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Clair I was sleeping peacefully unwilling to leave the bed when I heard the sound of my alarm ringing nonstop. I swear I almost threw it against the wall but I quickly stopped when I realised it wasn’t an actual alarm clock but just the one I programmed in my phone. I don’t usually set an alarm except when something very important is happening and I need a reminder to get up early. “I thought you wanted to throw your phone against the wall, why did you stop?” Karly said mockingly. I assumed she was also woken up by the sound of the alarm. “Argh! I don’t want to leave this bed just yet,” I said, hugging the bed unwilling to part with it. “Can you find a way to postpone the interview?” I asked, looking at Karly with puppy eyes. “Your puppy eyes will not affect me this time, get your a** down immediately.” She said, unbudge. “Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” I said, trying to change her mind. “Clair if you don’t get your a** out of bed right now I swear to God I will…” “Ok, ok, ok, I will get down. Do you want to use the bathroom now or should I go in first?” “You were saying something about postponing the interview so do you still want to or…” “I was just JoKiNg! Why would I postpone such an important interview?” “I thought as much, you can go in first I will wait until you are done before I go in.” She said calmly, I stood still reluctant at first until Karly gave me the look that said ‘Go ahead, what are you waiting for?’ I reluctantly stood up from the bed heading toward the bathroom feeling hopeless and regretful for my inability to stand up for myself against Karly's threats. “My bestie can’t even support my love for sleep, I’m sure the worst bestie award will be given to you!” I said in a low voice. “I heard that,” she said nonchalantly. “That’s because I wanted you to hear it,” I said before entering the bathroom. “Just listen to yourself, do you think you make sense in what you just said, I will be a bad bestie if I support you to sleep when you have an interview waiting for you.” “La la la la la! I can’t hear you!” I said, avoiding her long talk. After a few minutes, I was done. I came out with my towel wrapped tightly around my chest. “I’m done, you can go in, I will go get dressed,” I said, walking towards the closet. “OK, get dressed before I finish, we don't have much time left.” “Yes ma,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “I know you just rolled your eyes at me, I can feel it.” “You didn’t tell me you are now clairvoyant,” I said “Hahaha very funny,” she replied sarcastically. I got dressed in my work pantsuit and sat on the bed waiting for Karly, she came out and got dressed too “That outfit fits you so well, be careful not to break too many hearts!” She said playfully. “I will,” I replied, returning the vibe. Our Uber was already outside waiting for us. “Sir, can you please drop my friend off at Orchid Company before taking me to the cafe shop?” Karly asked the middle-aged Uber man. “Sure dear,” the man replied. “Ok, thank you, sir,” Karly said and the man nodded. I was feeling tense and nervous, what are the odds of getting the job? What if the interviewer is biassed just like Stella? I shouldn’t be letting these intrusive thoughts in, I calmed down a bit, inhaling and exhaling to remain calm. I think Karly sensed how tense I was, she held my hand and smiled at me encouragingly. “Don’t worry Karly, I believe in you and I know you will do very well in the interview. Remember the interviewer is not Stella, don’t be scared of being rejected. I believe you have the potential to carry out the task of a secretary, so calm your nerves down and be confident again. Don’t Stella kill your confidence!” Karly said and I was instantly relieved. I smiled thankfully at her and she smiled back. Her words always have a healing effect on my worried heart and I can’t fathom how she manages to do it. “How are you able to subdue my worries easily? Even though we have been together since we were kids and I know you more than anybody else I still can’t understand how you can calm me down no matter how tense I am.” “Maybe it’s my superpower ability,” she replied and we laughed it off. “We have arrived at Orchid company,” the Uber man said as he stopped in front of the building. “Ok sir, thank you,” I replied and hugged Karly. “Go get that job girl! Leave no room for doubt. Be your confident self and most importantly, slay that outfit and leave little to the imagination, especially your boss. I mean the CEO.” She said and winked. “Karly! I’m not going to seduce my boss to get the job! I’m not even dressed seductively but you make it sound like I am. “I know,” she replied and smiled “I’m not seducing anyone!” I said loudly but Karly just waved her hand and the car sped off. I was walking towards the large frontage door of the company when I saw some people looking at me strangely. Why are they looking at me like that? I thought, then I realised how loud my voice was when I was talking to Karly, especially the last sentence. “Oh lord help me! I just embarrassed myself in front of these people, I hope they don’t remember my face otherwise it will be more embarrassing.” I said silently to myself. Now I’m even talking to myself. They might think I’m crazy too. Clair, calm down, remember Karly’s words. You are confident, not a nervous wreck. After I took a few seconds to calm myself down, I walked into the company and went straight to the receptionist to ask for directions. She was so kind and welcoming, she told me I would be interviewed by the boss himself. I was surprised to hear that the CEO himself wanted to interview me. Isn’t he busy? Well, that doesn’t change anything for me, I am here to get the job and I will do my utmost best during the interview to secure it. I thought. The receptionist directed me to the CEO’s office, she told me to wait for a while. “The CEO is still in the meeting room but he will be done soon, just be patient and wait for a while.” She said “Ok, thank you,” I replied. The office was so big and luxurious and you could see the full city from the window. I wondered what he needed the large space for. “If you have any questions feel free to ask.” She said with a soft smile. “Um… I do have one question,” I said looking curious. “Go ahead and ask,” she replied “Please can you show me to the restroom?” I asked “You can use the boss’s.” She replied “Are you sure?” I asked uncertainly “Of course! Don’t worry, the boss won't mind.” She said smiling “Oh and if you need anything else don’t hesitate to tell me.” She added before leaving. Is it just me or is the receptionist being a little bit too kind? Maybe she’s naturally nice and I’m overthinking it, I thought. I went inside the restroom and it was beautiful. I've never seen a restroom so big and furnished, not even in the movies. I quickly used the loo and came out, to my surprise, I wasn’t alone anymore. A man was standing close to the window with us back facing me, he was gazing out taking in the beautiful view of the City. For some reason, he looked familiar even if I was just seeing only his backside. Why do I feel like I’ve met him before? I hope he doesn’t mind me using his restroom, I thought. “Good morning sir, sorry for keeping you waiting. I was in the restroom and I hope you don’t mind me using it. “Hi, of course, I don’t mind.” He said and turned I was surprised to see who he was. What is he doing here? Wait, is he the CEO?
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