The Talk and the Misunderstanding

2304 Words

“Моја драга.”Demetrio called. (My darling.) Zari glared at him. “Јеби се.”Zari hissed at the vampire Duke. (Fῦck you.) Demetrio then grabbed his chest, pretending to be hurt. “Why do you have to hurt me моја драга? All I want is love you.”Demetrio said, and Zari scowled. (my darling) “Упарени смо да бисмо били заједно.”Demetrio added. (We are paired to be together) Then she looked around, making sure that there is no other person around. And when she made sure that no one is around, in a blink of an eye she had Demetrio pinned on the wall as she had his neck in choke hold. “And I want is for you to leave me alone. Is that too hard to understand?”Zari hissed. “моја драга, you are my beloved. We are meant to be together.”Demetrio said. “Bullshit!”Zari hissed, and then she heaved

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