Waking Up

3090 Words

“Forgive me your majesty, but I am here for someone.”Demetrio said, taking long strides towards the woman he was longing for. “Who?”the Queen asked. “My beloved.”Demetrio said, and then he grabbed Zari’s face and kissed her.     Zari’s eyes widen as the vampire Duke did the unimaginable. He kissed her. The sparks and tingles not just erupted; it exploded like the freaking fireworks. But as that series of fireworks explodes, something in her snapped. It’s like a series of chains snapped, breaking in two.  The Queen and the girls all gaped at what the Duke just did. And when Demetrio pulled away he looked into his beloved and smiled. “I guess you’re mine.”He said, but his beloved has a blank look on her face. Demetrio furrowed his eyebrows; he was about to speak when suddenly he was th

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