Chapter 4 - The Dinner

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"Oh, you got to be f*****g with me," I said, as I looked at the Hunter. "Can't a girl pray in peace?” The Hunter seemed shocked by my outrage and his gun lowered slightly, but his shock was short lived as he raised his gun again. "You were done praying. You were walking away. It wasn't like you were praying to God anyway.” His foreign accent was interesting. It made me wonder where he was from. Romania, maybe? "I was not done," I said. "I'm still on my goddamn knees here." Then I sighed and turned to the rock again. "Anyway, our religious believes are our own. You believe in God and I believe in the Moon. Even if you kill me now, you will not be able to break my believe as it is my faith.” "Wait, aren't you scared?" he asked, and from the corner of my left eye I saw him lower his gun. "Why should I?" I said, bombastically. Honestly, I was very scared, but Dad had taught me that if an enemy ever stood in front of you, you need to do the following: Stay calm, treat them like you'd treat any other being and as soon as they drop their guard, ram a hard thing in their nuts and run. Of course, he still couldn't answer when I asked if the Hunter was female. Luckily, this Hunter was a male. I shrugged and moved to stand up slowly and the movement caused the Hunter to raise his gun again. "Relax," I sighed. "I only want to pick flowers to put on the rock, then I will willingly move away from this rock and you can kill me off somewhere else.” The Hunter still looked sceptical, his gun still raised to me. "You have trust issues," I said then pointed to a flower patch next to his feet. "I want to pick those, please.” He gave a slight nod, his gun still aiming. I forced my body to move slowly and smoothly, but as I drew near, my heart started to pound. Has it been pounding like this for a while now? I can't remember. Though what really had my muscles stiff as a cardboard was when I needed to squat down to pick up the flowers. The fact that the gun was basically pressed to my head and even if I moved away as fast as I can, chances were that a bullet would still hit me. "Um," I said, picking each flower slowly, looking around the patch. "What is the chances you can lower your gun, Hunter? I won't be doing anything funny like run. I am not stupid. And anyways, I give you full permission to kill me.” "Why?” "Why what?" I said, feigning confusion. Oh my… He really needs to move the gun. I'm sweating buckets here. I continued to talk. "Why must you move the gun? They make me nervous. Why do I want to die? Don't you want to die at the thought that right now, somewhere in the world, a cat is shitting in some guys shoe and he won't know till he has his shoes on?” Bravo, my mind has left me, I thought to myself. I'm dying today. Bye-bye, my story of life is over. Just then I spotted a nice-looking rock and I slowly reached out for it. "Wait, what?" the Hunter asked confused, his gun dropping to his side. I took that moment to smash his manhood in, only to cry in despair as the rock evaporates into dust. When my hand basically patted his parts, the gun went off and shot a hole into the ground. And that shot had me shot up like a marathon runner, only to be dragged back by my hair. I fell back and hit the ground hard. "What the f**k, you little b***h," snared and pulled again, my butt scratching against the ground. At that moment I expected to be shot, instead I heard a sharp snap and then I scream. The scream turned into gurgling. I turned to look behind me and there stood my brother in wolf form, his jaws dug deep into the Hunters neck. "I could have handled this on my own," I hissed at Byron, my fear replaced with anger. Byron changed back into a human, standing in front of me as naked as the day he was born. And my eyes nearly bulged out their sockets. Holy hell, my brother is ripped. "Yes, yes," Byron said and for some reason he seemed tired. "I could see that, Delilah.” "I didn't need you to save me," I said, then sighed, realizing I was being childish. "Thanks.” "No problem," he said. "Look, Del, will things ever be like they were before.” "No," I said immediately. "It's not that simply.” "And why not?" Byron said, then rubbed his head. "It can't just be about me leaving.” "It can't?" I said. "You really think that?” "I did that to protect myself…” My hand swung on its own accord, tears forming in my eyes. "Yes, Byron," I said. "It isn't just because you left. It's also because all of the consequences you had caused. You leaving and not taking me along are to minor stuff compared to the consequences of leaving me, a wild child, behind…” "What consequences?" Byron asked, disarrayed. "I left for the better good.” "For the better good?" I asked surprised and realized that Byron didn't know what had happened five years ago. I let out a sigh. "If you want to know the major reason why I don't want to be near you, Byron, ask Mom to lift up her shirt.” At those words, the back flash started. It was a few days after my twelfth birthday, a game changer in the relationship between my parents and myself. My bags were packed, and I was ready to leave. Today I have finally decided that I will go search for my brother. I had heard my parents mention one that Byron was in Dad's old pack and that couldn't be to far. Well, I hoped that it wasn't to far. My foot was barely over the threshold, when my father's voice boomed from behind me. "Delilah, where are you going?” I turned slowly to look at him. From his tone, I knew he knew. I also knew walking won't do. Those eyes told me that my Dad was amused, not worried. "I'm taking a bus to go to my brother," I said, turning to the door again. My Dad sighed then pulled me back and closed the door. Only words he said was: "You are not going anywhere." The key to the door turned and pocketed the key. Fury boiled inside of me. "You can't keep me from seeing my brother! Plus, this is kidnapping!” My Dad sighed again. "You know how much it bothers your mother whenever you mention your brother.” "That is because she doesn't love him anymore," I said, my face tearing up. "Just like you don't love me anymore.” "What is this nonsense?" Dad said with a frown and sighed again. "Come to the kitchen and we will talk about this. Then we can also discuss about you going to Byron. I might even take you there.” I look at my Dad and decided to gamble my possible freedom away. I placed my heavy bag on the ground, my shoulders practically sighing in relieve. I followed my Dad to the kitchen and at the sight of my mother, my anger boiled. "What is going on?" Mom said, drying off the spoon in her hand. "Sit," Dad told me, and I complied. To my Mom he said: "That is what I am trying to figure out.” Mom shrugged and continued with the dishes. It was a habit she had picked up while living with her father. Everything needed to be washed over and over and over again. OCD is a b***h. "Now talk," Dad said, looking me dead in the eyes. It was unnerving. I kept quiet, instead focused on my mom. Well, more like I was focusing on her belly. The reason why I had finally decided to go to my brother, was because my wolf had told that in there. A new life, my replacement. "Delilah?" Dad pushed. "Tell me why you'd say that we don't love you or Byron?” My mother's hands stilled as she looked at us. My eyes fell to the salt shaker on the table. I wasn’t in really in the mood to talk to them. I stood up and started to make my way to the door but stopped with a fright when my father slammed his fist into the table. "Delilah, you better not be walking away right now.” I turned to see my mother was standing next to my Dad, her hands resting on his should. "Fine, then," I said going to sit in the seat again. "Tell it to me then. What do you want me to tell you, Dad? Because you guys are doing the same thing to me what you have done to Byron. Replacing me. I know that I have been a handful, but that doesn't mean you get to replace me.” "Replacing you?" My Dad asked, stunned. "Where are we replacing you?” "Don't play dumb," I said, standing up. "I already know, okay. You f****d my w***e of a moth…” I couldn't even finish my sentence, when Dad's hand landed hard on my face. "Oh my god," Mom said and stood between us. "This will not be tolerated.” And that is when anger truly took hold and I aimed to s***h my father, but as my claw moved forward, my mother had turned to me, getting in the way fully. My claw dug through one side of her belly and went to her other side. If it had been my father, the injuries would have been minor, but instead it was my mother who was much closer to me. I felt my heart stop beating, panic settled in deep. OMG, what did I do. My Dad pushed me away hard and I hit the wall. My legs gave out from under me and I slide to the ground. I looked at my mom and then at my blood-stained hands. Dad has called the ambulance and they were rushed to the hospital, but still I sat there, staring. It was only the next day that I moved from my spot when James had come, rushing in after hearing the news. He had done his best to get me out the shocked state and also helped me clean the blood from the floor. He had tried to get me to eat, but as soon as I ate, the food came right up. I had also learned from James that Mom and Dad didn't know there was a baby. Due to the injury, Mom lost the baby and also that my claws had damaged both eggs, thus my mother was no longer able to produce anymore. Mom and Dad didn't come home for two months. Mom couldn't because she kept getting an infection. Dad outright refused to. He had told people that if he went home, he might end up killing me. At this bit of news, I had cried. The empty house wasn't helping, and I ended up cleaning it repeatedly. Somehow, I also found a way to force food down my throat, without it coming back up. James and Blade visited me a lot as well as other neighbourhood people, but after a month, I stopped allowing people to come in. Instead I laid in bed, cleaned and cried. Backflashes of what happened kept coming to me. When two months had passed, I basically felt insane. I had run to my father and begged and pleaded for forgiveness. I ended up in hospital as well, due to malnutrition, dehydration and hysteria. In the end, I was moved to the mental department of the hospital as I attempted self-harm. Though I couldn't remember that. When I had woken up, Dad was sitting by my bed. His eyes red and tired. When I saw him, I started to cry again. Immediately Dad jumped onto the bed and drew me into a hug. His body was also twitching as he cried. Between the two of us, the "I'm sorry," was on continuous repeat. A week later, both Mom and I was discharged, heading for home. On the way home, Dad cleared his throat. "Delilah, if you still want to, I'll take you to Byron.” I shook my head as I started crying again. "Please don't send me away. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me.” "Shh," Dad said as he parked in our driveway. "You don't need to go if you don't want to.” Mom turned to me and gave me a smile. "That's right, honey. You don't need to go anywhere.” I expected my Mom to hate me or fear me, but she treated me the same as before. And since then, Dad and I was had become best friends. He correspondingly started treating me more fragile like. I knew it wasn't fair to blame Byron for what happened, but if I didn't blame him, I'll end up hating myself. Luckily, I could see the house now and I picked up my pace. To myself, I started to mutter under my breath. I am so going to complain to Dad about this. I was about to open the door when I realized that Byron was still behind me. I turned to him in confusion. "You can go now and meet up with your posse.” "My 'posse', as you claim it," he said, rolling his eyes. "are already here. This where I am told to come.” Some reason I felt ill at the thought. I sighed and opened the door. I'm not even in the mood to ask questions. Not in the mood. I entered and for once, the house was busy. My father's voice boomed through the halls as well as Alpha Max. To tell you the truth, it was so loud, my brain couldn't transform the shouts to words until I came to the living room. My curiosity was sated when I realized they were talking about drunk tales again. Of course the mood downed a bit when I entered. I guess they could sense something had happened. The Alpha of the other group and the elderly old man with him was sitting on the far side of the room, looking out of place on the plastic covered couches. I ignored everyone except my Dad as I turned to him. "Dad, I need to learn fighting. I was just attacked by the hunter. If Stupid here didn't come, I'd be dead. Or worse, be sold off as some s*x slave.” "A s*x slave?" Dad said. "And no, you will not be learning to fight. Did we not have this conversation just this morning?” "Probably," I said, though this morning felt like years ago. "Look, Dad, I can't keep relying on strangers rescuing me. I need to train to at least protect myself.” "Delilah," my Dad said, sounding tired. "I will not teach you to fight, nor will any other person in this town or the lot of us will suffer under your mother's wrath. Honestly, you would have ignored all my warnings, if you too didn't fear your mother.” Byron walked passed me and sat on the ground in front of the other packs Alpha. "What is the big issue with her learning to fight," Byron said, lazily. "If she wants to fight, let her fight.” I sighed. "Look Dad, I know you guys think I must have the Healer position, but I can't help but feel it is necessary to fight.” A hard metal objected hit my head and turned towards my mother who was behind me. "No fighting," Mom said, her hands on her hips. "That is final. Mention it again and I will be sure you will end up crying.” I gulped and sighed. "Whatever you say, Mom.” My mother smiled sweetly at everybody. "Dinner time, everyone.” "Everyone,” I said, slightly shock. "Everyone, you mean…” "They are here for a short visit," my mother said. "Now let us go to the dinner table.” Everyone sat awkwardly around the table. No one quite knew what to say. I sighed and looked at the salt shaker in front of Byron. "Dad, can you please pass on the salt for me.” After tearing a chuck of meat out the chicken, Byron passed the salt to me. Repulsed, I ignored the salt and just ate the food plain. Byron had an expression of hurt, but I decided to ignore it. "Delilah, say thank you," Dad said, scornfully. His expression was mostly blank, except for the slight frown on his or face. I looked down at my food. As always, it looked and smelled as plain as it tasted. I reached for the salt. "Delilah," my Dad sternly. "Manners.” I looked up and saw his was outright glaring at me. Something inside of me felt broken. I looked at my mother and she had a similar expression. The rest of the party around the table looked vaguely uncomfortable. Byron was scrapping at his food now. I sighed and shoved my food away, my appetite completely gone. Instead, I turned to Alpha Max. "It's James' birthday tomorrow…" I started but stopped when I saw the fork in my Dad's hand bending slightly. I sighed and turned to him. "What do you want me to say? 'Come O' Holy Brother and bless thyself in our presence, for nothing is sweeter than having then a blessed being in our bosoms, such as thyself.'” From both the Alpha's and the old man came snorts and giggles at my words, but the frowns only deepened on my parents and my brother. As I looked down, I felt myself smirk. If I was honest though, I wasn't even sure if I had used the word "thyself" correctly, but it had seemed to fit the mood. Then I sighed and looked at my Dad again. "Anyways, I only need to endure this until we are done eating, right? It's not like they are staying the night.” The giggles stopped short and everyone seemed to look everywhere but me. And it hit me. "Visiting for a little while" meant staying over a few nights. And that meant… "No," I said, shocked. "No, we do not have room for them.” "We will be clearing out Byron's old room and bring out the old mattress and…” "But my stuff is in that room," I said, thinking of all the stuff I hidden in that room. If they were to find out, I will be grounded. "We will move them for a short while in your room," my Dad said smoothly. "This isn't fair," I said, standing up, my chair falling back in the process. "You can not do this to me!” "Make up your goddamn mind, Delilah," my Dad said, standing up. His chair falling into the same fate as mine. "First all you wanted was your brother to be here and now that he is here, you are unhappy that he is here? “ "Yes," I said, my voice raising slightly. "Or do we just wipe the slate clean? Forget everything? Pretend that nothing has happened?” "Yes!" His shout was loud, but pleadingly. Just seeing those eyes had me sad again. How did our relationship come to this? My Dad and I haven't fought like this in years. Suddenly, I had a massive headache. "You two are excused from the table," my mother's soft voice came through. "You two can also leave the house.” Well s**t. That was the code that she was beyond pissed off. My Dad looked slightly white. "But my love, I am still eating.” There was a thump under the table and again my mother's soft voice breezed in. "Leave or I will show you the way out.” Awkwardly and silently made our way out the house. As soon as the door shut behind us, Dad let out a deep breath and turned to me. "Tell it to me straight, Del," he said, his voice tired and old. "Why are you picking fights over this?” I walked to the bench that was beside the house stairs and sat on it. A slight breeze came through, bringing along a delicate smell of spring flowers. There was even a bit of rosemary tang mixed in, then seemed to be the cherry on the cake. Dad sat next to me and waited me to answer him. "I don't know," I said, not wanting to tell him the truth. I have already realized that my reasons are childish, but I didn't want to stop being selfish. Just seeing the way Mom and Dad is ready to open their arms for Byron hurts me to much. "You know, I don't love you more than Byron," my Dad said, his words stinging around my heart, but he continued talking. "but that doesn't mean I love him more you. I love my children equally.” Then he rubbed his head tiredly. "That also doesn't mean I loved Byron less when you were born. That is something that is slightly impossible for a parent to do. A child is a part of them. "We might yell at you guys," He said, placing his hand on my leg. "They might say hurtful stuff, but every good parent does this to protect their young. I know that I have been a shitty parent, never warning you guys when you guys are about to do something dangerous, but that is because I love you.” "Dad," I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I know you love me, I have never doubted that." I did, but I was not going to mention that. "It's just, he comes back, and you guys just forgive him for running away.” "That is what a parent is," my Dad said and took my hand. His hand was slightly rough and much bigger then mine. "A parent's responsibilities are to forgive a child no matter their sins. If you were to come to me and told me that you had killed a man, I will do anything within my powers to find the safest route for you to be safe. Even if it means jail time.” Dad's head fell gently onto mine. We were silent for a few seconds till I decided to break it, saying the one thing that was on my mind. "He seems different," I sighed. "I just don't know why, and it annoys me.” "That pack is very different from ours," Dad sighed. "I'm not surprised if he came back different. You are probably living a pink cloud life here. No, you are living in a pink cloud life. There is no doubt. Just don't be to harsh on your brother, okay? He is trying to at least be your friend again.” "Fine," I said. "I will stop being mean to him, but he should just know I am not some brat he can jolt around as he sees fit.” "Now you are just being stupid," my Dad grumbled and rubbed my head before standing up. I was a little sad as the soft heat that had rolled off him vanished. "I'm hungry," He said as he stretched then turned to me. "Let's go get something or are you really full?” "I'm your daughter," I huffed and stood up. "Of course, I am still starving. Do you even have your wallet on you?” He dug out his back pocket a smooth black leather wallet. "Never leaves my pocket unless I sleep.” I laughed, and I was about to make a snarky remark, but just then I saw James walking towards me with as much confidence he can muster. "Seems like I will be eating on my own," my Dad shrugged, then walked in a slightly different direction then the one James was coming. He jogged over the street and before vanishing behind the corner, he gave me a final wave. James reached me within seconds and greeted me with a kiss. "Hey, beautiful," He sighed against my lips. "Hi," I said and gave him another kiss. "You look tired?" He said, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. "Was today that tough?” I buried my face in his neck and took in his scent. God, he smelled so good. Earthy. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him even closer, then lifted my head, resting my chin on his chest. Our eyes met, and James placed another kiss on my lips. "A little," said drawing back. "Definitely stressful.” "Well, I found Michael," James said, staring to move away and I followed along. "I decided to tell him about the baby and he told him about Marie-Beth. He wants to meet the baby. Now, if possible.” "Oh my gosh," I said, in false shock. "Did I actually die? Is this heaven? Are you an angel?” James laughed and pulled me to his hip. "Well, then I probably also died, because seeing someone as beautiful as you send me straight up to heaven.” I laughed loudly, and James joined in. It's been a while since we flirted with each other like this. It was sort of soothing. "Come on," James said, pulling me towards his car. "Let's go meet Michael at the hospital.”

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