Chapter 4 (Grey Sheil)

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CHAPTER IV (Grey Sheil) HAVAIANAS MIRACLE LEEVEN After a long hour of comfortable sleep, I am now fully energized and ready to face the odds. I smiled as I looked at my reflection on the mirror. I wore a simple black T-shirt that has a print in bold and capital letters, "DON'T GIVE UP". I wore a pair of black jeans and a tennis shoes. I went to the counter to add for the time of my stay. I will have an extension until the time I got a room that I can rent monthly. After I paid, I went out from the inn and started to walk towards the east. I keep on reading the signage for some post about hiring for part-time jobs but none of them came across my path. I went to the university to take an entrance exam. God knows how I feel jitters right now. I exhaled loudly as I took the test questionnaire and the pen on the room where the examination was held. "Okay everyone! You have three hours to finish the test. Using of calculators and cellphones is strictly prohibited. Once caught cheating, you are automatically failed. Your time starts now." When the facilitator tapped the timer in front. I opened the test booklet and I scanned on all the pages and read the directions. I started to fill up the paper with my personal details and I scribbled the answers of the exam. Each tick of the clock makes everyone in the room got more tensed, well after all, this is a college entrance exam and note that this school is a prestigious school. I shaded the small circle on the paper repetitively. After straight two hours, I was done with answering the test. I was relieved that all of the questions were part of my past lessons and of course, some of them were informations I have read on the articles when I get bored. I stood up from my seat and started to walk towards the exam facilitator. I handed her my papers and she said... "You should review it. You still have a lot of time. This is a difficult test." "It's okay Ma'am. I am sure about my answers in this sheet. When can I know the results of the exam?" "Oh! The results will be posted next Friday. So make sure not to miss the announcement. Here, put your papers on the table." I smiled as I placed the papers in a neat pile. Friday it is. I will make sure to have a boarding house and a part-time job by then. I started to wander the streets nearby but everyone doesn't need some helpers. I passed by a high end Cafe. It looks like a cafe that were visited by rich people. Then a paper caught my attention. Now Hiring! One Server. Inquire inside. My heart beat fast. This is a blessing. I picked up my pace and walked towards the direction of the Cafe's door. The aroma of the freshly brewed coffee and the sweet smell of croissants and cakes made my stomach grumble. Maybe I should eat late lunch later. I first need to get this job. "Yes Miss, do you need anything?" A girl with a brown hair came to approach me. "Oh! I just want to ask if you are still hiring for a server and where can I see the one who will interview me?" I politely asked. "Yeah. The Cafe is still having one slot for that position. Go this way straight and turn left, you can see the office of the Human Resource." "Thank you so much." She just nodded and walked away. I walked opposite to her. I was in front of the office when I felt cold. I need all my best to get this job. I need this. A rapping sound burst as I knocked on the wooden door of the HR office. A man in his 40s went outside and he was the manager. He peeked at me behind his thick glasses. "Hi Sir. I am here to apply for the job to be a part time server here in this Cafe. Here are my credentials." I handed him my legal documents and he started scanning the documents. Then he glanced at me and examined me. "Okay, so what made you think that I will pick you and hire you to become a server here?" This is it! I need to make sure that I will get that vacant position because if not, my happy days are all over. "You are the most compassionate and loving person to my eyes. I know that my intuitions will never be a bluff." "Why should I hire you?" I fell silent. I don't know if I will answer that question with what's the truth. "To be honest I am not that expert when it comes to work on Cafe but I too am going to tell you the reality Sir," I sighed loudly as I thought of my situation. I am really trying to weigh things out. I mean, he might not accept the reason that I said so. He might not care about my situation either. I am just a stranger to him just like he is a stranger to me too but I have to get this job. I am desperate now. If I need to kneel down so that he'll accept me - even though it will make me look so pathetic, I am still willing to do that. I looked at the poster situated at his back just a little bit on his left shoulder so I can clearly see it as it was on the wall. "Remember that you start with a step for you to be able to run." That was the thing writtenn there. Eh? What does it supposed to mean? I'm quite puzzled. I was back to my senses when the manager cleared his throat loudly. I smiled at him apologetically and he shook his head. "Let's go back to my question. You are not attentive. You keep on wasting my time. I still got a lot of things to do. Much more worth it than interviewing you and waiting for your nonsense answer." Now, that was below the gut, isnt it? "With all due respect Sir, I may be taking your time today and you have got a lot of work to do but you should not judge nor any say harsh words to anyone Sir. Some might have a hard time to say the truth that they kept inside them and you should respect that. It took me sometime before I give you my real reason... I need the job Sir because I need money. I just came here to this place and I have no one to support me at all. I am currently still trying to have my college education to help myself. So, it will really be a blessing if you make me - I mean... Hire me as your last server Sir. I can assure you that I am willing to be trained and I will memorize every single detail that you want me to do. I am even willing to take nightshifts and overtime Sir." He fixed his glasses with his point finger. "Is that so? I can see you struggling really hard. Look, what I need is someone who will never quit and who will never be lazy while on duty." Ey, thats so easy. Im not planning to quit this job too. This is my lifeline too. "Duly noted Sir. I am not going to quit. This job is like an oasis in a desert for me. I am not lazy Sir. As for the record I have served a family for four years and I did my job smoothly. Am I hired Sir?" I smiled and I am still catching my breath. My palms are sweaty now and I kept on rubbing it on my jeans. But his answer made my excitement fade away in a snap. "No!" he dropped the bomb just behind my ears and my soul was shaken. Oh my heaveans! What will I do then? "Huh? I mean - what? Why?" I cant think straight anymore. My last ray of hope just vanished in thin air when I reached for it as if it was some kind of illusion played before me. "I still need to observe your performance for a week before I register you to the list of the employees here in the Cafe. I don't want to hire someone who slacks around and often gets late. Rest assured, you can start your internship tomorrow. Just wear a white t-shirt and jeans. I will issue your uniform a week after and I will give you your apron tommorow at three p.m. See you then Ms. Leeven." Oh my gosh! I think Im going to cry! "Thank you. Thank you much Sir." He nodded and went inside his office again. I sighed in relief as I am not really unlucky today. I closed my eyes and I leaned on the cold wall. I snapped in an instant when someone poked my side continuously. "Yes? What is it?" I asked the lady. She was the same lady that answered me earlier. "Ah... I'm sorry if I startled you. I just want to ask if the manager accepted you already? He's a bit hard to get too." She winced as she glanced on the manager's closed office door. "I guess he is. He said I need to start my shift tomorrow at three p.m. he's still going to observe me though. He will have me as an intern for a week. I guess it's still better than getting rejected straight out. Anyway, I am still doing this job for part-time only. I still need to go to school." "You must be an upcoming freshman." "Hopefully. If I pass then yes. If no, I'll do the job full-time." "It's nice talking to you but I need to go now. My break is almost over. See you tomorrow." "Yeah. See you too." After my small chit chat with her, I went outside the café. I smiled as the warm air touched my skin. I decided to look for something to eat, its passed lunch afterall and my stomach is demanding for some food already. I went to a small restaurant beside the road and I liked it here, not because of the ambience or whatsoever reason but the foods here are sold for a cheap price but nevertheless tasted great. I paid just a dollar and 50 cents, I know unbelievable but yeah it is the fact. After that, I went straight to my room back in the inn and slept like a corpse. I still need to prepare myself for the things that I will do tomorrow. I dont care if the wage is low on that job but I need that still. Te money that I received from the Carlins is not enough for me to survive four years including my college school fees. ***
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