Chapter 13

1044 Words
Zainn I gasp in horror as I saw the man's face peel slowly. Its creepy and scary to look at. I am aware that there is a war going on around me, but I can't take my eyes away to the man who was attacked by Chester. And as for Chester he's still attacking but its all futile. Because a transparent wall envelops him, making a shield around where he's standing and stoping all of their attacks. "Zainn come with me, its dangerous to be here." Trenton said as he pull me along with him. I'm still conflicted about him. I'm really hurt when he admit that he regret being with me. I thought he loves me unconditionally, so why? I even accepted my death just to give him a chance to have a new mate. But to my luck I live. Well, Nicholai help me to heal faster because Trenton apparently needs me. I pull my hand, making Trenton stop walking and face me with puzzled look. "Is there something wrong Zainn?" "Why Trenton? You don't like me as your mate right so why?" I ask him, as tears start to pool in my eyes. ", please sorry.. I didn't mean to say that.. I love you babe..." He said with pain filled voice. Its so stupid to think that we're talking about this in the middle of fights, but I do not care. I just want him to know how he hurt me. A lone tear scape from my eyes and flow in my cheek. It hurts! I don't know that falling in love can be this painful. I thought before that it only filled with happiness, but now why I'm crying? Why my heart clenched so much from this pain? "Do you really love me?" I ask with shaky voice trembling, and my heart start to thud painfully inside my chest. "Baby, why do you have to ask-" "No! Just tell me if you love me or not?! Please Trenton I might just a child, and a boy but I need to know.. Trenton it hurts you know, I don't know that it would hurt this much. When you tell me that you love me I believe you, but why? Why did you regret being with me? Please tell me??!" I whimper shamelessly as I drop to the ground shaking. I felt him crouch down in front of me as strong arms wrapped around me hugging me tightly. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I can't change whatever happened before and I know that its all my fault but please hear me out... I don't regret being with you. You are the best that ever happened to me and I'm not gonna change that." He start as he pull my chin towards him and look at me sincerely. "I just do not want you to feel obligated to be with me. To love me. I want you to be ready and love me on your own pace. Neither because of the bond or even because I'm your mate, I want you to choose to be with me. Yes maybe I do feel regret but not because your human, a boy or because your younger than me. Its because I feel that I'm ripping your life away from you so that you can just be with me." He exclaimed, as tears continue to fell from his eyes. My eyes widen, not believing that he felt like that. It never came to me that he has a lot of insecurities. I always see him as a strong and confident man, but now as he finished baring his true feelings to me I realize that he's still a human like me. "Its okay now, Trenton. I think I understand what you want to say. And I forgive you, but please don't hurt me anymore..." I giggle softly as I peck his nose. "Yes, Zainny baby.. No more, I do not want to see you cry anymore." "Eh, its all good now. How boring! Oh well, at least you know now that I'm back in town." A shrilly voice said from behind us. I yelp in fear when I saw the man from before turn to a woman with black hair and surprisingly a familiar face.... "Ms. Lisa??" I squeak. "Nope dear, I'm not Ms. Lisa anymore. I prefer my original name, which is Selena." She states darkly. "But, how--?" I stutter, then Trenton's grip tightened around me. "It means that the lady owning this body is already dead. And you know what, killing her is so boring. She didn't even scream when I scrap her heart out or even fight back when I stab her multiple times. But well, she has a virgin body, the right vessel that my soul needs and now tadaa! This body is mine now, pretty cool huh.." Fear clung to me as I realized what she said. All of the words that left her mouth cling to my mind and I suddenly felt scared, then sad and angry. Ms. Lisa is a nice woman and the most thoughtful person that I know and hearing her to mouth her like that makes my blood boil. "How can you do that?!" I yell loudly my voice full of hatred and anger. "She doesn't deserve to die like that! You don't deserve to have her body!!" "But I just did, and no one can get it back from me, and dear I would do it again over and over so that I can see your faces looking like that. Filled with so much agony." She taunt menacingly. "No one can scape my wrath! You will feel the same pain that I felt before! And if you think that it hurt now then think again mutts. I'm just starting!" She laughs evilly as she slowly disappear in front of us. And completely vanish into thin air. All of us were shaken within. No words can describe how we felt. The war might have stop right now, but its only the beginning of our fight. Trenton squeeze my hand reassuring me that's everything is going to be alright. I know he's right, I need to believe in him. I trust him. __________________________________________________________________________________
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