Her Confidence

1240 Words
Annie p.o.v My week went well at university, my regular classes with no drama. I have to meet Sheena and Bunny in the campus, Bunny is his neck name Brandon, he is a blonde guy friend with Sheena. We three get along with each other good, I have found a good company. Sheena is a very intelligent girl with an extraordinary kind in business communication, Brandon is a very good hacker, he looks like a nerd but his qualities are brilliant as he can handle computers so well... Meanwhile, I researcher about my campus a little to find all the incident happen in there, I found a secret page of the campus where the bullies post on the videos of the people they beat or bully. It was so bad looking all the videos my blood boiled, how can they do this to these poor guys? I thought to do something soon... In the morning, Micheal offered me a drive to campus that I accepted happily. I entered inside the campus to find one, and only Sheena waiting for me, she runs towards me with a smile on her face. "Good morning, why were you not on the bus? I thought you are not coming today!!!" She said. I took her then covered my face with the card to hide both marks from sunlight. "Yeah, my friend dropped me. I can not miss my classes." I said. She nodded her head. "Okay, come on now, Brandon went inside." She said I nodded then we both move inside the gates. As we entered inside, we found a gathering of people in the corridor near our lockers. Sheena looks towards me, I shifted my eyes towards the crowd then we walk towards the people to find out the girls from earlier messing up with another girl, this time a few guys were with them also... I moved ahead to find one girl sitting on the floor, all the books and pages we're scattered on the floor, the girl clothes were wet with water, her glasses were broken down at one side, a glue-like thing stuck in her ears. The girls were crying badly sitting in between the crowd, one of the boys was shooting a video, the girl was laughing evilly. It is too much!!! I start walking towards the girl when Sheena grabbed my arm, she gave me a pleaded look to not go there, "Annie, they will not hold to do the same thing with you, please don't go!!! We will try to do something else." She said. "Sheena, it is the right time to go there, I can not see the poor girl get more bullied by those bastards, I know what to do, just hold my phone make a video of all the drama. " I instructed her then get my arm out from her grip. I straight walk towards the girl, she was sitting and crying in between the crowd of the students, I sat beside her. I listened to a few sighs!!! The evil laughing of the boys and girl stopped... I start grabbing the books and papers from the floor. The girl felt a presence beside her so she looks upwards, her puffy eyes and red nose with a little bruise under her lip, I assured her with my eyes that she is safe. "Hey, what are you doing? Why are you ruining all the fun?" I listened to a shout, I didn't pay attention to it... I collected all the papers and books then give to the girl. "Hey, aren't you listening? How dare you to interpret us? Don't you know who I am?" The buy shouted again, I gave the glasses to the girl, she sobbed a little I grabbed her hand then stand up with her, I turned around with the girl to walk away when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "How dare you? Where are you going? I think you didn't understand? Now you will also be treated the same as this nerd. b***h!!!" The boy said, "Hey, you go... There she is my friend, go to her. I will be there in a minute..." I instructed the girl, she nodded her head then start walking towards Sheena. Sheena was recording all of this on my phone, that's what I want... I turn around grabbing the hand of the guy, I twisted his wrist so tightly that a painful scream erupts from his mouth... All the swag of the guy ended. Another guy with blond hairs a leather jacket with so may chain on it, a piercing in her left ear, anger was evident in his eyes. He was looking me with fury expressions, people around us were murmuring or sighing!!! I look in his eyes with the same intensity, as I moved my gaze around I saw the girl from earlier standing with the guy. I gave a little more twist to the guy's wrist, he trained, I left his hand, the guy moves towards his group. I then pointed my finger to all of them, then I said with confidence. "I will not tolerate any bullying with anyone here, I don't know, who you guys think of yourselves!!! But if I saw anything lie this again, you guys will surely know who I am..." I warned with a fierce look, a smirk appeared on the blond guy's face. He came ahead from his group then look my posture from head to toe, a smirk appeared on his lips. "Hey, you little thing... You will stop us!!! Haha, that was a nice joke." He laughed hard with a smile on the faces of his group mates. "Let me introduce myself, I am Jasen Mark!!! My father is the trusty of this campus, it is for the first time you interrupted my fun. I am letting you go... It is the last time you dare." He warned pointing a finger towards me, I smiled a little then said in a clear voice. "I will stop this all, it is my promise to everyone here... I am not buying the s**t if you are the son of the president. I will be the one you meet every time, you do anything like this..." I said the boy's mouth hung open. "We will see..." He snarled then left with his group when he was out of sight, all the students clapped for me. I move out of the crowd towards the girl to help her come out of her situation. Sheena thumbs up to me, she smiled then gave me my phone back, "Annie, you are so brave. I can not think if I can be gain that much courage sometimes, I am so proud of you." Sheena said. "Sheena, I promise you will be brave enough soon...i will stop this all I promise, but I need your help!!!" I winked then said, Sheena nodded her head. I turn towards the girl, she was standing with her head low with teary eyes. "What is your name?" I asked she gulped then said. "My name is Emilly, I am the student of the first year." She said., "Okay, Emilly. Come let's go... We will clean you out first!!!" I smiled then put my hands on her shoulder dragging her with me in the girl washroom. I now know what to do??? A plan was running in my mind and a smile on my face.  Annie, you are a genius!!!
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