2052 Words
There was a lot of blood scent in the air.  She could sense it easily even inside her cave; blood was always finding its way to her. While reading her books sitting on her bed, she felt a familiar blood coming closer. She went to the gate, where the ancient lines were not allowing her to go further.     Visitor stopped in front of her and kneeled.         “The war has started as you may already know my Lady.  Many lives were lost in the Northern cities, soon lives of war slaves will be taken too, I am afraid”       “ I know, smelled the blood. I think the time has come”       “ I believe so, My lady. I will talk to the King”       “I will be waiting; it was getting boring recently” she said smiling. Although the news was not good, it meant that her wait was now ending. Her blood was rushing with excitement, she was ready to leave her home after 1000 years to end all where it began.     ◇◇◇ He was very careful to leave palace grounds because his two guardians would not let him go alone. Sons of Alatras and Rastiel Houses, Helios and Arkhan were always with their Prince, protecting him, as well as annoying him nonstop. His childhood friends were much more to him than royal guards, so they did not follow formal boundaries at all.         But this time he had to travel alone. He decided this long ago and this latest invasion causing the fall of two cities showed he could not wait any longer. As a Mage who could control gravity, he was sure the balance of the planet was affected by a dark power. So, he needed a power, a forbidden one to fight against it. Desperate times needed desperate measures after all. He already made up his mind that he was going to break the rules and release him, one with the most terrifying power, the Blood King.     Travel to the mountain where Blood King was imprisoned was going to take almost a day, but with his wolf that one day would be even shorter. In his Kingdom Ranorax, wolves were as big as horses and those incredibly strong and loyal animals were amazing as companions. His wolf Raxin was just a cute black pup when Prince found him in the forest 5 years ago, now he was a huge wolf.          As he went out from the palace quietly with Raxin, he felt familiar presents around him, he swore that his stubborn guardians never rest at all.         ” Your Highness, how could you do this to me, are you leaving me here all alone! ” said Helios in his typical dramatic acting, again he was messing with him.         ” Heinard there is a war on our door and you are leaving palace grounds without us. What were you thinking seriously?” said Arkhan in a worried and angry tone. They were also riding their wolves, Raki and Hawe.           Heinard knew now that his two friends have founded him, there was no way he could convince them to let him go alone so he just explained;         ” I think something bigger is coming, this attack is just a small beginning. Hewatris would not dare to do this if they did not have a bigger plan. Our army will not be strong enough this time, I have a feeling. That is why I thought we need a bigger support.”   ” I agree with your worries, my father also stated the same, so they have been arguing in the council nonstop for a day now. But what is this bigger support you think?” asked Arkhan.       ” Let’s just say that we need to climb a mountain.” answered Heinard.”       ” You do not mean, ….that? No way! That is prohibited for God’s sake, have you lost your mind!” yelled Helios while riding Raki next to Heinard and Raxin. But Heinard and Raxin were already getting ahead of them, leaving no room for argument. Helios and Arkhan stared at each other worried and hurried up to follow their Prince, a crazy day was waiting for them.       ◇◇◇                          All the legends were stating that because of his betrayal to Throne, Blood King was sentenced to eternal prison in Highest Mountain in Ranorax.  Only a newly assigned King could visit Blood King and make new spells to keep him in the prison, since such strong spells needed to be performed again over time. To visit the mountain, one needed great skills to reach the top. Air was getting very thin, so it was hard to breath while there were dangerous animals lurking around for their new preys. Kings were also proving their strength by going there. Prince of Ranorax and his guardians were not normal warriors as well so they were not having trouble.       “ Heinard, can you please, please consider this once again, we can still turn back and say that we just wanted a sudden urge to hunt to our fathers as an excuse? I personally think even if Blood King won’t kill us, our fathers will show no mercy for leaving the palace without any notice” said Helios like he was not mentioning about dying at all in a cheerful voice.       “This is one of those rare moments that I agree with Helios, let’s just go back Heinard. We are breaking a very sacred rule, only Kings can visit him, not Princes. Furthermore, even having his power won’t mean anything, you know the legends how he betrayed his king and killed all the high council. You cannot trust such monster”       “My father would not want to use a dark force, but I can bargain. I will make him swear with a spell so he cannot break his promise.  You know that he was bounded by Ranorax blood, so only my father and I can free him. He will surely cooperate with me.”         “I agree, but we have a very strong army, High Council will gather their mages and wizards across the Kingdom, we do not need such dark power” argued Arkhan. At 20 years old, Arkhan was the most logical one, one year older than Heinard and Helios.         “Stop worrying Arkhan, just enjoy the adventure, if we don’t like to Blood King we can just kill him” said Helios smirking which was showing his cute dimples that were the favorite place of women to kiss. He was very popular among them with his baby blue eyes and blonde hair.         “Ohh please, go ahead and try to kill a thousand-year-old legendary warrior-mage, please do that. I want to see you try it” said Arkhan sarcastically.       Heinard tapped to his wolfs back. “Let’s go Raxin, those two are talking too much”         That simple command was enough to make the wolf run as fast as it can, leaving Arkhan and Helios behind. But their wolves were not slow to react, they started running to follow them closely.       Ranorax Kingdom had very big forests and valleys hidden in the mountains where various creatures finding their home there. So travelling with fast and strong wolf were making things very easier and safer. Heinard and Raxin quickly reached the closer to the mountain foot that was hosting the Blood King.     Heinard realized that Raxin was getting tired after travelling non-stop for almost half a day.       “Lets stop here, Raxin. We need a break before facing a legendary monster.” As Raxin stopped following his owners command, Arkhan and Helios could reach them with their wolfs.         Hawe was breathing quickly after finally giving a break. Helios caressed its head. “Good job buddy, you managed well following these two insane workaholics” He gave a glare to Heinard and Raxin.         Arkhan stood next to them with his wolf Raki. “That was indeed insane, Heinard. We almost reached the mountain within such short time. We must rest, a luxury of facing the Blood King in less than our perfect form does not exist.”         Heinard looked at his two friends. “I know that we don’t have that luxury so we are going to rest here for few hours before climbing the mountain. I wished we had mages who can open gates to travel in such times”         “Those mages are very rare and they can only open the gates where another one is waiting to support the both ways. If you had listened your lessons with more attention, you would know that, My Prince.”           Heinard smiled at him. “Don’t start again with your lessons, a warrior best learns at the war field, not from the books”         Helios yawned. “Lets just sleep for few hours. I am not in the mood to face Blood King if I am sleepy.”         “I cannot argue about that” Arkhan said and he kneeled to touch the floor. The earth started to bend as he wished, following his commands. Soil rose above, dancing in the air and forming a small cottage. Arkhan was an earth mage so his little command could shape the ground along with his will.         “Make it comfortable, I am very sensitive you know. I can’t sleep everywhere.” Helios said smiling.       Arkhan looked at him and shook his head. “You can only be comfortable when beautiful women sleep next to you. Sorry I cannot provide that here”         “You and Heinard are not so bad as well, don’t worry” Helios said, making Heinard and Arkhan laugh.         They rested for few hours with their wolves by their side. The forest was hosting many creatures but three of them knew that together, they would face any threat easily. But problem was not every creature was clever enough to realize the power those three were holding together.         Heinard signed, opening one of his eye. “Damn…that stupid thing is coming here.”       Arkhan also got up. “I know, I will take care of it. You guys rest for a little bit longer”         Heinard kicked Helios who was still sound asleep. “Get up you i***t, a huge troll is coming here and you don’t even realize it?”       Helios murmured something and opened his eyes. “I felt it but come ooon, do I really need to wake up for it?”       Heinard got up. “You slept enough. We need to move on. That troll is the sign so lets go. Get up!”         Helios grumbled but he also got up as he did not disobey his Prince, most of the time. Together, the three left the cottage and went outside. There was a loud growling coming toward them.       Helios yawned. “Gosh, I was just having a nice dream. I will kill that thing for interrupting”       Arkhan glanced his friend. “Looking to the swelling inyour pants, I can tell what kind of dream you were having, as usual.”       Helios laughed. “I suggest you do to same my friend. Maybe you can find some occasional swelling in your pants too”       Heinard smiled thanks to his sassy friend meanwhile Arkhan moved his hand a little, making the soil under Helios’s foot slipped. Helios fell backwards, swearing at his friend, Heinard laughed even more but a strong growl interrupted his voice.         A big troll appeared passing the trees. Their wolves were already by their sides, growling to the huge creature.       Heinard patted Raxin’s head. “Calm down my friend, you don’t need to bother with that.”       The troll thought otherwise as it moved forward to them. Heinard took a step front, rose his hand towards it.     The troll stopped immediately and crushed to the ground. Heinard turned away from it and hopped on to Raxin’s back. “Lets go, a bigger monster is waiting for us”       The three friends rode towards the cave located high in the mountain, where the legendary Blood Monster was living. 
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