The meeting

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"This can't be," Lauren sighed. "I am sorry, we have done all we could, but," said Samuel, the financial director. "I betrayed them, I know I could have done so much more. I can't lock the door just like that. There must be something I can do to save the company," Lauren said enthusiastically although she was not feeling like that at all. "I believe that you will find the solution,"Samuel got up, "call me If u need anything. Good night Lauren." She murmured good night greetings while holding her head in hands trying to prevent it from exploding because she had a feeling that it can happen any time soon. As the only child of her parents she inherited everything, including the company, the house, cars and obviously the debts. But the company...she can not give up on that one. "I will do everything and anything to not fall down, I promise," she said in quite room. Suddenly her phone buzzed.It was Alex. She rolled her eyes not wanting to confront him now in any possible way. "Oh, this is going to be a long night. f**k,"she fixed her hair and make up a bit, throw on jeans and shirt and she ran through the door. Few drinks with her goofy friend Samantha are going to relax her up a bit. *** "Hey girl, you got this, I know that. You are smart and intelligent, and as early as tomorrow, I am sure, you will find an exit from that shit." "Cheers to that," Lauren laughed for the first time that day. Sam could always cheer her up.They were best friends since high school. "Oh, my god!" Sam screamed on Lauren's ear. "Sam, you b***h! What?,"Lauren's headache just got worst "There is the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life and he is looking at you all the freaking time." "I don't care Sam," Lauren said not interested in any guy right now. "I swear, you are so boring sometimes.Just look at him, please. Once!" Lauren listened to her just because she wanted her to stop screaming. As Sam instructed her he was sitting two tables from them and Lauren was facing him with her back. She turned her head as nonchalantly as she could. Lauren felt the heat rushing to her cheeks, first of all because he looked her right in the eyes at the moment she turned her head and secondly he really was the hottest guy Lauren has ever seen. Although he was sitting, you could clearly see that he was tall, black hair, captivating eyes, sensual lips and all of that was packed in black shirt and black pants hugging his body perfectly. "Okay, Laurie, that's enough," Sam poked her with her manicured nail trying not to burst into laugh. Feeling embarrassed Lauren looked at her annoyingly, " Nothing special." "When talking about nothing special, look who is here,"Sam puts her bitchy face on looking in direction where Alex was standing. Here we go again. He just can't accept that Lauren doesn't want any relationship with anyone. Alex has been in hunt for Lauren in over four years now. In the beginning It was interesting for Lauren, all that cat and mouse game, but now it is stressing her out. She has bigger problems right now and she doesn't need a man to stress her out even more. No god, but thanks hey! Alex approached their table. " I have been calling you all day, Lauren. I see you didn't have time to answer," he looked in Sam's direction quickly and focused again on Lauren, "Can we talk, please, somewhere in private?" "What a d**k," Sam murmured before she picked her bag up. "It's okay Sam. Stay, I will be back in ten minutes." Sam sighed and murmured again something, probably about Alex, but she took back her seat at the table. Alex followed Lauren out when she stopped in front of the entrance. "Look, Alex. I really do appreciate your attention and all of that but it suffocates me." Lauren knew she was rude to him, but she needed to be honest,"We had great times back then but it's over now. Move on, find yourself someone who is going to love you back, because I can't. I mean I do love you, but as a friend," she corrected herself quickly, because she does love him but in a brotherly kinda way. "You have someone else, don't you?" Alex clearly was really angry. "Listen, I don't owe you any explanation and for my part this conversation is over," she sad equally angry and tried to walk past him but he grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the entrance where no one from the pub could see them. Lauren was now scared, seeing his eyes going wild like never before, it freaked her out. "Listen, you little w***e,"his cold voice filled her body with shiver,"If I ever see you with another man I am going to kill you." Lauren opened her mouth in disbelief trying to say something but words got stuck in her throat. He let her hand and than placed a kiss on her forehead and that was what scared Lauren the most. She has never before saw him acting like that. It was hard for Lauren to go back to the pub and not burst into tears. When she walked in Sam was at the same spot where Lauren left her. Her face expression went from 'I am bored' to 'What the f**k happened to you' when she saw her. Lauren was visibly shaken by the events that happened in the past fifteen minutes, Sam could clearly see that on her face. "What happened?What did he do to you," she was furious when Lauren started crying.Sam took her hand trying to comfort her. "He said that he will kill me If he ever sees me with another man," tears were rolling down her cheeks, she really was scared because she knew the size of his obsession over her. "Shh, don't cry. He is just bluffing, a p***y can't kill you," Lauren laughed through her tears. Sam gave her a big hug,"Come on, you are sleeping at my place tonight. We are going to watch a movie and eat junk food, you will love that, I know.Let's go." Lauren knew Sam was worried, bu she didn't want her to see that. When they arrived at Sam's place, she ordered them some food and Lauren sat to check mails on her phone. There was one that caught her attention. It was from some Italian furniture company based in USA. While she was reading It she almost jumped. She couldn't believe it. They want to arrange business meeting tomorrow with her. Maybe they are interested in cooperation with them, maybe this is the solution she was looking and hoping for. *** Lauren woke up full of energy, ready to conquer the world. Sam was sharing the same feeling with her. "See, I told you," she said with wide smile on her face while pouring Lauren coffee. " I still can't believe it. I hope I will close the deal with them today," Lauren stood up," How do I look?" "Hot as f**k, Laurie!" Lauren rolled her eyes and than they both burst into laugh. She went to check herself one more time and put on some perfume. She was wearing black pencil skirt which was hugging her curves more than It should but Sam convinced her that with red shirt, she was wearing, It looks more professional. Lauren puts her hair in a bun, as always when she is working and than she went to say bye to Sam. She wishes her luck, but little did Lauren know. She really needed it. When Lauren stepped into the building it was 8:30 in the morning, the meting was arranged at 9.00, she had half an hour to calm herself and to drink coffee with Angela. She was her personal assistant for the past three years. They were such a good trained work team, Angela already knew what to do so they sat there waiting for the guests while drinking their coffee, it was tradition. "I have prepared everything, they should be here in about five minutes." "Okay, great, I am a bit nervous I have to admit that," Lauren felt the urge to say it loud, like it almost made her less nervous about this meeting. "Well, I heard he is one of the sexiest man alive," Angela said while heading out of Lauren's office to wait for them outside. "He," Lauren did not understand quite well," who is he, isn't there a team coming for this meeting?" "No,"Angela said with a look of confusion on her face," He called me this morning to confirm his arrival. The big boss is coming all by himself." "Big boss?," Lauren was confused even more now. Angela sighed,"Yes, the owner and no personal assistant with him and I think that you should use your good looks to seal the deal," she winked while closing the door. Angela was back pretty quickly, guess he doesn't like to be late. Lauren took a deep breath and got up from her chair just right when Angela opened the door. She came in first and Lauren almost fell back to her chair when she saw him. The guy from the last night, the guy from the pub. He was standing in front of her drop dead gorgeous looking her straight in the eyes, just like he did last night. "It's a pleasure, Miss Johnson," he said while shaking Lauren's hand. " Lauren," she smiled at him while trying to remove expression of shock from her face and feeling of nervousness,"please, have a seat Mr." "Alessio, Alessio Mancini," he raised one end of his lips in a slight smile and her heart skipped a beat. "Mr.Mancini can I get you something to drink?" "No, thank you Angela, but I would like to ask you for something else." "Yes,sure?" "I would like to talk in private with Miss Lauren," he said while setting his eyes on Lauren. It felt like she was naked under his gaze. "Um, yes, sure. Excuse me," Lauren could clearly see how confused Angela was. She was too, she never had a business meeting going on without Angela. This was the first time and he acts like he shouldn't be asking her for permission. Lauren was still in a state of shock when Angela left her office. The sound of closing the door got her attention back on the man in front of her, Alessio. "I am sorry, but was this necessary," She went from shocked to angry but tried not to show that, finally Lauren was hoping that they could make a deal. "Yes, It was," he said calmly while taking a seat. She could clearly see his muscles mowing under his shirt. f**k, It is hard to talk to him when he looks like that. " I suppose you think I came here today to sign a contract," Lauren nodded and Alessio continued," I know that your company is going through hard times and I wanted to talk to you about the possible salvation of your business." "There is no need for pointing some things out, but please, continue Mr Mancini. I am curious." He smiled, and then got up. With hands in his pockets his manhood was fully visible to Lauren. It was too much to handle. She got up too. "I can pay your debts and save your family business from crashing down and all you have to do is to marry me." he came close to her, she could feel his breath on her face. Lauren couldn't believe that this was happening to her. She was speechless and couldn't move, It was like her body was frozen and so her tongue and her lips. This man, the hottest man she has ever seen in her life, came in her office to save Lauren's family business but all she has to do is to marry him and give up on her freedom just like that. "Mr Mancini, If you're not interested in working with our company I am afraid that there is nothing else I have to talk with you about, and also the state of my company is none of your business," Lauren smiled even though she was like boiling water, she wanted to punch him in the face after all he just said to her. "Take your time to think about what I just said, but I am sure you will not reject my offer because I know how much this company means to you and your family," he moved and went to the door, but before he opened left her office he said," The contract is on the table, you can read it before you sign and I will not accept any changes of it. My money, my rules," he smiled again." I will see you soon, Lauren. Have a nice day." "Shut the door and leave," Lauren almost screamed at him. "I think It would work in your favor If you act a little bit more polite towards me." "f**k you, you arrogant asshole," Lauren lost her patience and went toward him," Get out!" She tried to open the door but he blocked it. He grabbed her wrists and whispered." I can't wait to find out If you are wild like that in the bedroom too." Lauren met his gaze, It was like he had fire in those eyes and he was setting her on fire. Her soul, her body. Lauren was ashamed that he turned her on with those words. He softened the grip of his hands letting her finally and than he left her standing there speechless in her office, alone. Lauren went to her desk, where he left the contract, like hypnotized and she picked it up. She had a feeling it was heavy It could break her, her shield and her confidence.She didn't want to cry, but tears came uninvited and Lauren couldn't stop them, letting them roll down her cheeks in the name of ruining old family business, abusive ex boyfriend and this man, this horrible man. And she was powerless to stop any of these to happen... Alessio had a feeling that his head is about to explode. Why in the world would he mention bedroom on their first meeting. Well, he knows why. He wants to f**k her so bad, she makes him go mad, that body and that face. Everything about her is tempting him. That little wild cat, because that is how she is acting. He needs to be careful with his words next time, he can't ruin this. She needs to accept his offer. He can't let everything fall because he feels horny every time he sees her. It is now or never, he doesn't have time to lose it just like that. He made a promise, but when he saw her he knew there is going to be a problem. It was two months ago when he laid his eyes on her for the first time. She was all alone, sitting on the beach at the dusk, drinking wine and seemed so sad and lonely. He assumed why but he also knew that she would be in a much worse condition if she knew the truth, real one. Or maybe she was completely unaware of that part and she was drinking in the name of some sad love story. Alessio glanced one more time over the papers on his desk trying to drive away Lauren's image from his head. He wasn't in the mood to do anything today so he will just leave it there. What else would he do, time was passing so slowly, four hours and twenty-five minutes exactly and still no answer from her but he knew that he has to be patient and wait without any pressure, for now. That scenery from the beach came back, it was so vivid, even now. She got up and took her clothes off. Firstly her jumper and than her shorts. She wasn't wearing bikini that night. She had black panties and no bra. He lost his breath when he saw her just like he was losing it now remembering that night. The knock on the door startled him from his thoughts,"Yes?" His personal assistant came in with post in her hands,"Mr Mancini this came for you with a request to hand it to you personally." "Thank you, Sheila, you can leave it. I am heading out now, If you need me, I will be accessible." "All right, Mr Mancini. Have a nice day", after she left Alessio took the mail she left on the desk. He was curious what could it be and surprise surprise. It was from Lauren personally. He opened the envelope and took out the contracts and they were unsigned of course and there was a note that said,"Mr Arrogant, you can go and buy yourself another wife because I don't give a f**k about your proposition. Enjoy your misery. Sincerely, Lauren." Alessio was furious and amused at the same time. Is she forcing him to do this harder way?It seems so. He opened the drawer in his desk and took out the envelope with photos,"Envelope for envelope, but this one is going to make you obey all of my rules, Miss Lauren." *** Alessio asked Sheila to find out Lauren's address and by the time he was in front of her house it was almost 9 pm. It was small ground floor house with the pool and big yard surrounded with the fence and trees, he likes it. He could imagine them having a night bath here. Alessio approached the door clearing his thoughts and focusing on the contract and ringed the bell with the satisfaction on his face and he was making sure that she sees it too. Alessio waited for few minutes and than he heard the footsteps approaching the door. She opened them and she was wearing only a towel around her body, her black hair was falling down, wet just like her entire body. Just like that night at the beach. She rushed in the ocean letting the waves caress her skin. It seemed like thousands and thousands of the most beautiful diamonds were hugging her entire body. He forced himself to look away from her body just to meet her eyes filled with shock and anger. When she opened her mouth It was like she was spitting fire,"What are you doing here?" Shame, he could think of hundreds of other scenarios he could write for those sweet mouth of hers. "Won't you let me in?" He asked her with a smile on his face. She snapped,"No, I don't want you here, in my house, in my life. Now, leave please or I am going to call the police." Alessio laughed," If you call the police I will call the press and you don't want that, trust me." He could see she was confused with his words as he handed her the envelope."I brought one for you too, you should peek inside", Alessio said calmly. She opened it with shaky hands and took out the pictures, looking one by one while her eyes were filling with tears."What is this?" Her voice was barely audible and Alessio felt the urge to hug and comfort her but instead he walked in and closed the door. He has her now.
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