3: She knows what she wants

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 December 18 2017  *Zac*  I walk into the gym, feeling energized and… well happy… and believe me, feeling truly happy is a rather new thing for me.  That pamphlet Amora gave me almost half a year ago was the last push I needed to go heal myself… to truly start loving myself, and ever since my life has just… Been on the way up.. everything finally seems to fall into place for me.  Once again I am thinking that I should go back to the apothecary and thank Amora for seeing me that day… really seeing me and ... Well basically save my life. She deserves thanks.  As I walk into the room I stop in my tracks, seriously what are the chances ? There on the step machine is Amora. I have no doubt it’s her. I might only have met her once, but I never forgot her face.  She looks up, her eyes catching mine and a smile spreads on her face, making me lift my hand in a small wave… okay so she seems to remember me too.  “Hi Zac”. She jumps off the maschine and comes over to give me a big hug like we are old friends. I return it happily. “Congrats on the big part, I love young Odin…and look at you, you look amazing”.  “Uhm thanks”. I have to admit I am slightly overwhelmed, but in a good way. “Actually..I kinda wanted to come see you at the pharmacy... to talk to you..”.  She is smiling at me. “Sure ! You know what.. we should get the training done and meet in the bar for a juice or something after… sounds good ?”  “Okay… sure… I’ll be done in about an hour”. She sure is something else, but hey there is nothing wrong with sitting down for a talk and a glass of juice, she seems like a nice girl.  “Perfect… it’s a date then”. She wink at me and walk off and I stand there feeling kinda bowled over.  I go start my routine, wondering how my work out turned into a chance meeting and a thank you to a date… I am also painfully aware that I should probably have said no… I have a feeling she is way too young for me to be on a date with. But it’s not a real date, right ?  During my workout I keep thinking that the sensible thing is definitely going there, having a glass of juice, thanking her... and making sure she understands that...Well,  it’s just a bad idea, also I leave for Canada in a minute and will be busy with work, so no…not a good idea.  But then I start questioning myself; did I misread her ? Was she actually flirting ? Maybe she has no such interest in me, I mean why would she ? I am too old for her. No it would be embarrassing to assume wrong.  But when I am done with my workout and walk into the small juice bar, she has clearly showered and she looks quite stunning and adorably quirky in a pastel blue knitted sweater with a V neck and bare midriff and an orange cat on it.. paired with blank yoga pants, white sneakers with cats on them and an orange beanie with kitten ears and a nose.  “Hi again Amora”. I walk over. “Or should I say meow ?”  She lifts her hand like a kitten claw. “Meow to you Zac.. good workout ?”  “Yeah, and sorry for… not showering, I always shower at home”. I feel a bit bad about it now, seeing that she showered. “So you like cats ?”  “No, I used to be one”. She looks up at me. “In a former life… or actually nine former lives”.  I might look a bit confused. “Uhm… oh, okay”.  “What’s the matter ? Cat got your tongue sweetie”. She c***s her head and looks at me.  *Amora*  I break down in giggles. “Oh god… your face, it’s priceless…sorry Zac it was too easy”.  “So you are not some ... crazy ‘I used to be a cat’ lady ?” He sinks down into his chair with a relieved sigh.  I shake my head. “Nope, I was never a cat”.  “Good… course I am kinda super allergic”. He says.  “Very happy I am not a cat then”. I wink at him seeing his cheeks blush slightly.  He orders a green tea and I do the same, when the waiter is gone he looks at me. “I wanted to thank you... for truly seeing me and giving me the friendly push to go do something for me”.  “It’s so great you actually went there... I heard a lot of good things about it and you seem a lot better”. I am so happy I did it.   He grabs my hand over the table. “You might very possibly have saved my life... so thank you, how can I ever repay you ?”  “You could take me on a real date”. I look at him, arching one eyebrow. This is my chance.  “You always just…say things, don't you ?” He looks like he isn’t completely sure how to feel.  I shrug. “My daddy told me it’s the best approach to life… say the truth…don’t play games…but never be hurtful or cruel”.  “Good advice, you dad sounds like a smart man. I would probably get along with him… also we might be about the same age”. He gives me this kinda side look, like he is trying to prove something.  I giggle. “Yeah I see what you are doing Zac, and you are not that old... my parents had me kinda late, so my dad is 50 and no you can’t scare me off by pulling the age card”.  “I know you are not supposed to ask but ... how old are you ?” He leans slightly back, looking at me.   “Old enough”. I sigh when he gives me an almost fatherly look. “I’ll be 22 on Christmas eve... so old enough to know what I want”.  He lets out a breath. “Amora sweetie, I am...15 years older than you and 22 is very young … too young for…”.  “I am very mature for my age and... well I don’t care”. My stomach kinda hurts right now and I fight to control my emotions... stomping my foot and throwing a tantrum is not the right thing to do.  “But I care sweetie... I am not one of those men who goes for much younger girls..”. He is fiddling with his hands.  This time I do stomp my foot. “Hey... not a girl here, I am a woman and you are not going for anyone here... I am the one going for you”.  “Again with the flat out honesty, but...”. He looks torn.  “Before you say no… do you like my company ?” I look at him.  He nods slowly. “Yeah I do... but..”..  “No buts…”. I hold up my hand. “You like my company and you want to… repay me. I want a date… no one says it has to lead to anything else… come on Zac”.  “The thing is.. I am leaving for LA tomorrow for Christmas and then for Canada to shoot the movie... I won’t be back in Texas before… sometimes around april”.  I shrug. “So tonight then ?”  “You are not gonna accept a no are you ?” He looks at me as I shake my head. “Dammit women... okay then... I’ll take you out tonight, but... as friends, not a  romantic date, okay ?”  “Okay, it’s a date... another date”. I grin and wink at him.. I am not about to give up.            
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