Chapter 1

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Dev and Maddie The alarm clock rang at 6:30 am, I rolled over and slammed my hand on the snooze button. I don't normally wake up at this time but I have a flight to catch and I don't want to be late. I threw my blanket on the floor and hopped out of bed, I bent backward and stretched my back till it cracked. My morning routine is pretty ordinary, I wake up, do a little morning workout or jog, bathe, eat breakfast and go on with the rest of my day, it's been like that since I graduated from college. "Wake your ass up", I barged into my lazy roommate's room. Despite my loud entrance, she was still flat asleep, that's Madeleine for you, she can sleep through two typhoons and an earthquake. "I said get up", I pulled the blankets off her bed. "Nhmmm-hmmm", she moved around her bed looking for her blanket. "Your incoherent rabble means nothing to me, get up, we have a flight to catch", I proceeded to pull her legs one by one. "Why do I have to go? You're the one going to see your boyfriend". "One, he's not my boyfriend, two, you pinkie promised you'd come, you know the rules". "Ugh, you can't hold me accountable for the promises I made when we were in seventh grade". "Yes I can, you do it to me all the time, now get up", I pushed her off the bed. "You'll regret this one day Snoopy", I rolled my eyes at the nickname, I hated when she called me that but she wouldn't stop, according to her I'm a master at snooping around. "Whatever", I exited her room and went back into my own, I checked my phone and found one missed call followed by a message from Damon. Damon I opened the message; "Good morning Dev, I hope you haven't overslept, don't forget you have a flight to catch :)". He didn't have to remind me about my flight, I've been planning it ever since he called me to visit, after that I just bribed Madeleine to accompany me and I was set. I walked into my bathroom and stripped off my p.j's, before taking a shower I like to admire myself in the big mirror hanged up on my wall, I started doing that in sixth grade as a form of a self-esteem boost. I've never really liked my body, nothing is wrong with it, I just don't think I fit into the world's beauty standard and that sucks. In self-description I have long black hair that falls all the way down my back till before my butt, honey-brown skin, basic russet brown eyes, and wide plump lips, one could call me average looking, actually, that's wrong, most people including my close friends always call me pretty, I just don't see it. Personally I think it's because I was bullied in middle school, my lips were never spared from harsh comments, that's what fueled the rest of my insecurities, maybe it's just me but whenever someone points out something on my body I start to question everything else about me. **** After taking a shower and brushing my teeth I went back into my room to put on some clothes. I turned on the lights in my bedroom and walked to my medium-sized dresser, it's not big because I don't have many clothes, my closet consisted of jeans, sweatpants, shorts, yoga pants, big t-shirts, hoodies, a few crop tops, and onesies. I'm not saying I'm a basic girl, I would actually love to wear the things ** influencers wear but my bank account filters out any clothing more than 100$, it's actually sad. I didn't have to look hard for some clothes to wear, I already prepared the clothes I would wear today because I packed most of my stuff in suitcases in preparation for the trip. A pink striped shirt and a white hoodie over it, black jeans and white converse sneakers, that was my to-go style. After putting on my clothes I checked the time, it was 7:10 am, I still had enough time. "I hope you're up!", I yelled as a walked down the hallway. Madeline and I lived in a comfy 2 bedroom apartment in New York City, Maddie paid the rent while I took care of groceries and other fundamental girl needs. Maddie pays the rent because she is sponsored by her older brother Maxwell, he works as a lawyer. She offered to pay for the rent because she didn't want to stay alone, I didn't either so it was a win-win. "I'm up and saying good morning to my cousins", I walked into the kitchen and found Madeleine boozing out already. She wore a grey t-shirt, blue denim jeans, black biker boots, and a leather jacket finished her look. "It's 7 in the morning and you're already drinking four cousins wine", I rolled my eyes, "give it here", I grabbed the bottle from her hand. "Heyyy, that's not fair, you wake me up at 6 in the freaking morning and I'm not even allowed to greet my cousins", she pouted.  "Shut up you booze head, normal people start the day with a cup of coffee", I poured coffee beans into the coffee machine. "Eww", she gagged, "that stuff is way too bitter". "And wine isn't?", I raised an eyebrow. "No, it's sweet and delicious, plus the burning feeling is so...", she reached out for the wine but I slapped her hand. "You should feel ashamed, you're a 22-year-old graduate yet you waste that title on booze", I opened the fridge and took out a tray of eggs and bacon. "And what about you? You're a 23-year-old grown-ass woman yet you haven't experienced the true meaning to life", she retorted. I cracked 6 eggs on a pan and started scrambling them, "Is that so? And what is the true meaning to life?". "Living life without restrictions or thinking, you're always so poised and closed in, that's why you and Damon aren't-". I turned to look at her, "Damon and I are close friends, we've known each other since middle school, that's it", I started frying the bacon. "Forget what I just said, you're just scared". "Put a sock in it", I set the bacon and eggs on two separate plates and gave Madeleine her share. "No, but I will put eggs in it", she winked. "You're not funny", I sat across her and put a strip of bacon in my mouth. I looked at Madeleine as she ate, my best friend really is a lot to handle but I love her regardless. We met in junior high, she was the wild outgoing girl, always playing soccer with the boys and fighting after school. We became friends through sports, I might not play any major sports but I'm pretty good at running track, Madeleine was impressed by how fast I ran, after that she stuck by me all the way, a very unusual way to make friends but it worked. Staring at her more I admired her features as well, Maddie is gorgeous, beautiful porcelain skin, blonde shoulder-length hair, pretty pink thin lips, and dazzling baby blue eyes. "I know I'm gorgeous but try to focus on your food", Maddie winked. "You're narcissistic", I playfully rolled my eyes. "And you love it". I finished eating my breakfast and put my plate in the dishwasher. The coffee was done, I poured a cup for myself and Maddie too. "You're gonna force me to drink coffee again, aren't you?", she sighed. "I always do", I winked, "hurry up, we need to go". "Whatever". *** I left the kitchen and went back into my room to see if I didn't forget anything. I made sure I packed all my bags and gadgets, afterward I cleaned my room and did my bed, I didn't want to leave the house dirty. I got my phone and texted Damon; Dev: Hey!! I just finished packing, I'm about to call the uber to take us to the airport. Damon: Finally :) how's Maddie? Dev: As unbearable as ever -_- Damon: As expected, can't wait to finally see you Dev: Same, it's been so long Damon: 2 years right? Dev: Yeah :( anyways, I'll see you later. Damon: Later♡. It's so funny how we only texted for a few minutes but my heart was already racing, Damon had that effect on me, he's the only guy my heart would beat so uncontrollably for.  Maddie is right, I am scared to tell Damon how I feel, but I'll change that, this time for sure I'll tell Damon how I really feel about him.
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