New Allies

2469 Words

  Zari answered, still tired of what just happened. But then her ears twitched and then she stood up and began growling. “Oh my god!”   They were all startled and turned around. Crane immediately shifted back to his human form when he saw Massimo and Alessa standing there, gaping at them. “Uh oh.”   The rest shifted back to their human form except Zari. Lysandra sniffed the air and narrowed her eyes on them. “Lycans.”Lysandra hissed, and then she turned towards the boys. “You were followed.”Lysandra sneered. “How would we know they would follow us? We were in a hurry.”Fiero hissed. “Who are you?”Shanaia asked stepping forward, but Crane stopped her.   Massimo growled. “I should ask that. Who are you? Why are you in the Alpha’s territory?”Massimo asked. “Actually, this is a neutr

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