Epilogue: The Continuing Mission

1456 Words

  Epilogue: The Continuing Mission Billy felt himself begin to panic. His heart-rate spiked, his temples pricked with sweat, and the fact he was wearing a tight, silver PVC catsuit didn’t help matters. He stared out the window of the Uber car as they left Brooklyn behind them, and tried to calm himself down. Scott was sitting next to him in the back of the car, and reached for his hand. “Hey,” he said softly. “You okay?” Billy managed a watery smile. At least Scott was dressed up too. Billy felt ridiculous, but he didn’t feel ridiculous on his own, which made a huge difference. “Bit nervous, I guess,” he admitted. Scott squeezed his hand in response. “You’ll be fine, Ulysses.” That made Billy snort a laugh. “Yeah, right. As long as we don’t bump into a giant cyclops, I’m sure we’

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