
2193 Words
Stella Lockheed My heart almost jumped out of my chest as I swung the door open, revealing three boys who stared back at me like I was some delicacy. And let me tell you, they were all something straight out of a dream—tall, dashing, with those striking eyes that seemed to have some kind of magnetic pull. I could feel my cheeks turning red as I struggled to find the right words. But before I could even stutter out a greeting, they go and say, "Mine." All the butterflies in my stomach flew away, leaving a hollow feeling in my gut. What the hell? Three boys claiming me all at the same time? I might not be supernatural like everyone else around here, but I knew a thing or two about them. The first one, with his golden blonde hair and captivating gold eyes, was unmistakably a werewolf. He exuded an aura of strength and protectiveness, as if he was some knight in shining armor. The second boy had curly black hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. His tan skin hinted at a hidden ancestry, and I couldn't quite decipher what kind of supernatural he was. There was an air of mystery around him, and it sent shivers down my spine. The third boy was dark-skinned with close-cropped black hair and light brown eyes. As he stood there, there was a regal air about him, like he belonged to the depths of the ocean itself. It didn't take a genius to guess he was a merman. Really, on my first day? I blinked, trying to process what was happening. However, I was sure of one thing, claiming someone was serious business, and you couldn't just go around throwing that word like confetti. With a hint of irritation in my voice, I gathered myself and shot back, "You can't just claim people out of the blue, you know?" I said, holding my chin high. "It doesn't work that way. And besides, even if I were eighteen and of claiming age, which I'm not, the whole 'mate bond' thing wouldn't apply to me." For a moment, I thought I saw regret flicker in their eyes like they suddenly realized they had messed up big time. The way that their eyebrows furrowed looked cute, but I was too preoccupied to entertain the thought at the moment. "I-I'm sorry," the one with blond hair stammered, taking a step back while the others remained transfixed on me. "I didn't mean to... It just came out, and I got carried away." Oh, great, now he's embarrassed. I narrowed my eyes at the three of them. "Next time, think before you speak, buddy. Your 'mate claims' won't work on me, got it?" He nodded, looking flustered. "Yeah, I get it. I truly didn't mean to offend you." "Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than stand around here chatting with random strangers," I said, trying to regain my composure. Slamming the door shut after me, I turned away from the three boys. My heart climbed into my throat as I picked up my pace, eager to put some distance between us. "I'm Tristan, by the way," one of them yelled from behind. Then the other two followed suit, "I'm Caspian!" "Lucas." "And I am... not interested!" I snapped back without sparing them another glance as I continued to run. Phew! That was close. My cheeks felt hot from embarrassment and annoyance, and the urge to get out of the corridor made my legs move faster. I needed a moment to collect myself. Once I was standing on the staircase landing, I pressed my back against the cool stone wall. My heart thudded like a caged bird desperate for freedom, all thanks to that unsettling encounter with the young men. Closing my eyes, I forced myself to take slow, deep breaths. For a hot minute, I felt sorry for the Corridor Boys. They seemed nice and did not deserve my plucky attitude, but I had no other way to respond to their sudden claims. Shutting them down like that was necessary for my survival. Being the odd one out in society taught me not to show weakness, so I refused to let my guard down, especially here in a place filled with powerful creatures. Here, being vulnerable was like being bait in a shark-infested ocean. Not my scene. Against my will, memories of judgmental glances and snide remarks flashed behind my closed eyelids, reminding me of my outsider status. I may have been homeschooled all my life, but I have been to enough pack gatherings and coven meetings to know that I was the outcast. With a vigorous shake of my head, I pushed the ugly flashbacks away. Once I snapped back into the present, the sound of footsteps approaching alerted me that more students were coming. I didn’t want that. One unfortunate encounter was enough. So without another thought, I played the mantra, "Just get the food and go," in my head on repeat. I kept my head down as I rounded the corner, determined to keep my cool. No unnecessary attention, no drama. Just me, doing what I do best – navigating the chaos of this paranormal world like a damn pro. Pushing past the crowded hallway, I maneuvered my way through a sea of odorous boys and hormonal teenagers from various magical races. Their loud chatter and boisterous laughter irritated me to no end. Seriously, did they have to be so noisy? It was like walking through a jungle. Just when I thought that the torture of crowds would never end, I spotted a door with a sign that said ‘Pantry.’ An immeasurable sense of relief washed over my trembling self. It felt as though I found an oasis in the desert. I quickened my pace, eager to escape the mess of warm bodies packed closely together. As I reached for the pantry's doorknob, I could already imagine the solitude and tranquility that awaited me. ~ o 0 o ~ I was wrong about two things. First, it wasn't a pantry. It was a goddamned canteen, bustling with activity and noise. Second, there was no peace here as everywhere I turned my eyes to was absolute chaos. My eyes were bombarded by the overwhelming scene before me as soon as I opened the damned door. What in the holy guacamole? The canteen was a complete madhouse, packed with creatures of all sorts. Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fae, were all here, each group as rowdy and intense as the next. Their uniforms were all different, each color probably meaning something important, but I had no clue what was what. It was a total sensory overload, and I couldn't help feeling like an outsider once again. I should have stayed in my room, I thought, but the enticing aroma of food wafted through the air, tugging at my senses and reminding me of my hunger. Hesitation held me for a moment, but the growl of my stomach won over my desire to escape. Before anyone could take notice of my presence, I quickened my pace and deftly squeezed through the haunting crowd. The loud chatter grated on my nerves, but I tried to block it out as I made a beeline for the food counter. Trying to blend in as much as possible, I grabbed a tray and darted my eyes around, searching for anything remotely edible. A warm, buttery croissant called out to me, and without a second thought, I claimed it. My gaze then fell on a plate of fresh, succulent fruits, their juiciness practically beckoning me. So, I added it to my tray as fast as I could. Feeling like I had succeeded, I spun on my heel toward the exit with thoughts of eating alone in peace inside my dorm room driving me forward. "Hey, you in the purple skirt and the green tray!" a voice, deep and bellowing, cut through the air. Oh, sh!t. My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but glance down at my outfit. Purple skirt. Green tray. Yep, that’s me all right. "Yeah, you with red hair," the voice boomed again, confirming my fears. All of a sudden, the canteen's noise died down as all eyes turned to me. I felt like I was under a spotlight, exposed and vulnerable. The weight of the collective gaze bore down on my shoulders, making me feel smaller than ever. I was not used to being the center of attention, and I wanted nothing more than to escape. The encounter earlier with the Corridor Boys was easy. All I had to do was act tough and spew out a few lines, and voila! I was out of trouble. This was something else entirely. Crap, crap, crap! I was caught, and there was no escaping now. Not wanting to face the confrontation, I froze, trying to ignore the call and make my way to the exit as slowly as possible. My heart was prancing like a wild horse in my chest, and I hoped that if I kept my head down, the boy would just let me slip away. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" he called out again as footsteps approached from behind. Fvck. There was no way out of this now. Taking a deep breath, I turned towards the voice, my eyes meeting a pair of piercing blue orbs that seemed to look right through me. Werewolf. There was something about him, an aura of arrogance and dominance that screamed of his Alpha bloodline. "What do you want?" I mustered the courage to speak, my voice steady despite the fact that I was close to peeing my undies. He flashed a cocky grin, and his friends behind him chuckled. "Oh, nothing much. Just thought I'd talk to the girl with the fiery hair. You stand out around here, you know?" My grip on the tray tightened and I wished that he could not see how my fingers trembled like crazy. "Well, now you've talked to me. Can I go now? Please?" "Not so fast, cutie pie," he remarked, toying with a lock of my hair. "Actually, there is something you can do for me," he cooed. The smell of wet dogs became unbearable as he leaned in closer."I want you to get down on your knees and kiss my shoes. Show some respect to your Alpha, newbie." Seriously? The nerve of this guy. My eyes narrowed, and my blood boiled with anger. However, I knew that I was helpless. He was a werewolf, and I had nothing on me. I was nothing. “Please, I don’t want any trouble.” “Then do as I say!” His grin faded, and a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes as they changed color. "You don't want to test my patience, little redhead. I can make your life a living hell." The urge to tell him who my father was was overwhelming. Pretty sure my Dad could beat up his dad. But Alistair wasn’t here, and besides, I did not want to owe my disappointed daddy anything. “Please, just let me go.” The canteen felt like a pressure cooker ready to explode, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Every eye in the room seemed to be fixated on our little confrontation, and I wished for the floor to swallow me whole. Wolf Boy's buddies laughed from behind him as though they found everything amusing. "Come on, Lenard, leave the girl alone," one of them chimed in. "Shut up, Phil!" growled Wolfie. So, Lenard is this dog's name. Lenard didn't budge. He held his ground, staring me down with his huge now-yellow eyes. "So, what will it be, Little Red Riding Hood? My shoes can hardly wait for your luscious lips." That’s it. "Screw you." Lenard shrank back, his eyes going wide. “What did you just say to me, you punk?” He started hyperventilating, and I could see his body starting to transform. His muscles swelled, and his nails sharpened into claws. Oh, Goddess. What have I done? Panic surged through me like a tidal wave, and I braced myself for the worst. "You will pay for this, you brat!" Lenard growled as he raised his clawed hand. Today is the day you die, Stella Lockheed. I couldn't bear to look at him, so, I shut my eyes tight as I waited for his claws to strike. Seconds passed, but strangely, the attack never came. What? I cracked my eyes open, and there, right before me, was one of the Corridor Boys. The one with the golden hair. Tristan. Tristan caught Lenard's arm mid-swing. He faced the bully with a sense of authority I had never expected from a guy who couldn't control his tongue. With his golden hair gleaming under the LED lights, he almost looked otherworldly. "Knock it off, Lenard," he said, his voice deeper than I remembered it to be, as he dropped the big bully's hand. "Or it will be my shoes you are kissing."
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