Chapter 4

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Brooklynne's POV: It has to of been hours since the guy has been in here because now I really, like seriously have to pee! You would think you wouldn't have to pee so much if you haven't had anything to eat or drink but I really really do! "Hey!" I shout to anyone who might hear me. "I have to go to the bathroom!" I yell again. "Hey!" I just keep shouting over and over and over until I hear the door unlock and open. I try to turn behind me to see who it was but couldn't. I guess I can't get lucky and see who this boss is so I at least have an idea of what kind of ogre I am probably going to be spending the rest of my life with. I doubt I would get lucky and this man is my prince charming. Who even gets those anymore anyway? "Oh, it's you," I grumbled when I saw that same man walk over to me. "Don't sound too excited to see me." He replied which a chuckle. At least he gives semi-decent conversation. He's not completely boring me to death. He started untying my feet and then my wrists. He grabbed one of my arms and pulled me up from the chair. Every joint in my body was cracking and popping. "Owww" I hollered when I went to stand up and the muscle in my back pulled and hurt. "You act like you are 80 years old." He laughs and pulls me with him. "Well, you would be too if you had to sit in that chair for hours on end as I have." He ignored my comment and just pulled me through the door and towards the bathroom. Just like every other time he has brought me in here he walks in with me. The only privacy I get is by closing the door to the stall. Not like there are any windows in here anyway. Can't escape if there are no windows to crawl out of. I hike up my shirt and sit down. It takes me a little while before I can go. Not exactly the most comfortable when some strange man is standing right outside the stall door. I finally get myself to go and make sure my skirt is pulled down and walk out of the stall and wash my hands. Before my hands are even fully dry he grabs my arm and starts pulling me back to my cell. His phone starts ringing as we walk into the room. He stops in the center of the room and picks up his phone. The voice isn't loud enough on the other end for me to make out what they are saying but I can tell by the low pitch that it was a man talking on the other side. "Okay......Will do." That was all he said and he hung up the phone. "Well, it looks like today is your lucky day!" He says to me as he walks me back over to the chair. "How do you figure?" I ask. "Because just like you said, your father really doesn't give a s**t about you. He told us to do whatever we wanted with you because he wasn't coming." "So, how does that make it my lucky day?" I asked raising an eyebrow up at him. "Because I've decided not to kill you. Take you up on that offer and take you back with us!" He smiled down at me. "What! No! I didn't mean it!" I shouted and tried to pull away from his grasp. "Too late now!" He shouted and waved at the door behind us. Two more large men walked through the door. I started to scream at him to let me go but they got to me anyway. One grabs me under my arms and the other one takes my legs. I wiggle and squirm trying to get my arms and legs free but they are just too strong. They carry me through the door and down the hall. "Put me down!" I yell at them as we approach what looks like an exterior door. "I would hush if I was you or we will have to knock you out again." The man holding my arms snickered. "Okay, Okay. I will stop, but can you please put my feet down?" I asked and they stopped walking. "I promise I won't run. I just want to walk myself. You can hold my arms behind my back if you need to." I'm thinking I am no longer going to get out of whatever this is that I managed to somehow get myself into so I might as well make the best of it. It's not like I'm leaving anything behind. The only person who might worry about me would be Shelly but maybe I will still be able to call her and talk to her. There isn't anyone else here that I would care to ever see again. Maybe I can start my life over in this new place. Where ever I'm going, has to be better than where I am at now, right? The men set my feet down and I adjusted my skirt, making sure it was as far down as I could pull it. One of them grabbed both my arms and pulled them behind my back and started to walk me towards the door. Once we were outside I had to almost shut my eyes from the light being so bright. Being in that dark room for so long it was hard to see. As my sight started to adjust to the amount of sunlight, I could see that we were walking towards a row of black cars with tinted windows. I looked around and behind myself and could see there were several men here with me. I felt like I was someone important getting escorted by bodyguards there were so many of them. I was taken to one of the cars in the middle and the same guy that has been with me the entire time got in first and then the man holding me sort of pushed me in. He wasn't very pleasant. I scooted over a little and got myself situated before he could shut the door on me. "So, um, where are we going?" I asked him. Figure if I'm going to be living somewhere else I probably should at least know where that somewhere is at. "You'll see." Really? That's the kind of answer I'm going to get? I just sat back in my chair and folded my arms over my chest, taking a deep breath and letting it out. Yes, I know, real grown-up Brooke. Hey, I'm only 17, I'm allowed to pout once in a while. I can see how interesting this drive is going to be. Maybe we aren't going very far away. That would be kind of a disappointment if I'm only going an hour or two away from where I already live. That's not really starting over, is it? The drive took about 45 minutes and it was a silent trip the entire way there. The guy beside me was on his phone the entire time. Talking to whom, I have no idea. I doubt his ex-wife considering she just up and left him one day and hasn't been back. I looked up to see that we were getting off on an exit that took us to an airport. What? Flying? I looked over to the guy beside me and he didn't seem to care where we just pulled into. The cars pulled around into a private airway and parked. "Stay here." He said to me in a low tone. I of course listened. I was a little intrigued by where we were going. Made me feel rebellious and I've never done anything like that in my life. He got out of the car and walked around and said something to some of the men before walking over to my side of the car. He opened the door and motioned for me to get out. I slowly stepped out and stood beside him looking out in front of me at the large jet that was getting pulled around in front of us. "Are we riding in that?" I asked with my jaw dropped in awe. "Yes, sweetheart." He said to me. After several minutes of standing there waiting for the plane to come to a stop, we finally started to walk towards it. The stairs had already been placed and the flight attendant was standing in the doorway of the plane. Something about this entire thing had me feeling giddy. I actually started to think maybe, I had made the right decision. Of course, it could have ended entirely differently than what it did. On TV they never show the prisoner getting out alive when it goes bad. I really did feel that my death was on the horizon so anything, even this, was better than that outcome. When we approached the steps he raised his arm towards the stairs, signaling for me to head up there. Even though my family was full of money, I still had never been on a plane before and I was getting a little nervous. I grabbed the railing and started to go up the long set of stairs to the top where I entered the plane. My eyes were open wide when I saw what it was like inside. It looked nothing like a plane you would ride to travel somewhere. It was very cozy inside with nice chairs and tables bolted down to the floor. I walked in and it made me feel like a princess. Like I owned this plane even though I know that I do not. How am I ever going to explain to Shelly how all this transpired? Is she even going to believe me! I went over quickly and plopped down on the first comfy seat that I saw. I felt happy for once in my life. I haven't felt happy like this since my mother's death. I was thrilled to be leaving my old life behind me and traveling to this mysterious place where this mysterious man lives. Who knows! Maybe he's really old and has a load of money that he needs to pass it on to someone and I can be that someone! "Feeling happy I see." The man sat down beside me. "Yea, actually I am," I told him. "Well, I'm glad to see a smile finally on your lips." He smiled down at me. "You know, I don't know your name. Don't you think I should know what to call you?" I sat up and asked him. "Harrison Kingston ma'am. I'm the boss's, right-hand man. So anything he wants to be done he comes to me first." He explained to me. "Well you can call me.;..." He stopped me before I could finish. "Trust me, sweetheart. I already know your name." He responds. "Oh, well you can just call me Brooke then for short," I told him. He gave me a smile and within a few minutes after we were all loaded the flight attendant had us putting our seat belts on. "Ah, Harrison, I think I should tell you," I said as the plane started down the runway, picking up speed. "That I've never flown before!" I squealed as the plane tilted up and lifted off the ground. My hands were clenched tight on the armrests and my eyes were squeezed shut. I bit down on my jaw trying to hold in my worry as we ascended into the sky. "Okay, ma'am. We are in the air, you can let go of my arm now." He said and I turned to look at what I was doing. I thought my hand was on the armrest but in reality, I was squeezing so tight onto his arm that my nails actually dug into his arm and made him bleed a little. "Oh! I'm sorry." I said and pulled my hand away from him. "So where is it that we are going?" I asked him again since he hasn't told me and we are obviously going a pretty good distance away from my old home. "Great Britain." He responded. "What?" I turned and looked at him in shock. "That would be where we are from ma'am. So sit back and relax. It's a long flight." He told me. I leaned back in my chair in awe. I can't believe that I am actually leaving the states and going to a completely different country! Could this be getting any better than that? My entire life I have worked so hard in my studies in hopes to get a good job with enough money to leave where I was at and start over. I have wanted out of that place for years. Even though I still have one more year of school left, I am officially an adult in a month so it's not like anyone can tell me that I can't leave. I have every right to leave home if I so choose to. Now, once I get there I just need to take the summer and figure out how I'm going to finish school and how I can get money to go to college. Of course, I'm going to have to figure out how to make myself legal in another country so I can stay but I'm sure I can figure that out once I'm there. I almost couldn't wait for my new life to start. I was more excited about my new life and what I was going to do with it than I was about who I was on my way to meet. Am I even going to meet him or will he just be there but in the shadows lurking like the creep I already know that he is. Maybe I won't even be staying with him, maybe I will be staying with this Harrison guy. He seems nice enough for the most part. I don't really know him but he does come across as someone who wouldn't hurt me on purpose. He only did it because he was ordered to. "Thank you," I said to Harrison who looked up at me in shock. "Don't thank me yet." He responds. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him in concern. "You have no idea what it is you just got yourself into." He said to me, throwing away all my hopes and dreams that I was just having in my head a few moments ago. I sat back in my seat and opened the window beside me so I could look out onto the ground below. The ground below that was now nothing but ocean water. Not much of a sight there. I shut the window and leaned back and closed my eyes. Now he has me wondering if I did make the right decision. Maybe instead of dying back there, I'm just going to die in a different country where no one would ever think to look for me at. No one, other than my dead father knows who I am with and there's no way he would ever look for me. Oh, mother, if you can hear me. What did I just do to my life?
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