56. Pack and Coven

2006 Words

Greta Lovelace I was left standing there with my mouth agape as the after-flash of the Halo's portal finally faded. After moments of shock, I began to feel a wave of anger come over me. How could Samuel have just left us like that? We had been on an important mission, and he had just got up and abandoned us without so much as a word or thought. If not for the vow, I would have thought that he hadn't even tried in the slightest to help us find Vladimir or my Sisters. But then, a part of me was relieved that he had gone. At least now, I wouldn't have to deal with his pompous attitude or his snide comments. I looked at the others in the forest who were staring in disbelief at how swiftly the Minister and his men had left us behind. Ezra's voice broke the silence as she spoke to everyone p

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