III - Rejecting Light

1281 Words
"Ohr!" Carlisle's voice thundered through the room. Never have I heard him yell the Hebrew phrase with such conviction. It was as though he has taken the news of demonic invasion as a personal matter. Like it hurt his dog or something. As the light of the Halo blazed all around us, I came to a realization. If I were the heir to the highest position of an organization dedicated to ridding the world of supernatural evil, I would take the news of any demon attack personal. Carlisle had the right to be furious. The sickening sensation brought about by the Halo's portal took me out of my wandering thoughts, plunging me back to the reality of the situation. I knew the whole portal journey was just for a few seconds, but I felt as though I had enough time to contemplate about the mysteries of the universe. A nauseous feeling crept down inside me as we were hurled through the nothingness between time and space. The familiar white halls and floors of the Tel Aviv Sanctum zoomed in as the portal spewed us out. For a nervous moment, I thought I would land on my face that I closed my eyes in reflex. However, my newly-awakened Soul Dealer instincts kicked in and I landed on my feet, much to my own surprise. Michael, Carlisle and Jason landed with grace after me. The blazing light of the Halo vanished, closing the portal. "We're here," announced Carlisle. Though that part was obvious. All around us was the elegant whiteness of the Sanctum. High pillars, wide beams and polished floors. Still, there were no windows in the building, but I knew it was daytime as all of the Sanctum's corridors were filled with milling Soul Dealers.The air was alive with the collective sound of indistinct chatter, footsteps and all the hustle and bustle that entailed the Ministry's day-to-day business. The Angelic warriors turned their heads toward us, their eyes curious as to who has arrived. Memories of my first arrival in Tel Aviv crossed my mind. Disgusted stares and smug faces. Bloodshed. Tears. They all flashed in vivid colors inside my head and I winced, looking away. These people must still hate me, I thought as I felt my heart tug. When the Soul Dealers realized who we were, a great tide of silence enveloped the Sanctum. All activities ground to a halt and the air suddenly went still, I thought I would have heard a pin drop. Jason must have sensed I felt awkward as he stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. "Kay," he whispered. "Look." My common sense told me not to, but, I couldn't help but be my stubborn self, so I looked. Not only did everyone in the Sanctum stop what they were doing, but they also bowed their heads down. My eyes widened and my brows fused in confusion. "What are they doing?" I asked to no one in particular. "What's going on?" As if an answer, the door at the furthermost end of the first floor opened and a familiar burly dark-skinned man walked out. Malachi. Upon seeing our small group standing in the middle of the hall, he too, bowed his head. "Lady Strongheart." Malachi's voice thundered across the hall. "It is our great honor to receive your presence." What on Earth was happening? Clouds of confusion filled my skull, I felt like my head was going to explode. My mouth gaped open as I stared around, baffled. "W-what?" I asked, blinking my eyes fast like a complete i***t. I inched closer to Carlisle. "What is happening? Why are they bowing their heads?" "They are paying their respects to you," started Goldilocks as he stepped away from me. "Lady Strongheart," he said as he bowed. A second later, Michael also bowed and Jason followed suit. My blood rose to my face and I felt my cheeks flare. A sudden storm started inside my chest as I didn't know what to do, much less how to react. I was spared from doing anything stupid when another figure emerged from the door where Malachi had walked through. It was a man. He had curly blonde hair much like Carlisle's and was clad in full golden armor. The Soul Minister. Our gazes locked for a second, and then his lips curved into a thin smile. "Kaylene," he said, flooding me with relief as he didn't act weird like the others. "I have been expecting you. Come into my office. We have a lot to discuss." -0- The Minister's office looked much like a school principal's office. It was a wide room with high ceiling. The walls were also white and the floor was made from the same polished material. Bookshelves and antiquities lined the walls. A huge mahogany table sat in the middle of the room. Behind it, Minister Samuel sat on a high backed chair carved out of the same wood. Hung over his head behind him was the portrait of who I could only assume was my great-great-great grand father. "Have your seats," said the Minister, gesturing to the velvet-covered chairs in front of his massive table. I glanced at the others with me as I was unsure what to do. Michael simply nodded, as though encouraging me to follow the Minister. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I did as I was told and sat down on the chair closest to the table. Michael sat across me and Jason settled on the chair next to mine. Carlisle did not sit down, instead he walked around the table and stood beside his uncle. "What now?" I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Minister Addersworth smiled at me. "How are you, Kaylene?" "I feel weird, to be honest," I remarked before I could stop myself. "What exactly is going on? I thought we just went here so Jason and I could officialize our Soul Dealer statuses. Why is everyone calling me 'Lady Strongheart' all of a sudden?" "Because that is who you are," answered the Minister as though it explained everything. "I know that it came as a surprise to you, but I assure you, you have nothing to worry about, Kaylene. If anything else, you should be delighted." "I still don't understand." "You are the last surviving descendant of the Chosen One, Kaylene. That means you are the closest thing to a miracle to the Soul Dealer race. Your very existence is a blessing from the Angels. That is why everyone is bowing their heads to you. Our race will not be if not for your ancestor, Sh'muel." "But I am not Sh'muel. I'm just... me." My mind was whirling. Saying that I was overwhelmed would be the understatement of the century. I wasn't expecting that the Tel Aviv Soul Dealers would treat me nicely, let alone pay their respects to me, after I rained Hell down upon them. If anything, I was counting on the fact that they'd push me away after what I've done. "I don't deserve this... royal treatment." "Well, in that vein, prepare to be disappointed as there is more." "What do you mean?" Minister Samuel let out a thoughtful sigh as he held my gaze with his bright blue eyes. The air felt tight as I waited for him to speak. After what seemed to me was ages, he parted his lips. "Since you are the last living descendant of first Angelic warrior, the Ordinance dictates that you take on the leadership of the Soul Dealer race," he said without missing a beat. "Kaylene Strongheart, you are bound to become the Soul Minister."
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