chapter-1 ( who's baby ?)

1866 Words
Ohhh my lovely people ! I am back with new story. And with new concept... Enjoy folks.  Becca's pov :-  I shifted in my seat due to soreness in my bum. I can't sit in one position for  more than 2 min. How can people sit in one position for many hours in offices ? It's beyond me.  I was in my mental debate untill someone kicked me from my side...  Please i was thinking so important stuff..  Ohh yeah it's my stupid best friend.  " What ?" I hissed at her with glaring.  Thank god ! We are at last bench and millions of students are ahead of us  baring this torture either with sleepy eyes or throbbing headache. Because i am feeling both.  Selina threw her pencil at me and that brought me back into this boring as hell class.  I raised my eyebrow at her to ask what the hell she want ?  " What are you thinking ?" She asked in a whisper while playing with the end of her curls.  I narrowed my eyes at her.  " That why am i friends with you ?" I asked with fake smile.  Okay ! I am saying just to mock her. Otherwise she and Adri are my best friends. They are the best. Shh ! We don't want them to know that.  " Because she is best at doing makeup.." Adri gave her smartasss reply and i winked in her side. She is sitting at my left and Selina at my right.  We heard selina huffed at that.  " You both are bitches..." She grumbled and we both snickered at that.  " Any problem at the back bench ladies ? Miss knight ?" Professor asked in his boring yet snappy tone. Perks of having famous parents and last name.  Whole class turned to us for entertainment. I can understand their situation. I always look upon to that situation when someone do something nasty and then professor start scolding them. It's the best timepass in boring classes.  " Not at all Mr. Terreon" i answered sweetly.  After giving glare at our direction.. he resumed to bore us.  " He is boring as f*ck..." Adri comment and i zipped my mouth with two fingers with a glare and indicate her to do the same and she shrugged in reply.  Bitch !  Well ! I am good in studies actually i am Topper in class after him. But I don't like to sit in front to show that ohh i am a nerd.  "He is here" " Awww"  Speak of the Devil and he himself Grace with his presence.  There were thousands of things like that are saying right now in the class indicating he is here.  He is 30 minute and 14 seconds late for class... Probably busy with someone. Actually sucking someone. I thought bitterly.  " Well Mr.pattinson ! Why are you here ?" Professor asked with his specks on his nose at the edge that it will slipped down any minute.  Whole class is looking at them and girls are ogling at him.  I should told them that he is my soulmate so keep your spawns to yourselves. But when the person himself doesn't care then who am i to claim him... Right ?  He is so handsome with his athletic body with ripped muscle and 6 feet height and morever blue emerald eyes like clean water. His bad boy aura is not helping either.  I knew from my very young age that he is my soulmate and it's a very long story but i know it's him.  I never told anyone about this except one person... Ohh how i am missing him.  " What is today's excuse Mr. Junior pattinson ?" Professor's voice bring me back to class.  I am looking at them under my eyelashes. I don't want him to know that i am looking at him.. not that he is going to notice me anyway. He never look at me like i don't exist for him. It hurts but maybe he will realise it later that he belongs to me.... Because obviously boys are stupid and they need time to understand everything.  Their after conversation was blur due to my spacing out... What's with me and spacing out today ?  I almost lost his every smartass reply to professor.  Someone snapped their fingers infront of me and it's oh my God !  He winked at me and went to his seat.  Ethan pattinson know that i exist and morever he winked at me.  " Asshole" i heard my two besties said in unison.  Every girl in University want a little attention of Ethan pattinson even if it's for one night stand but this two despise him like a plague.  I shook my head at them and they stick their tongue out at me. They only know that I have a crush on him not the whole thing.  I maybe know that Ethan is my soulmate but i never trails behind him for his attention like following him like a lost puppy because c'mon we knights never bow down to anyone.  Self respect before boys even if it's soulmate....Period Further of the class went in a blur... Some glances in Ethan's direction and some attention to lesson. We are done with today in University... Yeahhh !  " Finallyyyy"  we trio exclaimed at the same time and burst out laughing at that.  We packed our bags and ready to go.  " I am planning to go club tonight.. Anyone up for it ?" Adri asked and me and Selina turned to her in horror.  " I am busy" Selina answered in a hurry.  " Me too" i answered abruptly fast.  Adri narrowed her eyes at us with one hand on hip. Total Mommy style...  " You both are useless and i promise I will behave this time..." She promised with her fingers in the air.  Me and Selina look at her with grimace look on our faces.  " You say it all the time... Last time they almost throw us out from club." I told her with same style as her with hand on hip.  " Plewwwsss..." She says while batting eyelashes innocently.  Innocent my ass...  " Not gonna work babe..." I said with pat on her shoulder and Selina done the same and started walking with me leaving Adri behind.  " You both are boring..." She shout at us. " Whatever" I turned around and said with the weird movement of my hands.  After that i walk ahead but stopped as saw the scene in front of me.  Ethan is kissing some readhead with so much passion like there is no tomorrow.  It stings in the heart. It's hurting but I can't do anything about that.  Just then, they pulled away and Ethan look in my direction and smirk. I looked away from them and started walking ahead by passing them.  " What have you ever seen in him ?" Selina asked in disgust by previous scene. " Exactly my point" Adri said just after. " Shut up guys" i snapped but there is burning inside.  I can't help it.  We are almost in the parking and Selina screeched so high that i thought freaking celebrity is here.  " Have you gone mad ?" I asked her with disbelief that this girl is not 3 anymore. She pointed me forward.. as i follow her finger and saw He is here.  A wide smile formed on my face as i see him standing there leaning on his black sexy buggati verron.. his Goggle covered eyes searching for me. He is looking sexy in his Armani with above six feet.  Did I just say that my best friend is sexy ? " Now, this is what i was saying..." Selina says with dreamy look on her.  Sudden jealousy passed through me.  " What ?" I asked with irritation not liking the way all the girls were ogling at him.  What is wrong with me ?  Maybe because he was not here from many days and that reminder formed frown on my face. " How can you go behind that stupid person when you can have this hot stuff ?" Adri answered on behalf of Selina.  Hot stuff ? He sure is but he is my best friend...  " Keep saying it to yourself..." They both said in unison.  Did i say that loud ?  " Yep" they again answered and i slapped my forehead on my stupidity.  Before I can say anything... Cory noticed me and waved at me but i didn't wave back. I am angry on him and maybe he sensed that so he walked to me. " Hey" he said in Husky voice... It's giving me tingle everywhere.  " Heyya" Adri and Selina greet him but he gave them small nod and give me his undivided attention after that but I pushed him aside and start walking further.  I know he is following me..  " Enjoy" my two stupid best friends screamed from behind and i gave them standing ovation of my tallest finger and they laughed at me.  I get into the car and closed the door before he can stop me.  He ran to his side and get inside.  First he looked at me with strange look in his eyes and suddenly engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.  " Oh God ! I missed you so much..." He said still hugging.. his words form little smile on my face but i kept my face straight as we pulled apart.  " Bullshit" i grumbled. " Bec i am so sorry... " He apologized sincerely but not gonna do.  " You should be... You left me for 5 days without saying anything. You haven't called or even text would have do but no you were so busy to even acknowledge that someone is there living for yo-" i stopped in middle as i realised what i was saying with widen eyes.  " So you missed me so much huh ?" He asked with wiggling eyebrows and i slapped his arm. " Jerk"  He lean his head on my lap as i start stroking his hair.  He pulled his head up and look intensely in my eyes and i gulped at the intensity in his eyes.  He stroked my chin with his right hand.  " I really missed you crazily baby" he said and my eyes widen at Baby word.  He smiled at my reaction. " Baby ?" I asked with tremble voice. " What's wrong in that ?" He asked with knitted eyebrows. " Isn't it feel awkward because this endearment is for people in relation and we are not..." I answered in nervousness while looking at him and his perfection.  " Maybe i want us to be in one.." he said while stroking my cheek again with dangerous emotion in his eyes. " Stop messing with me... " I pushed him away and left the breath i was holding. Still that emotion was there in his eyes. Something is different about him today...  " Okay so you hungry ?" He asked after few seconds.  " A lot" i answered and he chuckled beside me.  I looked at him smilingly.  We are back on path.... But why i was feeling tingles when he touched me ?  Why I was excited when he said that he want us together ?  Why ?  Ethan, his brother is my soulmate then why i am feeling this towards Cory ?  Maybe it's because i spend lot of time with Cory .... Maybe.  My all the thinking stopped at haste as Cory grabbed my hand and put it in his lap.  I sit in my seat comfortable as we rode towards our favourite place to eat.  No words needed... **************************************** You can put ur playlist here** I guess this is it for today... Tell me how's it.  Love yaa all
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