that during her generation, you could say that there is still hope remaining for mankind.   Well, if that was the case, then I really think that I would think the same way like my mother’s if I was able to witness that.   Right now, this planet was just a planet, a dying planet to be exact. Before, it was habitable, but right now it looks like it was droving us away.   The only thing that’s keeping us safe away from death is this place. But when you all go outside of this, there is a huge probability that you won’t survive a month all by yourself.   Having companions will help, but you would only pro long your sufferings from the outside world.   The only hope right now is that we are going to find another planet which is suitable for sustaining what we need and which has resources to provide the necessities of mankind.   I couldn’t blame the world; well it was just giving us back what we planted at it. The previous generations haven’t thought of this scenario, and as a result; me and my generation have to suffer from all of these.   Sometimes I was wish that it was just a dream, where you can woke up to reality where all of these tragedies never happened at all. Sometimes I wish I have a time machine, so I can travel from time to time so I can warn them about what’s coming if they do not stop what they are doing. Then, I remember an old saying all of a sudden. It states that “pain and struggles are the proof that you are alive”.   Then, I just realized now that it was really true. I am suffering from all of these, or should I say we are suffering from these because we are all alive.   But, after seeing those lights, I felt like I was back in a normal world, a world where humans are not living with the fear of dying. Where resources are abundant to supply the needs of the people and prevent hunger, a world where we do not have to fight over food just to prevent hunger and quench the thirst.   Even if it only last a few minutes, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. That was one of the reasons why I do not want them to know the exact location of that place, because I wanted to go in there again to watch those lights again whenever they show up. Also, I have promised to the Major that I would keep the location of that place until death.   I do not want to break my promise, I do not want him to regret for saving my life. When he came back, I want him to be proud at me. I want to prove to him that I have my word. I wanted to show him that whenever I say I would do it, then I would really do it even if it means death.   I haven’t heard any news from him since the last from the hospital. The last thing that I’ve heard was they needed blood for him because he lost too much blood due to his wound.   I hope that he and Jin were doing well like me right now.   Few moments passed and my comrades were still sleeping. It was already 3:58 in the clock. I do not want to wake them, because they all looked like they had a good rest. Besides, we still have plenty of time to create our plan.   Then suddenly, the alarms started sounding crazy again like the way it did last night when we were outside.   ---
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