VII - Gaining Allies

1329 Words

A vast empty whiteness lay before my eyes. I was asleep, but my eyelids were peeled back. Another dream? I asked myself, turning around. Everywhere was white. Words could not describe the intense purity around me. For a moment, I thought I was in Heaven, however, I knew I wasn't as the place did not feel divine. It was as though infinity revealed itself unto me, offering me the complexities of its blankness. No matter where I looked, everything was the same. Empty. And then I looked down. At once, the ground that I had been standing on vanished. I wasn't even sure if there had been a 'ground.' All that I was certain of was that whatever it was that had supported my weight was gone. I was free falling. My hands and legs flailed uselessly in the air as I fell down. A loud scream esca

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