My Face

1024 Words
Annie p.o.v Doctor Micheal come back, he visited me an hour ago then asked me to get ready to watch my face. I was feeling so nervous, I don't know how will I look like? I don't know how much damage I got from that burning liquid? But I have to be strong enough to face this cruel world, as I get betrays by my very own people, so I can not expect any good from others... I thought about my future then I finally decided something, I can not hide from my parents all my life, I have to face Chairs and Hayden... I will confront them about all the thing they did with me, I have to file a case in police about the man, he ruined everything in my life, he destroyed my personality. He destroyed my self-confidence, attitude, beauty, he not only burned my face but he also burned my soul. I can not let all of them go away like this... I decided to face everything, I am determined to get back there, I will not run away... I finally concluded my thoughts then decided to go back home but I am nervous!!! I am so scared to just get out from this room, I told my self that I am strong enough to fight with all of them... But, No!!! My insides are shaking. Finally, the time came, the doctors and nurses came into my room, I was searching for Doctor Micheal!!! He was the last one to get inside my room. He walks near my bed then his lips curved into his most center smile, I smiled back at him. "So, Annie are you ready? I am sure you are feeling nervous as we all feeling a bit, but don't worry!!! It will be fine." He said watching all the doctors and nurses, they all were smiling they treated me like a princess. I am so thankful to every single one of them... I nodded my head, Doctor Micheal took a scissor from the start then heaved a little sigh, I also gulped the pit in my throat, He then cut the one side of the bandage slowly start unfolding it... He was unfolding it the layer from my face, my heartbeat was racing as faster as he was near the last fold. I feel like I will get a heart attack, my hands were shaking, some drops of sweat covered my forehead. I feel like I will lose my consciousness but it never happened. Doctor Micheal removed all the bandages then he looks towards me, "Annie, I know it will be very hard for you to accept this but it is like that, I know you are a strong girl. I know you can face everything in this world. We have treated you with all our will, the result is here!!! I want you to be calm when you see your face." He said it to me, I nodded my head then grabbed his hand with all the force in me. Doctor Michela didn't say anything he just stands beside me then motioned one of the nurses to get the mirror, she gets out a mirror then give it to me, I dare myself to be strong to not panic. But when I watched my face in the mirror all my strength vanished, I start breathing heavily as I saw a half of my face skin is dark brown, it is so worse I can see my cheekbone from the mere layer or skin, my eye welled up with tears, my whole body starts shaking... I feel like I lost my identity!!! It is not me, it can not be me!!! I am not like this... I feel devas, ted. I can not go out like this, I can not face the world with this face, it is very difficult for me to accept it... I start crying, my cries changed unto shouts when I again saw my face. I remember my sister in law, she watches my face in the morning when's he was pregnant because she wants her baby to be beautiful like me, I remembered my mother always praying for all the evil eyes stay away from her daughter, I remember Charles touching my cheeks then seeking them with love, I remember my friends admiring my beauty, it all comes back... The pain is worse, I am lost!!! I am destroyed it can not be me... The panic gets worse as I feel like my breath gets caught in my throat, then I feel a little sting in my arm. Doctor Micheal was standing near me all the others went out now, I see Doctor Sophia face, she is so beautiful!!! There is not any mark on her skin, I start feeling drowsy my eyes feel heavy as I saw Doctor Micheal getting me laid on my bed. The last person I saw in front of my eyes before getting into a deep sleep was Doctor Sophia, the last word I speak with my self was, that I remembered was 'I lost my everything! She is so beautiful.' After that, I didn't remember anything when I opened my eyes, I found myself in a comfy bed. It moved my head in one direction to see the curtains blocking the light, the pleasant fragrance of the room freshener is good to smell, it is not the hospital? Wait!!! Where am I? I am not in the hospital!!! Am I dreaming? I thought about it then punched my arm, ouch!!! No, it's not a dream. So, it is for real, but whose room is this? Am I at my house? No, the room is not similar to anyone in my face, so!!! I was in deep thoughts when the door of the room opened, someone entered isnide the person look at me sitting on the bed. The room lights instantly switched on, I covered my eyes with my hands to black the sudden effect of light then I heard a giggle!!! I removed my hand slowly to saw a man smiling at me... "Doctor Micheal!!!" 
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