Chapter 5

2008 Words
We dance for a few hours and continue drinking our free drinks. We are ll drunk enough to get up on the stripper pole and shake our booties to the rhythm of the music. I grasp the pole and swing around it in joy. I am having the time of my life. I missed having my girlfriends with me. I haven't gone out to nightclubs at all since college started because I have been so busy trying to settle down and get in the swing of the new life. So I am feeling very blessed to be here, in this insane VIP room, surrounded by my favorite people. Or maybe the alcohol in my system is messing with my feelings. Who knows. The room appears to be spinning. I am getting a bit bored. "Let's go to the main dance floor!" I shout. The girls look at me like I have three heads. "But we got this awesome VIP room," states Emma. I shrug. "But there are people out on the dance floor. Who knows, maybe there are hot men," I suggest and wiggle my eyebrows. Maeve suddenly jumps up. "Did someone say hot men?" she asks, her sudden spike in interest makes everyone laugh. "Well, it is a big club and there are a lot of people," I state. The girls exchange looks. "We could always come back here if we don't like it," I add. They all agree with me after the little convincing. I jump up in joy.  "Hey Mr. Security man! I want to get out!" I shout and open the door. He is standing there with his back turned to me. I tap him gently. "Excuse me, please get out of my way," I say. He does not move. So, I tap him harder. "Uh, sorry, I said move!" I shout. Once again, he does not budge. I punch him this time. It seems to annoy him a little. I am not surprised. He did just earn a punch from a strange drunk girl. "I have been instructed to keep you here until the boss arrives," he explains to me. I scoff. "I am not going to be held against my own will," I argue. The man turns around to face me. "I am sorry miss, but I must follow my managers instructions," he informs me. I roll my eyes. "It is not like he will kill you if you let me out," I mock. The girls laugh, but I can tell that they are beginning to feel uncomfortable. After all, we are being held against our own will. The security guard ignores my comment. "It is my job," he says simply and turns back around. I frown. What a weird man. "If you do not let me out, I will call the police. You are holding us against our wills and that is illegal!" I yell. This seems to move the security man. He does not want any problems with the legal system for sure. He takes a deep breath. "Fine. You can go, but please return once you are ready to," he asks me. He appears to be slightly concerned, but I do not understand why. It is not like it is his job to babysit me. I am a fully grown woman and am well capable of taking care of myself. Well, maybe not right now because the alcohol in my system makes things a little more difficult. "Yeah, yeah," I say and sway my way past the security guard. He catches me as I trip in my high heels. I laugh. "Good catch," I joke and give him a thumbs up. I lead the way down the stairs and straight to the dance floor. We fins a small opening among the crowd, big enough to fit all five of us. We begin to shake our bodies to the groove of the music. This time it is more techno type music. I am enjoying myself and ignoring the area around me. Before I know it, the space around me is closing in, until there is barely any room between me and the other guests on the dance floor. I look around to see if I can find any of the girls. It appears that I have been separated from the group.  Oh well, I am sure if I stay in the same place and continue dancing, they will eventually find me. So, I simply continue doing my thing. I feel a pair of hands grip my waist. I turn around, expecting to find one of the girls there, but to my surprise, it is a strange man who I have never met before. He looks totally wasted and he is completely unaware of his surroundings. "Let's dance baby girl," he shouts and uses his arms to move my body around. I frown and try pull away but he grips me a little harder. I decide to ignore it and keep dancing. Hopefully, he will go away and get the hint that I am not interested. I look around to see if I can find the girls. I spot Emma a few meters away, grinding on some hot guy. I'm jealous. I wish it was a hot guy who approached me. He is not my type at all. I dance for a few minutes before the stranger tries to make a move on me. I flinch and dodge his sloppy lips. Oh hell no. I may be drunk but that does not change the fact that I refuse to settle for anything less than my type. "Please leave me alone!" I shout to him. It is almost as if he is deaf. He continues to pull me closer and try get me to wrap my arms around his neck.  "Just stop okay. I'm not drunk enough," I complain. I'm not sure if he can hear me over the music because he continues to do what he wants. I roll my eyes and push him with all my strength. This makes him angry. "What is your f*****g problem?" he asks. I roll my eyes and turn away from him, I am ready to go back to the VIP room. Maybe going down to the dance floor was not the best idea. As I am walking away, I feel the strangers hand grip around the back of my neck. I gasp as he gets a grip on my hair. He pulls me back by the hair, making me scream in pain. "You fucker!" I shout and raise my hand to slap him, but someone else has already gotten there before me. The man is sitting on the floor and the crowd around us has scattered. A few people are watching closely while others are ignoring what just happened. I am not sure what is going on. I look up and see a tall, broad figure in the crowd. He is looking down at the stranger who pulled my hair. Before I can say anything, the stranger is taken away by two security men. "I hope you learned your lesson," says the mysterious man as the other one gets dragged away.  I get a strange feeling deep inside my body. I get the shivers but I feel warm inside. I look up to try and identify the man who saved me. I open my mouth to thank him but am cut off quickly. "Follow me," he instructs. His voice is deep and sexy. Something about it makes my knees feel weak. It feels weird because nobody has ever had such an effect on me before. Maybe I have had too much to drink and these are all responses from the alcohol, not this mysterious guy. "Where are we going?" I ask. He sighs. "Do not ask any questions," he orders. I give him a confused look. I can't make out his face because the light in the room is very dull. "I have to find my friends," I argue. "Don't worry about them. They are in good hands," he informs me. What does he mean they are in good hands? Where are they? Who are they with? Are they okay? I look around and realize that the place in which Emma was dancing is empty. She is no longer there. "Uh, I have to go back to the VIP room. I am meeting someone there," I inform the stranger. He reaches his hand out towards me. "Do you trust me?" he asks. Obviously the answer should be no. But for some unfamiliar reason, I don't want to tell him no. I should not trust him, but I do. I feel like I could follow him anywhere. When he is standing before me, I feel safe.  "Yes," I answer before I can stop myself. "Then follow me," he says and reaches his hand closer to me. Slowly and carefully, I take his hand. The second our palms meet, I feel warmth spread across my arm, up to my shoulder and across my chest. I pull my hand back and check my palm to see what happened. My palm looks like it always does, nothing unusual that would cause this sensation. The mysterious man takes my hand again and leads me away from the crowd. We go down a small corridor and through a door that has a  'staff only' sign written on it in gold letters. "I don't think we can come in here," I say, I begin to feel a little uneasy. The alcohol is catching up with me. The dizziness is making my stomach turn. I get a better view of this man now. He has dark brown hair and matching brown eyes, his jaw is sharp and his cheek bones are well defined. He is very tanned and extremely well built. His shoulders are broad, he is tall and his arms look thicker than my legs. He looks like he couldn't be human. "Where are you taking me?" I ask. He smirks. "I said no questions darling," he says. His voice gets me every time. I just want him to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.  I pretend to lock my lips with a key and throw it out. This makes him laugh out loud. His laugh is as charming as his looks. We climb a flight of stairs and the music stops. I did not realize how big the nightclub was. It feels like we could be in a different building. We walk past a security guard who is patrolling this part of the building. "Sir," he greets as we walk past. The man holding my hand nods at him but does not exchange any words with him. That seems a bit rude to me, but it is not my place to say anything about it. We get to an office which is locked. The man pulls a gold key from his suit pocket and unlocks it. I read the sign on the door. It reads 'No access, private room,". I frown. Why is this stranger taking me to a private room in the middle of a nightclub? I follow him into the office and watch him close the door behind him and lock it. "Take a seat," he orders. I look around and sit on the closest sofa I can find. It feels good to sit down again, my feet are hurting me from these heels, I may have been dancing for too long. I look around and see a lot of bookshelves with various books and files. A huge desk rests in the middle of the room, with many files resting on top. A computer is buried behind all the paperwork. "Who's office is this?" I question. The man smiles. "It belongs to the boss," he informs me. I frown. "Will he not be upset to find us here without his permission?" I ask. The stranger chuckles. "Don't worry. He won't be mad," he states. "How do you know?" I ask. The man steps closer to me. "Because I am the boss baby girl," he states. 
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