Chapter 2-2

2617 Words

Sally shook her head. "Do you think I would ever hurt you intentionally?" Again, she shook her head. "Do you believe I want what's best for you and that I will protect you with my life? Do you trust that I will hold you above all others and live to see that you have joy in your life? That I will hold you when you cry, laugh with you when you laugh, and honor you as my mate? Do you believe these things?" "Yes, Costin. I see the way Jacque and Fane are – and Decebel and Jen. I get it. But that's the problem. You're intense. The whole mating thing is freaking overwhelming." Sally stood up and began to pace back and forth. "I... I’ve never even had a boyfriend. I've only kissed one guy and it was nothing to swoon about. Can't you see how this would be pretty drastic for me?" She stopped a

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