Chapter 1

2001 Words
When I got home I walked straight to my bedroom to do my homework before I had to get ready, tonight was the bonfire party and barbeque to welcome the Red Moon Pack. The purpose behind it was to create a peace treaty with the pack. Our pack and theirs have been at each other's throats fighting for centuries, our Alphas had finally decided that they were tired of the continuous fighting and didn't want to see their wolves injured anymore. Because of how long we have been fighting the reason for our war on each other has been long forgotten, it has only continued due to adults raising their children to hate and spread rumors about the other pack. Thus creating and fueling the feud that has been between our packs.  After an hour, my homework was finally finished. I got up from my desk and walked into my bathroom. It was time to get ready for the bonfire. I hopped into the shower and quickly cleaned myself up before getting out to get dressed. I didn't have anyone to impress nor did anyone care how I looked so I just dressed as I normally did when I went to school. I blow-dried my hair and applied eyeliner and some lip-gloss wanting to keep things simple. In my robe and ready to get dressed I walked to my dresser to grab my clothes. When I was done getting dressed I looked at myself in the mirror that was attached to the back of my door. I had a fallout boy t-shirt on,  a zip-up black sweater, jeans, and black and white converse. I sighed and smiled at myself before letting it fall, this was as good as it was going to get. I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to go grab something to snack on before leaving for the bonfire. Walking into the kitchen I see my mom sitting at the island on one of the kitchen stools. She was staring out of the window above the sink with a steaming mug in her hands, she must be drinking tea. She does that when she's trying to solve a problem, she says it helps her calm her nerves. I loved my mom, she supports me no matter what I want to do. If I want to quit soccer to try marching band she is 100% behind me on my decision with no hesitation. She was the beta's mate and with that title came the responsibility of trying to help him solve issues within the pack and to help the Luna the Alpha's mate with anything she needed as well.  My mother was smart and beautiful, she was the whole package. She was 5'4 and had healthy long auburn hair. She had natural waves in her hair that weren't curls but it wasn't straight either. Her eyes were grass green and I had the fortune to at least inherit those from her. " Hey, mom what are you thinking so hard about?" She turned to look at me and smiled, " Hey honey. Rogues trespassed on pack territory again. This is the 2nd time this month and we haven't figured out how they are getting through." I nodded my head, they were always the problem nothing new. Rogues are wolves that have no pack. Some are wolves that left their pack due to finding better jobs, wanting to move and live elsewhere, or had an issue with their previous pack. Usually, they come to our Alpha within a couple of days of moving and get permission to stay on our territory to request to become pack. Not all are like that though, there are some who were kicked out of their packs due to something they had done. Some had lost themselves to their wolves and their human side was gone leaving just the wolf. This could be dangerous because they would attack anything that moves and usually are put down right away. Another reason would be they had committed a crime and the Alpha saw it fit to cast them out.  "How bad was it this time?" I asked. I walked over to the fridge and looked for something light to snack on, there would be food at the bonfire so I didn't want to make myself full before going. I had grabbed a cucumber and started looking for the cutting board and knife when my mom responded, " There were four rogues that got through. It was the Northside of the territory by old man Jenkins place. They didn't get a chance to hurt anyone thank god. We put more patrols on the border for now but we need to come up with a more permanent solution." I nodded my head. Rogues have become more of a problem recently. " Well, it's not like we could build a wall to keep them out." My mom laughs and shakes her head. " Your father and the Alpha are trying to come up with solutions as we speak, ones that don't include walls."  At that moment my father walked into the kitchen. He was 6'3 and if you thought that was tall somehow the Alpha was a couple of inches taller than my dad. He had short brown hair that he kept neat, his skin was tan and his eyes were chocolate brown. I was cutting my cucumber when he walked around the island and went to try to steal one when I smacked his hand. " Those are mine." He just chuckled as a response. He walked up to my mom and kissed her cheek. " What are you two up to?" My mom smiled at him, " Oh nothing, just gossiping about how you and the Alpha are playing war." He playfully growled at her and she just rolled her eyes. I smiled, the only time that I wasn't shy or concerned about everyone else was when I was home with my family. They let me be myself without judgment. They were the greatest parents anyone could ask for, they weren't strict but they made sure we follow the rules they did set into place. I had finished cutting my cucumbers and was eating them, I listened to my parents' conversation about the rogues and learned that they still didn't have a solution. When I was finished I put the knife and cutting board in the sick and said goodbye to my parents. They weren't going to the bonfire since they were going to be meeting with the Red Moon Alpha to discuss the treaty. I walked out of our house and started heading to our packhouse. The packhouse was a place that the pack could meet without having to worry about having enough room for everyone. It was also a place that families that just moved here and were trying to get back to their feet could stay and not worry about being homeless. It was also a place that teenagers who choose to move out of their parent's house could live, yet still, be in the pack's territory and safe. Single wolves could also choose to live there if they didn't want to live in a whole house to themselves which frees up housing for wolves who do have families. It was also the place that wolves could go to hang out and visit with the pack. The Alpha and his family live in the packhouse it is where the packs' high-ranking members have their meetings. It's the command center for the whole pack basically. Currently, our pack was 154 members strong, last year we had almost 200. We had lost pack members due to various dangers. Some were due to old age and those who were sick, there was nothing that we could do to prevent those deaths. Others were due to hunters and rogues who managed to trespass onto our land and killed our wolves. We try to keep the borders tight to prevent this from happening but everyone now and then someone manages to slip through. It was one of the reasons that we finally were trying to create a treaty between us and the Red Moon pack, we were losing wolves as well as them being injured. We couldn't afford that if we wanted to keep the borders protected. When I finally made it into the packhouse, no one was really inside so I headed to the backyard. The bonfire was in the middle of the yard with most of the teenage wolves surrounding it. Everyone was laughing and talking with each other, some were by the snack table and some were playing football far from the bonfire. I let my eyes move over the crowd trying to decide what to do, I wasn't even sure why I came I always end up leaving early anyway because I got too anxious being around the huge crowds. I decided to take a safe bet and head over to the snack table. On my way over I saw my brothers together talking to each other by the table and headed straight for them.  "Hey, guys what's up?" They both turned to look at me. They were tall like my dad and they looked like carbon copies of him, they could be triplets instead of twins. " We were just talking about soccer and football practice. Some people are just not made for sports." Sean said. At least I'm pretty sure it's Sean, just because we were siblings doesn't mean there were times where I didn't know who was who. It's sad I know. David laughed, " You got that right, today someone tried to catch the football and ended up with it hitting him in the face. It was hilarious, although the coach didn't seem to think so. The season is almost over and this guy still can't catch the dam ball." He shook his head in disbelief. Before I could respond someone called their names and they waved back at them, Sean turned to me. " Sorry sis, looks like we are being called. We'll see you later at home. Don't get too crazy."  I watch them walk away and sigh, I looked around and noticed that everyone who walked by gave me a wide berth. It was like they were purposely avoiding me whether they knew it or not. I grabbed a plate from the table and started filling it up with what I wanted. I stopped in my tracks when I smelled the scent. It made me forget all about the food on the snack table, I put the plate down and I started following it. It was the most alluring smell I have ever remember smelling. It was apples and cinnamon mixed with a hint of vanilla. It made my mouth water and I felt my mouth ache like my fangs were trying to come out. I put my hand up to my mouth unsure if they actually did or not.  I followed the scent and it lead me into the house, I stopped unsure of where to go next.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I walked following my nose and when I stopped I was in front of the front door. Nervous I open the front door and standing there was the most beautiful guy that I have ever seen in my entire life, yes I know men like to be called handsome but he was so much more than just handsome. The man had brown hair where it was swept to the side in the front and it wasn't too long. He looked a little bit tanned but not too much and he was tall about 6 ft. His eyes were the darkest shade of brown they were almost black they kind of reminded me of dark chocolate. He was looking straight at me and when I looked into his eyes I knew right then and there that man was my mate.
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