3. Lunchtime

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The rest of the week is just learning a new routine.  Get up early, go to school, joke around with Dustin/ avoid evil cunts in the AM, try not to develop a crush during the day, spend lunch time in the art room, end school day in study hall with Sally, Anna, Brian, Cole, and Jessie, discussing homework and the upcoming training.  Harrison and I don’t talk too much during class.  I’m mainly engrossed in the still life the teacher has set up for us, until he asks me to critique his work, and I playfully make fun of him.  It’s officially Friday and I’m so happy I can sleep in tomorrow… that was until Harrison mentioned the ungodly hour that we have to begin training. “You as excited as me to meet the pack at 5am?” “Are you effin’ kidding me?  That’s earlier than when school starts!”  He actually laughs at me.  I send him a scowl, which only makes his smile bigger and laugh longer.  It’s honestly a great laugh. “I thought you knew?  Well, get used to it.  It only sucks for the first 6hrs.” he muses.  “It lasts for 7hrs… great.” I am not amused. He tells me what to expect out of his pack.  Everyone pulls their weight in training, just in case something happens- rogue attacks or vampire invasions.  I asked him if it’s happened ever and he says they do get rogues every now and again, but never on a massive scale.  Their pack is more or less a peaceful one, not run by a dictator, and have made strong alliances in surrounding territories.  And since we are in the middle of the country, there’s not a lot of activity.  At that moment, I’m glad my parents moved us.   “The running is the best part.  You get to run with your group anywhere on the territory, as long as you come back within the hour…. Then it’s lunch!”  “That’s going to be my favorite part,” I sigh dreamily, saying it more to myself, because I am not looking forward to sweating all day.  Harris actually looks at my body, as if he’s accessing me in how well I’ll adapt to his pack.  “You’re rather skinny.  We need to up your protein.  Let’s double up on the chicken at lunch today!” I hesitate for a minute.  “I need to work on my project for art- I usually do that during the lunch period.” “Don’t you eat?” I hate this part.  Where I have to lie.  “It’s in my bag goober.  Of course I eat. I promise to eat double portions tonight at dinner, okay?”  I give him my best girlie grin, and he seems to be satisfied with that.  After a few more minutes, the bell rings and we say our goodbyes.  I talk with Mr. Chapman for a minute then sit down and pull out my honeybun. I put my headphones in and zone into a sketch.  It’s not technically for that present life project, but whatever pops into my head, I just need to draw it.  For the past few days, it’s been a wolf, and I think it’s my wolf.  I sketch it out, and not sure of the colors just yet.  We can’t officially shift until we’re 16.  That’s the first time you can actually communicate with your wolf.  I’m still only 14 so I have a while to wait.  I hope I have dark brown fur like my hair.  It isn’t extraordinary, but I think a full dark brown wolf would be pretty.  I’m so deep into my thoughts that I don’t realize a body is next to me.  A faint musky smell hits me, and I smile out of natural reaction.  I take a nibble of my honeybun and then one of my earbuds yanks out of my ear.  I jump in my seat and see a scowling Harris.  “Jesus you scared me!... Whats up?” My heartrate increases as he sits down next to me, still scowling and still not saying anything.  The next thing I know, he closes my sketchbook, pushes it to the side, and takes my honey bun.  Oh. Hell. No. I reach over to grab it but he easily holds me back to my seat.  He looks at my honey bun then back to me.  He wouldn’t.....  H-He couldn't.... ….But he does.  He friggin’ eats the last of my honey bun.  I’m so stunned and pissed that I actually start smacking his arm. “That.” Smack  “Was.” Smack  “My.” Smack  “Honeybun!” Smack  On the last smack he starts giggling and catches my wrist.  I ignore the little tingles going up my arm, scowling at him, and then he holds my gaze with a serious face again.  “You lied to me.  You lied to your future alpha.  This is not a lunch Brighton.”  He says, none too happily I may add. I feel ashamed as I tug my wrist out of his hand.  I look away for a minute then back to him.  “I’m sorry Harris. It’s not that big of a deal.” “Not that big of a deal?” he says incredulously.  “You’re eating a honey bun for lunch!  Do you even eat breakfast?” At my silence he already knows my answer. And he seems even more mad. I think I just saw steam come out of his nose in a huff. Before he can place blame on my parents, or accuse me of anorexia, I immediately interrupt his open mouth by placing my hand over it.  His hot breath does something to the butterflies to my tummy, turning flutters into warmth, but I ignore that.  “It’s by choice Harris.  My parents work hard for everything they have.  My dad leaves before I even wake up, and comes hope late at night from work. Mom has her responsibilities too.  I hate asking for extra things when it’s not needed.  They know I only carry something small for breakfast and lunch.  When they’ve tried to intervene, it made me feel so bad I got into a huge depression over it.  I’ve always hated asking for more clothes and shoes when I grew out of them, or having to ask money for bras when I started developing”.  I’m so happy I said this without blushing. “One of the reasons we moved here is because rent is cheaper, but they still struggle to make ends meet. And I don’t want to be a burden to them by asking for money we don’t have. Things will get better eventually, but honestly, it’s not that big of a deal.  Can you not freak out on me? And for goddess sake, don’t you dare pity me”. His gaze is boring into mine and I finally let go of his mouth.  He doesn’t seem as angry as before but doesn’t say anything for a minute.  As if on cue for our silence, a man in a suit walks in with two bags and sets it down by Harris.  He bows at the waist and exits.  Harris doesn’t say anything as he goes through the bags and pulls out a to go box of two very large chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, and long stem green beans. He puts a similar plate in front of him. My mouth practically waters.  He smirks when he sees me sniffing my nose and hands me some silverware.  He starts eating without talking. I take a breath. “When did you order this?” “When I walked back in here, seeing you draw, nibbling on a honey bun like that’s what you do every day”.  Well, he isn’t wrong. “Why?” He knows I don’t have to elaborate. “We’re friends Brighton.  We should take care of each other.  I’m also future alpha, but mostly because we’re friends.”  Take care of each other?  How could I possible do anything for him?  I feel sadness, but I don’t want to cry.  I don’t like others pity.  “I’m sorry I lied to you Harris,” I said softly.  And I was.  “I know”.  He didn’t even look twice at me for shortening his name. We both ate in silence, and honestly, I couldn’t finish my meal since I’m not use to having so much at this time.  When the bell rings, we quickly clean up and head towards the door.  This is usually the last time I see him, so I quickly run in front of him and give him a quick hug.  It takes him a moment to register what I’m doing and he hugs me back, patting me on my upper back.  I step back and look him in the face. “I’m still mad.  You owe me a honey bun”.  I give him wink and turn on my heel to walk away, but not before I hear him chuckling. I ended up telling Dustin about the lunch fiasco with Harris.  He nods in understanding about my situation, being from the same neighborhood and all, and I don’t feel judged when I’m with him.  I brought him to my house to meet my parents and he stayed for dinner.  Right after, he wanted to split so he could get to bed early for training the next morning.  I almost hated him for reminding me. After helping with the dishes, I go upstairs and do some intense body stretches.  I lay in bed and think about Harrison and his kindness today.  I hate him seeing me vulnerable, but I guess he’s right.  He is my future alpha and I lied to him.  He’ll make a great Alpha one day, especially if he ends up force feeding people.  I start to doze off with a small smile.  I made a really great friend, the future alpha of all people. And I got to hug him.
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