3 You came back?

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The next day came very quickly. A bright light had surrounded the entire chamber. However, the light of the sun was burning right on Gene's face. Making it difficult for her to keep her eyes close, bringing her out from her deep slumber. Slowly Gene opened her eyes even though she had to force herself. And just like that, bright light completely surrounded her sight. Blinking her eyes a couple of times, her vision was back to her. “Ahhh…” Gene moaned in pain. The second she opened her eyes, the very first person Gene saw was an older woman. Her gray eyes captured Gene. They were beautiful but she had never seen them before. “Luna..” Sirie said and Gene did not understand. Slowly Gene looked around the room and more and more people there, all of them women and strange people. “Am I in a.... hospital?” Gene asked, barely audible, but they heard. “Luna…. You...” “That is.. that is not my name.” Gene said innocently, trying to sit up, putting all her body pressure and weight on her weak hands. “Ahhhh…” Gene was struggling, it was clear. “Let me help you.” Sirie said. Gene knew she needed help and, with her help, she sat down on the bed. “Thank you..” Gene whispered. Now clearly understanding this was no hospital. “Where am I?” She asked, freaked out. “Please don't be afraid, we brought you here. You were in a car accident yesterday.” Sirie said, and Gene backed away, looking at Sirie carefully. Gene concentrated and remembered the night. “I ... what about other victims? There were many people hurt.” Gene asked. “The ambulance took them to other hospitals. We made sure of that Luna.” Sirie said, irritating her. It was as if this woman couldn't hear Gene and what she was trying to say. “Ma’am, please you have to stop…” Gene immediately halted, and her eyes looking here and there. Gene was freaked out. “Maya… Maya by best friend. Where is she?” Gene frantically asked. “Yes, the girl that was with you. She is fine, she is being treated.” Sirie explained. “Take me to her.” Gene said, taking off her covers and stepping down. All the young witches and Sirie freaked out at Gene's sudden movement. However, the second she stepped on her feet, her body gave up and she almost fell. “Ahhhh… s**t…” She said in pain, her eyes shut tight. She was suffering. “No. Lu…. You have to rest, you are still recovering.” Sirie said, but Gene shook her head. “No, take me to Maya.” She said, having enough. “But…” “I am in a strange place, with strange people. I need to see if my friend is okay. Take me to her, please……” Gene said, being honest about what she was feeling. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Within no time, Sirie led her towards another set of large doors. Pushing the door open she walked in to see multiple people surrounding someone in bed. However, the presence of the queen made them back away and there she saw Maya. “Huuhhh…” Gene was shocked to see her in this state. She looked so hurt but still better than she would have thought and this shocked Gene. Immediately she ran, forgetting the pain, suffering, wounds. Quickly sitting close to Maya. “Is she okay?” Gene asked the doctor who was treating her. “Yes, although, she still has to wake up, we are not sure when though. But she has no internal bleeding or any major injuries.” He said and she was shocked. “What… Gene was hit by a truck. I saw the impact, it was very.. ver…..y deadly. She should be dead.” Gene said. The doctor had no idea how to explain this to Gene, knowing she was a human and knew nothing about them. “You should leave. I can stay here with her.” She said. “But…” The doctor tried but she shook her head. “I am a doctor too, I can take care of her.” She said as Siri walked in. “Luna.” Sirie said and immediately Gene stared at Sirie fuming inside of her. “I am sorry, I did not catch your name,” Sirie asked. "Gene.” All of them were delighted to hear the name of their Queen. “I would prefer you go rest. We will call you if and when she wakes up.” “No,” Gene whispered, looking at her sister she knew her whole life. However, the witch understood what they should do next. She pushed the door open indicating for them to leave and that is what they did, closing the door. Sirie knew she had a long way to go and this was just beginning. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Don't you think you trained your people more than you should have today?” Ronan, his Beta, asked him. “I thought some of our women and men were coming to die. You made them all suffer very much.” Ronan was making fun of his best friend. “It was important for them to train that way.” Simon said, not caring and with an expressionless face, he continued to walk towards the castle from the training ground. Both heavy set, large men walking. “Are you going to go meet her. I heard that she woke up.” He said and he listened. His body language changed, his muscles shifted. Simon did not answer. “Oh, come on. At least talk to me. You don't say anything to anyone but I know all of your deep dark secrets, Simon. You cannot keep everything to yourself,” Ronan said. “I have nothing to say.” “You saved her life yesterday.” “It was necessary.” Simon said, like it was nothing. “Yes, because she is your mate.” Ronan reminded her. “No, because this pack needs her.” Simon said, stopping and turning to look at Ronan. “Sirie was right, I cannot be selfish here. I never tried to find my mate because I did not want her, but my Kingdom deserves to have her.” He said. “This is not what a mate is, Simon, she is more than that. You cannot be ruthless." Ronan said, wanting him to be human here, and the King smirked. “Alpha…” Sirie walked up to both of them, giving them her respect. “I just wanted to give you an update as you asked.” She muttered. “Is the Queen doing better?” Ronan asked and even though Simon did not show it, he wanted to know, and his complete attention was on Sirie. Although she took time to answer him. “What?” Simon asked. “She woke up and left her room to see the other girl who had come with her, and since then she hasn't left. The Queen hasn't eaten either, nor taken her medication. I am scared to use my magic on her.” She said, getting all of them worried. “But, she is doing much better. However, she refuses to rest.” Sirie explained it all. And right after hearing that, something inside of Simon shifted. He was mad, because she did not understand what she was doing to her body. “Maybe you should go talk…..” Ronan was about to continue talking. But immediately Simon rushed away from there, making his way up towards the castle, catching both of them off guard. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Gene was resting her head on the wood of the bed, silence consuming. Her eyes only on her best friend. However, out of nowhere she heard loud foot-steps, alarming her. Gene sat straight as they got closer and closer. And with a sudden impact, both the doors slammed open. “Ahhhhhh…” She screams, scaring her. And that is when Gene saw him, the man who saved her life from that wolf, the man who transformed himself into something that she couldn't remember. But he was furiously making his way towards her as she started to back away. “Get up.” He said, immediately grabbing her hand and pulling her away from. “What are y… Let my hand go. What are you doing? Let me go..” She screamed, trying to pull away, but she was no match to that man. He was strong, a thousand times stronger. “STOP IT..” Gene said, but he did not listen, continuing to drag her out. “Where are you taking me? let me go…..” Gene screams, hitting him louder. Nothing worked. And now, he was taking her to the same room and she was scared. “No….” She said when he threw the door open. With all of his force he pushed her into the room. Gene losing her balance, she tried to stand up, facing him and holding onto the bed right behind her. “Are you crazy? What's the f*** are you doing…Yo…” “You were told to rest, sleep, to take your medication. You didn't do one thing and you went there. Do you not see how pathetic that is?” He asked, shocking her. “What? why did you bring us here? What do you want?” She asked, scared. Simon did not say anything. Rather, he turned around, grabbing the door to close it. “WAIT.. Wait, wait.” She said, walking a few steps and tears forming in her eyes. “Listen, whatever you want, I can give you. If you want money…….my….. my father is very rich, I can give you all the money to could ever want. But please…………….. just let us go…” She pleaded, begging for this to work. “That is not possible.” He whispered, closing the door. “But I don't want to stay here. I am better. And the moment Maya wakes up, we are leaving.” Gene said, while the man stopped and listened to her. His back faced Gene and slowly he turned, looking right into her eyes. Simon said nothing but walked down, getting close to her. Needless to say, Gene was frightened for her life, backing away but there was no place to go. And without any warning, Simon got so close and grabbed her face in his hand. “Listen to me very carefully, because I will not say this again. There is no leaving, no place else to go. Do you understand me?” He said, hurt her face. “Ahhh..” She moaned. “This will be your home, this will be where you live and when the time comes, this is where you die. Your grave will be here as well. There is no running.” He said and Gene's eyes started tearing. “I find no joy in having you here, but you are important, your presence is important to my people.” He said. Gene started to move her face from his hand, but that did not work. Because he wrapped her back, pulling her closer. Her eyes went wide open, as tears started to fall. But he was talking to her, as if he was spitting at her. “What is this place ?” She whispered. “Your new home..” He muttered, letting go of her and walking out of the room. “You can never leave. This is your Kingdom, forever.” He said, closing the door behind and of course, she heard him locking the door from the outside . “No…” She mumbled, as her body shook in shock. She felt so helpless. And her legs gave away, making her land on the cold marble. Gene was not being able to breathe, not being able to think. But she shut her eyes, tight. “This is a dream… this is all a dream...” She Gene whispered, hoping to wake up soon.

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