
1116 Words
Jaessa POV “There was once a shewolf who resided in the packhouse, she was the direct assistant to Alpha Tyler, and a dear friend to your dad, J.T.” Jaden begins, “Unbeknownst to everyone, she was also a very powerful witch, with many powers.” My breath catches in my chest, as his words register. If my mother was a witch then, wouldn’t that make me one too? I will myself to stay silent and listen, “She also happened to be secretly, and desperately in love with the Alpha. She conspired with a trafficker of the supernatural to have Eva kidnapped, however that never actually came to pass thanks to the help from our friends and allies of the Black Hills pack. She did, however manage to abduct one of the Black Hills members, as well as myself.” My dad explains. “Why did she abduct you?” I can’t help but ask. “Her price for the trafficker’s help was to breed with a Jade wolf, and supply the trafficker with a very rare pup.” Jaden replies, as his words hit me.   “My biological mother... raped my father?” I slowly ask, as both of my fathers nod to me.   “She had given me a potion that she thought would cause amnesia so I would not be able to recall her schemes, but thankfully the gift of a Jade wolf is protection against not only physical attacks, but magical ones as well.” He tells me, “While she got the drop on me at the time of my abduction, I was fully capable of warding off the effects of the potion.  After I was rescued, I was able to inform the Alpha of her plans to seduce him and pass you off as his child.” Jaden pauses for me to fully take in his words.  “But if she were going to give me away, why would she want the Alpha to think I was his?” I ask, not fully understanding her plan. “She thought that the Alpha would leave his mate for her, if he believed she was pregnant with his heir. She had planned to stage you being kidnapped shortly after birth, so that the Alpha would not suspect her involvement with the trafficker.” My father, Jaden, continues to detail the twisted thoughts of my biological mother.  “Why do I look nothing like her, or really even you?” I ask, the one question I’ve always pondered. “We believe she cast a spell upon you to make you appear like you could belong to Alpha Tyler, by providing you with an appearance she would expect out of the mix of their combined DNA.” My dad tells me.   “So what happened to her?” I ask, suddenly very invested in the whereabouts of my mother, for the first time in my life. Jaden only stares at me, while J.T. finally speaks, “You see, your mother was arrested and would be sentenced to execution, so on the day you were born, in wolf form, your father was able to confirm that you were in fact a Jade wolf pup. Your mother used her gift of teleportation, likely strengthened by your own gifts. She took you and she escaped to a rival pack.” J.T. explains. “We went to war with the rival pack, and all who fought against us were destroyed, and those who surrendered were absorbed by the Black Hills. The Cold Moon pack exists no more.” Jaden adds. “So wait... before I really zero in on what I think you’re telling me, doesn’t a Jade wolf have the ability to transform into its wolf at will from birth? I can’t do that, so how can I be a Jade wolf?” This just simply doesn’t make sense to me, as I ask the question out loud. “Your mother’s witch DNA is strong within you, but her witch traits were tied to her wolf. You are in fact a Jade wolf, but not of pure blood, so while you were born as a pup, you have never transformed again, much to our relief, I must add, because we were afraid your witch powers would arise as well.” J.T. explains. “Why would you be afraid of the witch in me? Does it make me bad?” I ask, feeling very self-conscious for the first time when it came to my fathers’ love and acceptance. “Oh Goddess, no, you are definitely not bad. We just don’t know anything about how to raise a witch and felt very unprepared.” J.T. says smiling softly to me, making me feel better about myself for a moment.  “But how am I going to learn how to control that aspect of me now, that I’m going to be of age in a few hours?” I ask, really concerned about my future. “My cousins, the Natives of the Black Hills have sworn to help you, for while they are not technically witches, they contain the gift of magic within them, and should be able to help you master all that of which you are capable.” Jaden answers me.  Well, that does make sense. Sarah and Jenni are extraordinarily powerful, and with their own wolves, they should be able to help me achieve control in both human and wolf form. Now to return to the lingering question weighing heavily on my heart.   I take a deep breath in before I ask, “My mother, did she die?”   J.T. gives me a sad expression while Jaden’s poker face remains, after what feels like eternity he finally answers, “Yes, she was destroyed at the hands of Alpha Tyler.”  My heart is pounding so hard, I hear each thud in my ears. My mother betrayed her entire pack, our pack, because of her obsessive love for the Alpha, and then he personally took her life. Her last breath was stolen from her body by the man she loved. Goddess, I can never let that be me. I swear on my very soul that I will never let myself love another to the point I lose my own self-control.   “I need... air.” I stammer, as my fathers give me sympathetic looks.   “We understand, sweetheart. Just know we love you and are here for you whenever you’re ready to let us in.” J.T. pleads, and I nod as I cannot find my voice to speak, as I stand and walk out of the front door, not really sure where I’m headed to.
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