Underground Garden

1514 Words

  Then at the end of the path of the secret passage, they realized that it led them to a secret garden under a cave. The place was so beautiful, as it was filled with flowers, trees, and it has a small pond that is deep enough for two people to take a dip. “This is my safe haven. In this place I can finally relax and be who I am.”The Queen said, and the girls’ eyes widened when they realized they are now in the garden where their great grandparents are set to meet.   “Woah! This place is awesome!”Lysandra exclaimed.   The whole place looks like it was out straight from a fantasy movie. No words can describe how beautiful the place was. “I found this cave when I was a child. When I was so curious of what’s outside the castle walls. I ventured out in the garden for the first time and st

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