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I went into the gym, preparing for practice and fully expecting my co-captain to be there, yet she wasn't. She was late. "Where's Tiff?" I furrowed my brows, looking around, seeing Eden walk in and taking a seat on the bench. Weird. She had never missed a cheer practice before. The girls exchanged glances awkwardly. Clearly, they knew something I didn't. "Let me rephrase that. Tell me right now where my co-captain is," I said, this time raising my voice. This was my team, yes, I was as nice and all-smiles as a person could get. But I never allowed any of my girls to miss the practice, certainly if there was no good reasoning behind it, and so far none of them had tried to find out what it meant if they decided to not inform me and simply not show up. Tiff was the co-captain, so there was no way I would let it slip. I was the captain and she had to respect both me and the team. I walked to my bag, feeling Edens eyes on me. Pulling out my phone, I quickly found Patricia's number. Patricia is Tiffs mom, and everyone knew that Patricia loved both me and the cheer team, she would be fuming if she found out Tiff had missed practice without a legitimate reason. I was immediately greeted by Patricia's voice. "Ruby, dear, what a pleasure to hear from you," she greeted, "Is everything alright?" "Hey, Trish!" I greeted her, smiling, "do you by any chance know where Tiff is?" Silence followed, she was probably trying to figure out what the best way to give Tiff a lecture for missing practice was. "I thought she was at the practice," her voice was now lower, clearly full of anger. "Oh, silly me, I forgot her uniform was in the car, she's back now," I lied, deciding to back Trish up in case there was proper reasoning for this, "thanks. Talk to you soon, Patricia!" "Being the captain and the best student isn't easy, don't overdo yourself, dear," she said concerned, "talk to you soon!" I put my phone down, this time seeing that everyone was staring at me. They knew I was covering up for Tiff. What they didn't know, was that this wouldn't go unnoticed. For the team's sake, I decided to drop it and turned around smiling, clapping my hands together. "Okay, girls, let's do the usual!" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. We warmed up and then did our dance routine 3 times as well as teaching them half of the new dance we would be doing for the next game. "Good job, girls!" I said loudly, "time to wrap it up!" So we ended the practice, everyone except me and Eden leaving the gym. I went to my bag, taking out a towel and wiping my face with it, as well as drinking a bottle of water. Eden walked towards me, getting dangerously close, as she put her arms on both sides of my thighs. Suddenly I felt way hotter than before. I couldn't help but bite my lip. "Don't do that," she said, smirking, "it was hard enough to watch you jumping around looking like this. This is pure torture." "Oh, is it?" I smirked, pulling her closer with the help of her shirt, kissing her neck. "Ruby," Eden groaned, gripping my thighs, "don't tease me. It's going to end badly." "Is it?" I smiled at her playfully and pecked her lips. Turning around, I grabbed my bag. "Time to go," I said, walking towards the exit, leaving her behind. You couldn't consider it flirting, right? I was just being friendly, we both were. I had a boyfriend. And she was a girl. This was nothing more. I went to her motorcycle, already putting on my helmet and getting on while waiting for her. "Any plans for tonight?" Eden questioned as she approached me. "Studying, as always," I shrugged. She looked at me, a questioning look in her eyes. "Ruby, you're the best student in the school, even I know that and I've been here how long? 2 days. As far as I know, you ace every single test with an A. What is left there for you to study?" I shrugged once again. Eden once again dropped the subject, pulling out of the parking spot and headed home. It was simply my everyday life. It was the "always" that I hated with every bone in my body, but also the 'always" that was comfortable and familiar. I was used to it, besides I'd rather spend my time studying than pretending to like being at a party or trying to get through more than an hour with Kevin. His view on everything in life was far different than mine, not that it's bad, but, meanwhile, I could put a legitimate explanation and reason as to why my opinion was the way it was, Kevin could only shrug and make out. A town full of empty people and non-existant opinions. I had to play along, put on a smile, be a nice girl and shut my mouth because that's what I had been my whole life. Probably just because I didn't know I could be different of what I was expected to be. I held on to Eden, pressing my cheek against her back. Somehow I felt home. I felt safe. I wish I could always feel this way. She made me feel different, full instead of empty. I closed my eyes, feeling like I could, like I was allowed to, without being scolded or judged for not living up to my name, feeling tired of pretending to be someone the society had made me out to be. "We're here, Ruby," Eden said softly, I noticed she had already removed her helmet, now looking at me with her trademark smirk. "Are you tired?" she questioned. I nodded my head, my helmet still on. Exhausted of this lie I was living. She removed my helmet, placing her hand on my cheek. I leaned in, closing my eyes. Just a second shouldn't hurt. I felt myself being lifted up, I assumed she was carrying me to her home, and I didn't object, I just wanted to rest. Was it too much to want? I felt my body hit the smooth mattress, my bones squealing in joy. I opened my eyes, seeing Eden still there. "Sleep, it's alright," she said softly, smiling at me. As much as I wanted to, I first needed a shower. The practice didn't leave me smelling anywhere near good. "Can I use your shower?" I asked, slowly getting up. Ruby nodded, turning her head towards what I assumed to be her bathroom. "The towels are in the drawers," she said. "Thanks, I'll try to not take long," I said, kissing her forehead and going in the bathroom. I quickly removed the clothes I had on, stepping in the shower. The hot water running down my skin felt astonishing, my aching muscles instantly relaxed. I ran the soap against my skin, the whole room now smelling like roses. Getting out, I wrapped myself in a towel. I opened the door of the bedroom, revealing Eden that had her glasses on, focusing on a book she was currently reading. She looked charming, pure beauty and I couldn't help but smile. I'm not sure how long I had been stood there, but eventually, she turned her head, her eyes widening as she realized what I was wearing. She got up, moving to her closet, and handing me an oversized t-shirt. "Thanks," I grinned. I'm not sure what had gotten into me, but I dropped my towel, now standing naked in front of her. She couldn't part her eyes from my body. Then I took the t-shirt, pulling it over my head, covering myself up. Once again, I leaned in and pecked her lips. I was about to go to bed, but I guess she had a different idea in her mind as she put her lips on me, this time the kiss far more than innocent. We had been making out for quite a while, my arms locked above my head, against the wall, her body pressed against me. I gently bit her lip, pulling it slightly. She let out a soft moan. "What are you doing to me, Ruby?" she asked, her eyes eager, as she pulled back. What are you doing to me, is the question we should be asking. But I wasn't sure I was ready to ask that out loud, for I felt disoriented of it even being in my head. "Let's go to bed," I said, pecking her lips. Getting in the bed, I pulled the sheets over me and soon enough felt Edens arm sneaking around my waist. I turned around, putting my hand over her waist as well, tangling my legs with hers. She kissed my forehead, my eyes slowly closed after. And then I fell asleep. For once not alone, not after doing my homework or eating a lonely dinner. For once, not like I always did.
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