7. Marks and Roses

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~ Mature scenes ahead ~ Vladimir Randall It felt like I had been asleep for eternity. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the unfamiliar surroundings - a room that seemed strangely foreign to me. My body felt incredibly heavy and my head was foggy yet strangely numb at the same time. The air was filled with a strange musky scent, and a faint hint of magic lingered in the air. It was then that I realized someone was holding my hand - it was Greta, her head resting on the arm of the chair she had pulled up next to the bed and she smiled softly at me as soon as she saw me awaken. "Thank the Balance you're awake," she whispered, her voice soft and gentle. Smiling, I tried to speak but all that escaped my lips was a weak moan. The warmth of her hand engulfed mine, bringing me comfort as I looked around to try and figure out where I was. Then realization slowly began to dawn on me - this must have been Greta's. Her room, with its rustic walls, was covered with images of arcane symbols and ancient runes. Her rabbit familiar, who never left its cage, glared at me with its beady eyes and emitted a sinister hiss whenever I shot it a glance. "Well, your pet doesn't seem to share your joy," I remarked as I found my voice, pointing to the furry animal. "I think it wants to kill me." "Mel?" asked Greta, her forehead creasing. "Don't pay her any attention. She hates everyone." I let out a chuckle as I sat up, and then a cough choked my throat. "Easy there, tough guy," she reminded me, rising to her feet so she could rub my back. "You just recovered." "I'm a wolf. I heal fast." Once the tightness of my chest subsided, I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. They looked so round, rife with concern. "What am I doing here?" I asked. "What happened?" "You tell me. Your Beta showed up, carrying you in his arms all covered in blood." The muscles on the corners of her lips twitched, as though the memory upset her. At the mention of Santiago, memories started flooding back into my mind -the werewolves, their unrelenting pursuit; Santiago being taken away by some powerful creature; my frantic chase after them through the forest only to succumb to infinite darkness. Greta squeezed my hand reassuringly as if sensing what was going through my mind. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes again and tried not to think about it too much as I snuggled deeper into the blanket that smelled so much like my soulmate. It was as if her arms were wrapped around me instead of some stupid fabric. I revelled in the scent for a moment longer and then exhaled a long breath. "What happened, Vlad?" Greta sat on the bed, and I scooted a little bit to make space for her. Her hands went to cup my face, sending tingles all over my body. "I thought I was going to lose you." I held her hands. "You're never going to lose me, my love," I said, pulling her closer to me so I could kiss the top of her head. "A pack of wolves trespassed our border." Rage crept up my spine as I remembered, making my heart race. "They had killed one of mine. Morgan." "I am so sorry." Greta inched closer and cautiously touched my arm. Her eyes were full of compassion and her gentle caress felt like a balm in my boiling rage. "Whatever had done it, did you...?" "Yes," I answered softly, "Justice has been served. About thirty wolves." Fear crept into her eyes as she asked, "You killed all of them?" I nodded. "All but one." There was something about the one wolf that was different from the others. "It was so much bigger and moved so fast that I wasn't sure if it were a wolf at all." A sharp intake of breath came from Greta as she realized what must have happened. "The one that bit you?" She hesitantly asked, looking at the bandage on my neck with worry in her eyes. "It couldn't have been a wolf. There was a strange-looking poison in your blood when Juan brought you here. I don't know what it was, but I'm sure it wasn't wolf venom." She swallowed hard. "Does it still hurt?" I didn't respond right away, instead choosing to just shake my head at her before letting go of her hands and touching the bandage gently with my fingertips. Just thinking about it made me feel nauseous and tired again; it had been too close for comfort. Greta sighed, her eyes full of sympathy. "You're going to be alright," she said softly, wrapping her arms around me in an embrace. "Melina's potion worked." I leaned into her, wrapping my arms around her, grateful for the comfort and warmth she offered. We sat there on her bed, embracing each other until my emotions slowly subsided and my breathing returned to normal. Finally, I pulled away and looked into her eyes with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Greta, for saving my life." "You know I will do anything for you, my love," she answered as she straightened up where she sat. An emotion pasted itself on her face, but she wiped it away before I could recognize what it was. "I should go. This is your room in the Grand Lair, isn't it?" I tucked a lock of her hair into the back of her ear. "I shouldn't be here. My wolves are waiting for me. They must be so worried." Greta squeezed my hands. Her hair bounced as she shook her head at me. "No. We're still not sure what that poison did to your body," she said. "Just stay for one more night until I am certain." The raw emotion in her voice made my heart do funny things inside my chest. Her big round eyes stared at me with so much love and fear I found it hard to break away. "How could say no to that face?" I told her, making a mental note of sending a message to Juan through the mind link later. Taking a deep breath, I drew nearer and put my lips on top of hers. Our passionate kiss was intoxicating. I felt my body come alive as I tasted her sweet lips. Greta's soft moans encouraged me to press closer against her. Our tongues danced around each other as we explored each other more deeply. The intensity of the kiss made my body heat up and I could feel my heart racing in anticipation. Greta pulled away slightly, her eyes full of desire as she looked into mine. She placed one hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer, making my breath hitch in response to her touch. I drew a shaky breath, already feeling the heat radiating through our bodies. Her hands moved lower down my back, tugging gently at the waistband of the trousers that weren't mine, sending a thrill through me that made me arch toward her instinctively. My hands moved to Greta's hips, gripping tightly as we continued to kiss with an urgency neither one of us refused to let go. The heat between us increased as our mouths opened wider, exploring each other hungrily and without inhibition. Our mutual passion for each other escalated quickly and our hands were everywhere as we sought out new ways of pleasing each other with our caresses and kisses. At some point, Greta ended up straddling me and planting soft kisses along my jawline while playing idly with strands of my hair between her fingers. Heat flooded through me from where our bodies touched, making it hard to keep from rocking up against her in response to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through my veins like molten lava. I could feel my member hardening, rising as a soldier called to attention. "Oh," gasped Greta, as my erection must have poked against her. Her face became flooded with color. I laughed a little as I reached to touch her face. As I raised my hand, the mark of the Goddess winked under the light. At once, an urge to claim Greta overwhelmed me. This wasn't our first time being intimate, but after everything that had happened, nothing seemed to matter more than marking her. "I don't want to lose you, Greta Lovelace." She let out a ragged breath. "I should be the one saying that, Vladimir Randall," she said. "You are the one who always gets in trouble." "Trouble is my middle name." She rolled her eyes. "Don't ever do that again." "Do what?" Greta hesitated for a moment. "Scaring me like that." "I won't." Our noses touched as I leaned toward her. "Promise?" "I swear on my life." Greta pulled away, drawing her hair back and exposing her neck to me. "Then mark me," she demanded, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "Claim me as yours, Vlad." Then and there, I realized how the two of us were already in synchrony with each other even before the mating process finished. It was proof that we were made for each other. Her words were like music to my ears. It was all I needed - her permission. Without needing words to confirm my intentions, I moved my head toward Greta's neck and sunk my fangs into her smooth skin. I felt them sharpen to points as they pierced her flesh, and the scent of roses blossomed in the air. Our bond was about to be sealed. At first, there was nothing but pleasure radiating through our connection as I drank Greta's blood, feeding on her essence and completing the mating ritual. But soon, something more emerged between us, a deep knowing that wrapped around us like an invisible cloak. Greta moaned against me as her blood flowed into my mouth and every inch of our bodies seemed to be humming with desire. Her eyes were closed in pleasure as she gave herself over to the moment completely and without reservation. I could feel our connection deepening with each passing second until it became something no words could ever describe. This connection was ours alone and it went beyond anything either of us had ever known before. Finally, I pulled back from Greta's neck, licking the last drops of her essence from my lips as I did so. We were now truly bound together forever and she knew it just as well as I did. In response to this newfound commitment between us, I stripped away all the barriers that had been between us: away went Greta's cloak, skirt and corset until there was nothing but her beautiful body left exposed before me. The blanket that we had been lying on was thrown aside in one fluid movement. Then I stood up and joined Greta once more in bed - this time, not just two people lost in passion but two bonded souls reunited again at last. With my heart thumping in my chest and my hands trembling with desire, I climbed on top of Greta and kissed her again. Her lips were so soft and inviting that I felt myself grow hard beneath my borrowed trousers. She moaned sweetly as our mouths moved together and I couldn't help but feel the deep connection between us growing stronger with each passing moment. Breaking away from her mouth, I began to explore her body with my tongue, trailing wet kisses up the side of her neck and across the delicate dip of her collarbone. Everywhere I touched, Greta's skin seemed to heat up beneath my touch, sending sparks of pure pleasure coursing through me like wildfire. As I continued to devour her body with passionate kisses, Greta's n!pples became hard against my chest and a soft moan escaped her lips. It was all the encouragement I needed as I finally ventured lower down onto the plain of her stomach before pausing at the edge of her navel. With one hand cupping a breast while the other explored further southwards, Greta let out a low purr of approval as she felt every inch of me worshipping her body. The closer I got to the apex between Greta's thighs, the faster my heart raced. Her arousal was palpable in the air around us; it was almost intoxicating as it mixed with our own desires to create an explosion of passion neither one of us could resist any longer. Finally reaching Greta's soft wet center and feeling every ounce of love radiating from within it, I licked deeply into it - tasting for more than just surface pleasure but for a connection far deeper than we had ever known before this moment. Our souls seemed to be joined together at that moment like two halves becoming one; there was nothing more beautiful than this perfect union between us both. Greta's breathing grew faster around me as she felt every sensation surrounding us. Her body trembled with anticipation and excitement as I licked and licked her pvssy, exploring it in all the little ways that drove her wild. "Oh, my Vladimir," Greta moaned, her voice trembling with pleasure as my tongue continued to explore her depths. "I am all yours," I replied, fully immersing myself at the moment as I teased and tantalized Greta's sensitive inner walls. As I continued to lick and finger her pvssy, I slowly increased the pace of my fingers until Greta was practically begging me for more. Her moans grew louder and louder each time I touched her, pushing Greta closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. Holding back at the last moment before she reached climax, I inserted two fingers into Greta's wetness at once. She almost cried out as I tugged at the insides of her vag!na with each thrust - eliciting a steady stream of juices that flowed out of her with each movement. The sensations Greta was feeling were almost too much for her to take. Pushing herself over the edge, Greta let out a loud moan as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. Her body shuddered and quaked with each pulse of pleasure that reverberated around her body. The intensity of her orgasm seemed to last an eternity until slowly the intensity began to dissipate and she slowly came back down from the clouds. Once Greta had fully recovered, I gently moved on top of her again, only this time I swapped places with her so that she could be on top. We kissed deeply and passionately as we reconnected with each other's soul - savoring every second we spent together. Greta slowly trailed kisses down my neck and along the back of my ear before making her way towards my chest and abdomen. She sucked my n!pples, then down my navel before finally reaching the hard bulge in my pants. Her soft hand grabbed my now rock-hard member - teasing it in all the right ways until I was practically begging for more. Greta then took me into her mouth - delicately licking me up and down in a way that made me see stars. She sweetly tormented me with each stroke of her tongue - eliciting deep moans from within me that I never knew existed before this moment. "Fvck!" I growled, my back arching off the bed. Greta continued to suck and lick me, pushing me towards the edge of bliss with each passing second. She then suddenly pulled away and sharply rose up on top of me, straddling my waist as she aimed my erection into her depths. Greta slowly lowered herself onto me - inch by inch all the way down until she felt my entire length inside of her. We both moaned in pleasure at the fullness I provided - Greta's tight walls gripping and milking every inch of me. Slowly and sensually, Greta began to move up and down - her body glistening with sweat as she rode me hard. With every thrust, we both inched closer and closer to climax. Greta then abruptly changed positions with me. I was now on top of her, with her legs spread wide apart on either side of me so that I could see all of her beauty in its entirety. I took a moment to admire her before pushing back into her once more - this time faster, harder, and deeper than before. Greta's hips rocked in rhythm with mine as I moved deeper inside her. Her moans grew more desperate and pleading as I increased my pace. Gripping her wrists tightly, I felt her body shudder beneath me as I pushed us both towards our peak. Greta's cries of pleasure mingled with my own as our movements grew frenzied and wild. Suddenly, with one final thrust, a wave of undiluted pleasure crashed over us both, making us tremble and quiver in its wake. Our embrace lasted long after the intensity had ebbed away, and only when our breathing returned to normal did we finally pull apart. "You're mine, Greta," I whispered into her ear. "Only mine."
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