Chap.10*Trying To Survive*

1189 Words
After Irene had detailed our experience with the zombies ever since the apocalypse hit, Ravyn knew who we were and what we were capable of. We have been sitting on the roof for the past fifteen minutes to gather some strength. “What about you? You asked us so many questions yet we only know your name.” I wasn’t the type to stay silent, my question made Irene roll her eyes. “Be nice, he helped us,” Irene muttered grumpily, once again interfering in my matters. She had been really a pain in the as* this whole time and sadly, nobody was calling her out but the instant I respond to her bullying, everybody would hush me down. “Well, I thanked him for that.” I tried not to raise my voice at her and at the same time, shut her up for a little, “so, mister Ravyn, apocalypse hit just a day ago and yet you look all prepared like you have been preparing for this day for ages.” I added when he didn’t respond to my previous comment, I was still holding the sword I had grabbed from his back. “Vivi!” Caz raised his voice at me, eyeing me to shut up. “I like how attentive and careful you are,” Ravyn suddenly spoke, complimenting me once again when others were scolding me to stay silent. “I was in a military when all this took place so obviously, I am prepared for the worst in advance.” He responded, taking a break and looking in the sky to maybe decide if he should explain more or leave it there, “it broke down first in our base camp, which was a few days ago.” His statement made us all share a glance and then watch his face again. “And we were not informed about it until it took such a horrific turn?” thankfully, Kai questioned, using his brain and not letting Irene take the wheel. “If only we have been informed earlier, all this could have been avoided.” I backed up Kai, they knew what was happening and kept it from us hence why we lost so many lives. “It’s not like we were on a picnic, we were trapped in a bunker after we tried to escape the outburst,” Ravyn didn’t lose his calm even when it did sound like he was offended. Ricky and Caz had sat down with Hila behind them, Leo was all around the roof, watching the zombies and getting excited. Irene, me, and Kai were standing with Ravyn, who was hardly looking at us and more focused on the surroundings. “How do we survive this?” I inquired once there was nothing much to talk about, “I heard about G-square,” I added and he nodded. “That’s the plan, my group is gathering people to take them to safety,” he confirmed that they were all headed towards the g-square. “Does that mean you will be saving us from the zombies?” Hila instantly staggered onto her feet and watched his face for an affirmation. “No!” he replied very bluntly, making us all frown at his attitude, “You have to learn to defend yourself,” he responded, making sense, “You!” he suddenly pointed towards me out of everyone and narrowed his eyes to prevent the sunlight from blocking my face, “How did you learn to fight?” I knew he was noticing me since he kept complimenting my ways. “M--,” Before I could finish, Kai intervened. “Her father taught her,” he finished and then he looked at my face after he gave it a second thought, “but you are not even afraid of these things,” Kai sounded weirded out by my reaction to the zombies. Yes! I admit I wasn’t as freaked out as them because I have faced the worst in the few hours before I met them in school. “I am just not that afraid of them.” I didn’t know what else to say to them, once I looked away from Kai, I saw Ravyn scanning my face. “We have to leave this place now.” Ravyn announced after we all have caught our breaths, “I will go down and clear as much of an area as I can, start this vehicle and then gesture you guys to join in.” he stretched his hand forward for me and it took me by surprise, we have just met and he wanted to hold hands with me? “My sword!” he must have noticed the confusion on my face because he instantly added to clear the air. “Oh!” I looked down from his face in embarrassment and handed him back his sword. We all stayed on the roof with our eyes fixated on him as he climbed down in between the bunch of zombies. It was a sight to see, he was so tall and huge built that he was towering over the zombies and being visible to us very clearly. He tightened his grip around the sword and swung it over his head to gather strength and then oscillated the word on the head of the zombies, slicing them like vegetables in one fell swoop. Hila covered her eyes and stepped away from the roof whilst Irene forced her little brother to step back. The boys were paying full attention to Ravyn and so was I, I wanted to learn more about his ways of fighting these things off. Ravyn stretched his hand back to hold the Zombie by his cheeks, seizing his attempts to digging his teeth into Ravyn’s skin while he sliced another zombie in from of him. He was very smoothly clearing the area with not much fear shown on his face. I was impressed by this man’s confidence and fighting skills. One by one, he finished off the zombies and then rushed towards the van to start the engine since no way he could wipe clean the entire road. The zombies from far away had begun to approach him as well. He got inside the car and before he was able to close the door, the zombies surrounded the car and halted his attempts of shutting the door. He kicked the zombie away from the door and with such hustle, we saw the keys of the van being slid among the zombies on the road. Ravyn had successfully shut the door but now what? The van keys were amongst the zombies. “Oh shi*!” Rickey cursed, fisting the air. “Now what?” Irene mumbled, panicking like that would help us. “One of us has to help him,” I suggested and when the silence followed my statement, I turned my face to find them all staring at me like I had said something extremely sinister.
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