Chap.7*Love Or Lust?*

1131 Words
After we had climbed out of the window, it wasn’t that hard to leave the neighborhood since most of the zombies were inside the house, but I was so confused and hurt all this time after what happened back in Irene’s house. "Are you okay?" Hila sat down with me, offering me a bar of chocolate but when I declined, she began to unwrap it herself. We had found a shelter in a garage and decided to spend the night in and travel again when the daylight hits. It was bizarre how we were sleeping in our comfortable beds last night and now we were stuck in a garage. Our plan was to go for the G-safe zone by ourselves and get inside a helicopter when the help arrives. "This will lift up your energy," she gave me the unwrapped chocolate bar and stayed beside me. I couldn't forget the moment I lifted my face and found Kai's attention at Irene and her brother only. I understand that he wanted to make sure that they were fine but I was the one suffering visibly too. "Priorities changes," Hila murmured once she observed how silent I was. I hadn't been able to get back into the same energy I had from before after we escaped Irene's house. "It's not like that. Kai and I have been friends since we were kids, there is no way we would ever throw it all out for something so small." I disagreed with her. Although I was disappointed with Kai, somewhere inside my heart I knew he might have not noticed me. "I know; you guys were considered as soul mates back when everything was fine. But don't you think things changed after the arrival of Irene?" Hila kept her voice lowered from being heard by the others. It was a decent-sized garage with a few cars parked inside, one of them used by Rocky and Caz while the other had Irene and Leo. The third car was occupied by Kai, both Hila and I were sitting alone on the floor, resting our backs against the wall. "I don't know what do you mean by that, he is allowed to have more friends." I might have sounded a bit harsh with her but it was just her way of thinking that annoyed me. Of course, Kai can have as many friends as he wants, but I know I'll be the only one he keeps close by the end of the day. He would never give my place to anyone and that I was fully sure about. "He doesn't seem to take her as a friend only. I don't know if you can or not but I can see that his affection for her is more than just being friends." as Hila finished speaking, I swirled my neck to her and glared her in the eye. "It's not okay to spread rumors," I couldn't even proceed with anything else, "Plus, you should get some rest as we have a long journey to cover tomorrow," I replied, looking away from her again. She remained silent for another few minutes and then once she decided to get on her feet, she mumbled, "It's okay, nobody prioritizes me as well." Her words had left me in shock. She really thought Kai will prioritize Irene over me? She has no idea that Kai and I were not only friends but there was too much going on between us that we have kept hidden from everyone. Once I noticed that she had crawled in the empty car and fallen asleep, I jumped in the car with Kai, who suddenly woke up and then decided to close his eyes again. "I don't know what's going on, this is like a nightmare." He murmured under his breath, one could tell from his voice that he was heavily tired and just woken up from a nap. The car we were sleeping in was a jeep with black tinted windows. I sat with him in the backseat and watched his face. He had no idea about the limits I was willing to go for him. "It'll all be fine," I replied, not sure if that will ever happen or even if it does happen and we will be left alive to see that day. He closed his eyes again and then slid his head in my lap to rest. Staring at his beautiful face was the only thing I wanted to remember of this world now. I began to run my hand through his hair but he gently held my hand and ran it over his chest to his crotch. My body instantly shuddered at his demand but I knew what he wanted. Once he had left my hand on his bulge, he laid down in peace with his eyes still closed. I tenderly ran my hand over his d*** from over his school pants and found his muscles stiffening. As I unzipped his pants, my hand came in direct contact with his d***, I couldn't believe how hard he was already. "Do it with your mouth," before I could proceed with pleasing him with my hand, he mumbled in his mouth with his eyes closed. His wish was my command; I couldn't feel happier to hear him wanting to be touched by me. I instantly left his head on the seat and sat down on my knees. Putting my lips on his, I heard him grunt a bit. I kept taking it inside my mouth and hoping he would at least run his hand through my hair, but sadly he never did that. Every time we had a se**** encounter, he would either lie down and wait for me to help him finish or he would just finish inside me with con**** and not let me participate. I kept going on and his grunts changed into a mixture between moans and loud groans. I knew he was about to finish and I had to take it all in as he had previously told me that he doesn't like spitting it out. As he was done inside my mouth, I lifted my face and found his eyes still closed. With his eyelids shut, he zipped his pants and turned his face to the other side of the seat. "Take some rest, we have a huge day ahead." He mumbled under his breath and fell asleep the moment he shifted his side. I remained on my knees for a few minutes before getting up and adjusting to the front seat of the jeep. Why did he never let me participate when he was in action or vice versa? It was a little painful since I badly wanted our se**** encounters to be romantic.
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