Making him feel better and getting the b***h told

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Ivy’s P.O.V “Ryder you home?” I called out as I entered the living room “Yes" he called back I headed in, finding him sprawled out on the sofa playing the Xbox. He shifted his legs, letting me sit down next to him, placing his legs over mine pausing the game looking at me, a smirk on his face. I knew exactly what he was after “Dude no. I just walked in the door.” I laughed “Your mean.” He pouted “And you got some sort of s*x addiction.” I laughed Ryder and I had been friends with benefits for a couple of weeks now and oh my it has been fun...much fun, thankfully though it has not affected our friendship...we helped each other when we needed a little something, something...and with him that is just about every day more than once. His s*x drive was ridiculous but I never minded. We were still “together" according to everyone else...Ellie, she will not leave him alone but he has managed to stay away...for now anyway. “I do not.” He laughed “You do.” I laughed back “anyway I need to talk to you about something.” I said He looked at me, a concerned look on his face “Everything Ok Ace?” he asked “Yes. What it is a guy from college asked me on a date. He is really sweet and gorgeous but I told him I will need to get back to him cause I am not sure how this works. Am I allowed to go on dates when we are pretending to be together? Or do you think that would be too risky?” I asked He shifted a little...uncomfortably, well that is what it looked like to me anyway. Ryder fell silent for a moment, seeming to be lost in his own thoughts “Of course you can. Just watch where you are going.” He shrugged “You sure?” I asked “Yup.” He said, standing up, giving me a small smile before walking away from me towards his bedroom. What the heck? Why has he went all weird on me? I sighed, following him. He was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling...something was off. I made my way over, climbing onto the bed and sitting on him, my knees resting at each side of his hips. He looked up at me, looking a little pissed off “Are you OK?” I asked and he nodded “are you sure, you seem off since I mentioned going on a date?” I added “Ivy you are a grown assed woman you can do as you please. You don't need my permission...we are only f*****g each other.” He snapped, sounding a little annoyed “Whatever Ryder. I don't know what has put you in this shitty mood but don't take it out on me.” I hissed annoyed, shaking my head “I aint in a mood.” He hissed back “Yes you f*****g are.” I growled, going to pull away from him but before I could he gripped my hips in his hands “Ace don't go. I’m sorry. It’s been a shitty day.” He sighed a sadness to his tone I sighed, turning my attention back to him. He looked lost....hurt...sad and the look in his eyes made me calm down “What's happened?” I asked “Work was s**t plus Ellie would not leave me alone today. I kissed her again...let her go down on me in the locker rooms. I know it was f*****g stupid of me but you know what she does to me...she knows too. And if it was not for my brother calling her I would have probably f****d her.” He said pissed at himself “Ryder.” I sighed, shaking my head at him “I know I am an i***t. Now she is sending me photos and not innocent ones. I am talking completely naked ones.” He sighed I swear does that slut have no respect for herself? For anyone? “Do you want me to kill the b***h because I will?” I hissed “She is not worth it. Will you lay with me for a bit?” he said sadly I hated seeing him hurting this way. I wish some woman would show up in his life that would make him completely forget about her. If I see her again I am gonna end up punching her one. “Of course.” I smiled, rolling off him As soon as I did he shifted himself, resting his head on my stomach, my hands falling on his hair, playing with it. I looked down at him, giving him a small smile which he managed to return “Sorry I snapped at you Ace. So who is this guy that wants to take you on a date?” he asked “His name is Jake...he is really sweet, in a few of my classes.” I smiled “He better be sweet or he will have me to deal with.” Ryder said “Oh trust me I know that.” I giggled Ryder chuckled, tracing his fingers over my arm that was wrapped around him. He closed his eyes, letting out a loud sigh again. “Anything I can do to help?” I asked He opened his eyes, looking at me for a moment considering what I was asking but shook his head. I knew he was lying...he could think of something and I knew exactly what it was. The same things that has helped him forget for a bit these last few s*x with me. “OK.” I smiled A silence fell between us but I could feel him looking at me. I took a deep breath, looking down at him “What? Why you looking at me?” I giggled “No reason…well not really anyway.” He smirked “Bullshit! What you wanting?” I laughed “You aint getting anything until you tell me what you want?” I smirked He pulled himself away from me, only for a moment. He climbed on top of me, his body towering over mine. “You.” He winked He reached down, pressing it lips down hard against mine, kissing me roughly. The clothes were soon removed from our bodies, both completely naked, something we have both become very used to over these last few weeks. It never took long for him to pushing inside of me, making me call out as he filled me up. It was quick, hard and fast, the both of us collapsing down on the bed afterwards. “f**k that gets better every time.” I panted “I was thinking the same thing.” He replied breathless I aint gonna lie, he is the best s*x I have had, no man has quite made as weak as he does. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I moved into him, snuggling up to his side, resting my head on his chest. As we settled down, his phone started ringing, he grabbed it, rolling his eyes when he seen who it was…Ellie. I swear she has turned into some mad stalker. “Give me the damn phone.” I said annoyed He passed it to me and I was quick to answer “Stop f*****g calling my boyfriend you skank. He does not want you or your naked ass photos. I find out you call or text him again I will be telling your boyfriend exactly what you are doing. Stay the f**k away from my man you bitch.” I hissed, hanging up I heard Ryder chuckle from beside me “Nicely put. I feel sorry for any woman that tries to go near your next boyfriend.” He laughed “Well bitches like that need to learn their place. Ryder do me a favour and please try stay the hell away from her. Find someone else, anyone but her please?” I said looking up at him “I am trying Ace…I promise, I really am.” He said “I know.” I smiled, kissing his cheek “Oh that’s right. You and I are going to my parents tomorrow for dinner…your parents are gonna be there too.” He said “No! What?” I giggled “You know we have no choice in the matter.” He laughed “Yes that is very true. So we gotta get back into relationship mode.” I laughed “Yup. Sure we will be fine.” He added Ryder and I went for another round before eventually moving cause he had plans tonight and I had a whole lot of studying to do. Also I would need to text Jake and let him know we are on for our date. I had not been on a date for some time so was quite nervous about it but I am sure I will be fine. If I can have s*x with my best friend of 18 years…I can go on a date with a guy right?
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