14. Friend and Witch

1187 Words

Greta Lovelace Fear and alarm coursed through my body as I watched the vision unfold. I was horrified by what I had just witnessed, unable to believe what Vladimir had done to his beloved Helen. My stomach dropped in terror and my heart raced, pounding so hard it felt like it was about to burst out of my chest. I stumbled back from the vision, my hands shaking, trying desperately to make sense of what had happened. I let go of my rabbit familiar as she scurried back into her cage, her eyes wide with alarm. My mind was spinning, trying to figure out a way to help Vladimir and Helen if they were in danger. Desperately, I tried to summon enough willpower to send a message through the soulmate link. Vladimir! What's going on? But no matter how hard I concentrated, all that came in respons

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