Campus Sagas

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However,something was disturbing me,I knew I am a screwer but no single time I would accept to screw a stranger without a protection. I am now in a foreign house with no safety kits. I was a bit disturbed that things would take the opposite turn and find me of guard. My mind was a bit taken away from the movie and I was brought to my senses by a tight grip from Kamene as she tried to hide her eyes with my loin. The horror in the movie had now become clear. This was something I knew would absolutely happen. I knew it and that's why I selected that movie. I acted gently and held her even tighter as I patted her like a small baby. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Oyugi. "Hello" "Hello Jery,where are you?" "Am still within ,we are watching a movie with some comrades" "You have....." Just before he finished what he wanted to say,the phone hunged up. I guess he ran out of airtime. I never bothered to call back. I then checked my messages and to my amazement,I had 17 unread SMS and 14 chats on whattsup. 15 SMS came from Njery,do not bother what they were all about. However,one SMS caught my attention,it read,"hi handsome. We are in your room with Oyugi and Damiano,kindly come,I miss you a lot." What! You mean they are already in our room! But I just ignored it. On whattsup,Njeris chat had 10 messages. I decided not to open any but just give her a greytick. That would give me an excuse that I never saw them. I then switched off the phone and we continued watching the movie. It was almost 9.30 pm and Kamenes roommates had not yet come back. I decided to give her a tickle just to brighten her and at least make her laugh. Kamene jumped up due to the tickle and ended up getting hit by the wall. She let out a soft wail. "Am sorry dear" I said as I reached to her head and give her some head massage. She cooled down and said nothing. I then continued with the massage that later turned to caressing. I gave her some soft caress on her scalp and I could see her close her eyes and at some time closing them tightly. "I will stop this only if you accept my sorry and if you don't I will go a bit down." "Are you sure?" "Of course I am,in fact not only sure but very serious as well." "I can't talk now,am in pain" she said smiling "In pain??" There was no reply but she just opened her eyes and smiled. This was an enough communication to me that she wanted more and more of it what I was doing. I therefore aligned myself well set for the task. Gathered momentum and embarked on the pain assimilation process. I turned my palm and begun using my finger nails to give her the best that could come from it. I ran my fingers all over her face as well as her hair. I could see her smile as her eyes remained closed. It was indeed an enjoyable moment to me. It was now a turn to concentrate on her ears,I touched her earlobes and she jumped a bit. I knew she must have felt something unique. My touches are ever unique and for me am able to turn any part of a woman's body to be an errogenous zone. Try me?. I then gave her a soft kiss on the earlobe ,licked it and nibbled it. I then lightly blew through her ears and softly whispered through her ears," its over" She opened her eyes very first took my right hand and guided it back to the ear. She wanted more and more of what I was doing. I had to continue and make it more interesting this time round.I then guided my fingers down the back of her neck and she pressed my hand with her head on her shoulders.I knew the touch made her entire body tingle. I continued to run my fingernails along the back of her neck. I then gave her a kiss on the side of her neck before continuing to caress her front part of the neck. I then continued to caress her front neck and began to move a bit southwards with my fingernails magic. On realising that,she laughed loudily as she held my hand. "Your touch is so powerful. So powerful indeed. I now accept your apology. If you go a bit down am sure you will kill me with your touch." I laughed loudly "Hehehee, I thought you weren't feeling anything because you were so quiet. So you were just enjoying as I struggled here to beg you accept my apology?" "Actually I have changed my mind,I have not accepted that apology. Do whatever you want but I won't accept it." I knew that she wanted more but she never wanted to seem so cheap. "What if I then decides to leave and leave you alone here,?" "Oh no,don't leave akh,naskia uoga" she said as she held my hand. Suddenly we had a knock at the door. I realigned myself and sat straight and continued to watch the movie as Kamene went to open the door. A huge man stood there. "I have heard a gentleman's voice here,its past 10 pm and here we have rules. Nobody is supposed to be on the opposite gender's hostels past 10pm and before 10 am. It is known as 10 to 10 rule. It is in the rules and regulations of the university. Young man,back to your room. " the gentleman said. We later came to understand that man was a janitor and in charge of the hostels at night. I took my phone and stood up to leave. My third leg was already doing some bumpeeze and pointed my way out. I just looked at Kamene and waved her goodnight. There was no time for a hug. I followed the stairs to the ground floor and took my way up the stairs to block B where male hostels were located. I heard somebody marching from behind,it was the janitor. Its like he was following me. I arrived at my room and knocked the door. Oyugi opened the door and to my surprise I found that Damiano and Njeri were still there. Brayo was already asleep on his bed which was above Oyugi's bed. Njeri jumped and gave me a hug and hanged on my neck for a while. I....... The night was quite long. The environment was extremely harrasing just the way the janitor seemed harassing. In fact it was like the weather and the janitor had made an agreement to torture me as much as possible that night. The janitor had forced me out of Kamene's room and also sent Njeri and Damiano out of our room. What's a torture! Torture in the university of my choice. Everything seemed to torture me at that particular instance. My little blanket had become so useless. My mind also became clogged with a million thoughts. At that instance I started thinking about my village girlfriend, Njoki. I tried to recall the last encounter with her and the way I left her in tears as I boarded a matatu headed for school. I left her much disturbed that I might forget her for other pretty ladies at the university. However,as a man who has a doctorate from the school of lie convincing her otherwise was a walk in the park. "My d**k belongs to one lady,the lady right in front of my eyes." I assured her as I looked direct into her eyes. On recalling this I bursted into laughter. I sensed some intellectuality in the assurance that I gave her. The assurance that my d**k belonged to the lady right in front of my eyes. A two statement in one statement. The statement can imply that my d**k only belonged to her alone but can also mean that it belonged to any lady who comes in front of my eyes only that I can only give it to one lady at a go. I think am slowly becoming the so called 'wahenga'. However,Njoki was a precious lady with a great figure that made all the men yearn to have a taste for her honeypot. She had some huge butts,well shaped that steamed me everytime we were together. She was the most beautiful lady in the village and again the most disciplined girl. Before we started dating an year ago I had made a deal with my conscience that if she accepted me I would never play her. However,I later changed my mind when I started noticing other pretty ass and developed some urge to have a taste of different models. I could not have dropped her down because she used to be my best crime partner and was always ready to give me that precious hole. In fact,I experimented most of the techniques I uses with her. I used to play her even before but I played safe and was never caught. I therefore decided to call her and inform her that I had arrived safely. "Hello sweetheart" "Hello hello darling. I am sorry I never informed that I arrived safely. The day has been quite busy and I just finished the registration process just some few minutes to seven. Imagine I even never took lunch. But am glad I can now have some rest. How has your day been?" "Wah! I think you must have been very tired darling. I called you severally but you never picked my call and I knew you were busy. My day has been fine. I hope you have now eaten something." "Yes,I have already taken my supper. I am now preparing my books because we will be starting our classes tomorrow. In fact we were told that our classes might even be going to as late as 9 pm and if I don't make the frequent calls kindly understand me." I had to use a lot of intellectuality because I knew that I wouldn't have time to be calling her every now and then. I would make good use of that time to be chasing other pretty ass. However,I never wanted to loose Njoki as well. I had to preserve that ass to make sure that dry spell was nowhere in my dictionary even when I go back to the village maybe during the holidays. I am one man who looks beyond my eyes. "OK darling,I trust you and I love you so much. I will bear with the situation because I trust that one day we shall live together happily with no more parting." She said. My conversation with Njoki before had been full of dirty talks but for now I wasn't in the mood. I don't know whether it was because I was tired or its because I had encountered other pretty ass during the day. I later wished her goodnight and hanged the phone. Njoki was just a mere form four leaver who had scored a D- and you guys might wonder why a campus material like me kept on pressing for her. Njoki was a more perfect lady leave alone the pretty ass that you see in your village. The most outstanding thing about her was her Excellency in the game. I couched her and since time immemorial she has been my best student ever. She was not much smart in her brain but her psychomotor was in another level. We explored all my body parts together under my couch and she was able to assist me exploit several errogenous zones of my body. Errogenous zones are those highly sensitive parts of a human body. They are the parts that when touched sends a high level of arousal to the brain and brings back a perfect feeling in a human body. That's a bit of urological knowledge. Njoki had within no time become so perfect in identifying these parts as well as perform her magic in them. In fact every time we had an encounter with her she had to make sure that at one instant I had to moan?. Men who says that they have never reached such a situation and cannot,I advise you to look for any of my students or bring your girlfriends for private couching -at a small fee?. In fact Njokis service will forever remain in my mind forever. One of my main slogans has been that human body is filled with sexually charged areas just waiting to be explored and its quite important to always take time to explore and learn which spot do well for you. The first week in the university is the most important week of any hyena like me. The number of ladies you say hi to over this week is directly proportional to the possible honeypots you are likely to lick. Everybody over this week is always very lonely and will always give attention to anyone who gives them attention. This is a secret that one of my cousin had given me when I was still in my form four. It was therefore the best moment to explore the truth of this matter. I woke up in the morning and found that both Brian and Oyugi had left the room. They had gone for their breakfast of course most probably in the school mess. I opened my blanket and the whole room was lit. The sun rays penetrated well through the broad window. I wore my sandals and went to the washroom at least to wash my face and later left the room. It was already 10 am. I did not call Kamene because I knew that by then she had already taken her breakfast. Again I also didn't want her to dominate me so much so as not to limit me secure as many beauties as possible within that week. I therefore went down the stairs and on my way to the main gate. Just as a lion I walked still my mission in mind-looking for any prey that I can devour. However, Jery being a confident gentleman,I couldn't approach a group of ladies,my confidence was below that. Just as a hyena I aimed at the lonely ones. All the pretty ladies I was coming across were walking in caravans and this lowered my chances. I walked up to the gate still walking alone. Just coming out of the gate I spotted two ladies just headed to the direction I was heading. One seemed too pretty and the other one was pretty by her own because she still had the image of God. Or maybe to put it well,she had inner beauty. What's a pretty ass! A chill ran across my stomach. The pretty ass had started to torture my brain. This is one weaknesses. A good pretty ass forever sets me on fire making my second man to take control. However,one thing was a limiting factor for me to get hold of this lady. They were two. Remember my confidence allows me to chase only for the lonely ones. But this was beyond, I had to fuel my level of confidence and up my game. I took a deep breath and increased my pace so as to catch up with the two ladies. I got to where they were but my ever failing under confidence where a group of this gender is terminated my deal. I wanted to say hi but a different thought hit me. 'After saying hi what I am gona say next!' I examined the situation and my conscience convinced me to give in. I took my phone and started scrolling as I went past the two beauties. However, my mind remained at a state of no peace. That's when I recalled a certain verse I once heard from our CRE teacher,'what my heart desires,my body does not want'. I can't recall the verse well but that's the main context of the verse. I think Paul had foreseen this kid of a situation when writing that verse. However,one pretty ass could not stress me while there were almost ten thousand others in the university. I therefore went to one of the vibandas some few metres from the main gate to take my breakfast. I sat next to a gentleman I found almost about to complete her breakfast. Within no time,the gentleman was done and left thus leaving an empty seat. This is the time I realised that truly God provides for His people. The book of psalms says,"look at the birds of the air,they do not plant neither do they till,God provides for them faithfully." A miracle happened in that kibanda. The pretty beauties I passed at the road stood right next to my eyes each holding a cup of tea and some mandazi. All seats are occupied apart from one- the seat next to me. They looks at each other. I lift my head,a lady seated at the far end corner stands and leaves. My eyes meet with the eyes of the pretty most lady. Wah!she looks discomforted," hi, there is an empty seat here,one can sit here."I said. The lady smiled and then placed her breakfast on the table,pulled the seat a bit and then sat down. The other one went to sit at the far end corner. A perfect golden opportunity is finally here. Isn't that a miracle? I used to say I like following pretty ladies but I later realised that its pretty ladies who likes following me. A clear proof. There was some silence in our table and thus I decided to break the silence." This kibanda has got some quite quality tea. Its incomparable with the schools cafeteria." I steered a conversation with her. "Really"she exclaimed. "Yes indeed". The train had now gained momentum and at that's instant I knew that getting her number was a must. "I cannot ascertain that because personally I have not tasted any food in the student mess. I went there yesterday and found quite a long queue and I have not gone back there since then." "I was there yesterday and indeed the queue was quite long. That's why I never went back there again. But anyway let's leave that aside, I am Jery. Would you mind telling me your name?." No I won't mind, I am Charity Wafula but I like it when they call me charry." "Ooh,Charry, quite a unique name. I think Charry and Jery are two rhyming words and that to me I suggest that our company too would be a rhyming one." "Hehehee,I had not noted that." "What?that our company can rhyme or what?" "Not really,the fact that our names are rhyming." "Ooh,my brain must be very sharp then if I noted that before you,hehee," I said jokingly. We went on with the conversation as we took our breakfast until Charry's friend came. We sipped the little tea left on our cup and went out. We had already paid for the breakfast. I was very eager to give them company back to the university. However,immediately after we came out of the kibanda,Charry told me that they wanted to look for a salon to get their hair made. I couldn't have given them company to go to the salon due to my own reasons. We were still strangers to each other and such an act would have required some extra time to have built a good rapport. I quickly requested for her number and instead of her giving me her number she requested that I save my number on her phone. Wow,what's a unique lady! A unique lady with unique approach. I saved my number as Jery? with a love emoji just as Njeri had done on my phone the previous day. I later reciprocated the same uniqueness and gave her my phone to save her number. We later waved each other goodbye and headed for opposite directions. I smiled at myself. I knew that was another cream I had already secured. Still getting closer and closer to my mission. I went straight to the university but I decided to pass through the pavilion street. This was a WiFi points which had the strongest WiFi connectivity as we came to learn later. My phone had ran out of data and since WiFi was free I decided to have a bit of the same. Several whattsup messages began flowing-some important and others of no use to me. Oyugi had sent me a group link to fresha's group and I quickly clicked in and there I was. The group was extra active and within no time thousands of conversations were flowing in here. The conversation were all about introduction and knowing each other as the hungry hyenas were busy spotting their prey and sliding to their inbox. Others were sending their photos accompanied by a brief introduction of who they are. Pavilion street had a lot of students all busy with their phones and laptops. I guess there were busy downloading movies to keep them busy over the night. Others were busy watching their favourite comedies. On guy next to where I was standing was busy watching "vitimbi". A great throwback indeed. For those who were born in the era of slay queens cannot understand what vitimbi was. It was our favourite programme during the eras when TVs were black and white. These are the eras when we used to go and watch TVs at the windows of our neighbours secretly. Away from that. Back to my mission. On my left I stopped a lady standing. She was not the kind of akina Kamene and Charry. She was a bit slim. Her figure didn't bother me so much but I was glad that she was alone and in an approachable location. I returned my phone back to my pocket started walking towards her. "Hello" I greeted her as a way of starting a conversation with her. "Hello to you." She responded in quite an absurd manner with Kikuyu accent. "I am Jery,would you mind if I give you some company." "You just say what you want and leave me!" She responded in quite an arrogant manner. "Am sorry,I didn't mean to offend you madam." "I want none of your nonsense" she said in quite a high to in her Kikuyu accent and almost shrubbed when saying the word nonsense. She must have been from Nyeri and she made me fear Nyeri women for the entire of my campus life. Everybody in the street lifted their heads to have a grasp of what was going on. What's a shame! I made my way silently and headed towards basket ball playground all the way to the hostels. That was a big shame to me. At sometimes I tried to think of what might be the problem with these semi pretty ladies. Ever creating dramas yet the most pretty ladies are ever friendly and much understanding. That's a big irony. I would one day like to be a TV presenter and conduct an interview with theses kind of ladies and know what really their problem is. I went straight to my room. On arriving there I found Oyugi with quite a pretty lady. Brayo was not there and Oyugi and the lady were busy watching some movie from Oyugi's phone. I had to send myself away commonly known as going for exile. Comrades will well understand what this means. I had to look for a place to spend some few hours and come back after Oyugi and his new catch were out. As I closed the door,a thought came into my mind,Kamene. I couldn't go to look for Njeri because so doing would to some extent make Damiano come looking for Oyugi. I took my phone and called Kamene. She told me that she was still in her room. I therefore headed towards Kamene's room and true she was there all alone. "Hello honey,I missed you a lot. I hope that that son of a magot will not send me away again." "Hello to u dear. He cannot come here during the daytime." She replied. We embraced each other on a tight hug as one of my hands reached for her ass. She had quite some soft ass and by the touch I could tell that she had no pantie. "I missed this warmth so much," I said smiling as I took hold of her hands. "I also missed your touch so much akh. I almost came looking for you in your room." "You don't have to worry any more darling. Jery is right in front of your eyes now. Today I have to make sure that I touch your..." I said jokingly. She smiled and opened her wandrobe to remove some chocolate. I lead my way to her bed and sat down. I spread my hands backward and I happened to touch something that evoked my curiosity to know what it was. Wah!it was her pantie. Why did she had to remove her pantie and place it on her bed. "I want to assume that I have seen nothing." "Seen nothing? What do you mean?" "I mean I have seen nothing pink. Hehee." I said as I lifted the pantie for her to see.

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