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Ten women, all of different shapes, ages, and sizes stand by the large wooden door trying their best to hear what is going on behind it. The guards that once took that position have moved to allow the women enough room to nose around as usual. "Are you sure you heard right?" one of the women whispers to the brunette standing by her side, whose ear is against the door like the others. "Positive! I couldn't help but think about it while he ate his dinner, it angered me!" she replies harshly. How dare Lady Garnet question her as if she is a liar? It would have been best to have held this information from them if she knew they would act like this again. "We're not going to get anything just listening by the door, I am pretty sure he can hear us anyway," another lady says detaching herself from the wood, and patting her grey dress to adjust it. "How could King Stephan do this to me! We are supposed to get married when I conceive," the youngest says in tears, causing half of the ladies to roll their eyes. Her tiny voice does not enchant them like it does the king. "Get over yourself Georgi, just because he pampers you doesn't mean he favors you out of all of us," the raven-haired woman says, glaring at the little girl with her blue eyes. "At least he shows me more attention than all of you combined!" Georgi retorts with a glare. Lady Mara cannot touch her no matter what, and that's a fact, the king will not hesitate to throw her out. One may wonder how King Stephan of Sheath keeps his peace in his castle with ten women, but that is a talent no one can copy...he was born with it. King Stephan of Sheath, a heartthrob of a man. A man that has conquered land and earned the title of king. A man that has never lost a single battle, as his skills are hardly matched. A man that can get any woman he pleases, until recently. King Stephan had just come back from his birthday celebration in Moore, where he 'celebrated' alongside his twin brother, Xerxes. There, he received the first rejection in his entire life. Princess Saya of Laine, Xerxes' woman, had made it clear that he was nowhere near comparable to his brother she deeply cares for, and that he was just disgusting and troublesome. Disgusting? Troublesome? Him? King Stephan of Sheath? No one had dared say such words to him! He would have let it go if Saya was not attractive because he would just assume she's projecting her insecurities on him.  But no, she took his breath away the moment he laid eyes on her. Her perfect brown skin and captivating eyes enchanted him like no other! Was it her swaying hips when she walked, or her melodic voice when she spoke, or her kinky hair he wanted to tangle his hand in, that got his knees wobbly? He doesn't know, but what he does know is that she is unlike anyone he had ever met, unfortunately, she had to be the one that would turn him down. Lady May had told her fellow women about how their king refused to stop blabbing about Saya when he ate, and that he was not in the mood to even touch her last night after he came back from Moore. This made sense because he was very indifferent to them when they came out to greet him upon his arrival. They even planned to have their own 'special' celebration for him, but he dismissed them, going straight to his room, after requesting his meal be brought to his chambers. The women gathered by his door the following morning to eavesdrop and find out whether he is indeed enchanted by this Saya to the extent that he can't stop talking about her. "I've had my fill of this. Laila," Lady Garnet calls another lady of the king, Laila. "Yes," the chestnut-haired woman flinches in sudden shock that her name was called. "It's your turn to give King Stephan his breakfast and you're eavesdropping. Won't his meal get cold?" The eight other ladies turn to Laila, as Garnet says this. Laila's eyes widen at the sudden realization of this. She spins to her maid that has been waiting on her, the tray of the king's breakfast in her hands. "Apologies Sandra! I was carried away," Laila says to the maid, an apologetic look on her face. "It's alright, My Lady," she replies, handing the tray of breakfast to the young woman. Snickers and unamused chuckles are heard from a few of the ladies and Laila knows they are directed towards her. "I hope the king dumps the entire meal on you for bringing it late," the raven-haired lady says with a sinister smile. "Oh don't be like that Lady Mara. Go on Laila, you have this!" an ash-blonde-haired lady with silver eyes says with a warm smile. "Thank you Amice," Laila returns her smile before moving to knock on the door as the ladies make way for her. "Enter," Stephan's deep, husky voice commands, Georgi immediately fanning her face, as she cannot help but blush at the most basic of words that emerge from the mouth of the man she loves. One by one, the ladies take their leave, as Laila opens the door, and comes in. King Stephan of Sheath is sitting on his large bed, his dark blue eyes fixed on Laila as she walks in. As usual, her heart slams against her chest as she walks to him, trying her best to control her breathing. This is what King Stephan does to her, from the moment they met. His muscular olived toned body and black hair enhance his handsome face. His eyes boring into her like they can see her innermost thoughts. "Good morning, My Lord," she greets as she sets the tray down on the stool to his side. "Laila, what took you so long?" he lifts his eyebrow at her before patting the bed beside him for her to sit. "I...Uhm...well what happened was that-" "It's alright. I heard everything from behind the door," he smiles bending his head a bit, signaling for her to take the seat. She releases her breath obeying his wishes, apologizing. "It's alright Laila, you and your apologies will drive me crazy one day," he chuckles. Laila bows her head in understanding, but suddenly jolts a bit, and starts giggling when she feels Stephan's fingers on her stomach tickling her. He lets go, and nods, "You should've laughed earlier, what I said was funny," he smiles before taking the tray and opening the lid that covered the plate. Another reason why she loves this man, he will always make sure you laugh at his jokes and his smile that never ceases to take Laila's breath away. Stephan sighs as he takes another spoon of the meal she prepared. "You don't like it?" Laila asks, worried, her heart beating fast. Stephan shakes his head putting the plate down, "I just don't have an appetite, same as yesterday." Yesterday? Lady May practically bragged about Stephan finishing his meal and that he said it made his night! Then again, lying to try to keep yourself relevant among the ladies is not something new...she was probably heartbroken he didn't touch her food after he demanded it be brought to his chambers. Laila inhales sharply when she feels Stephan carry her off the bed and onto his lap, his face close to hers. "Am I losing my charm?" he asks, his eyes not leaving hers. "P-pardon?" "Me I suddenly becoming unattractive? You can be honest with me." The woman does not know how to respond to this. Should that even be a question? How can King Stephan of Sheath lose his charm? Every day she's fallen deeper in love with this man and he thinks he's losing his charm? Is he insane? Stephan turns his face away and lets out a sigh, "I see." "N-no!" Laila uses her hands to turn his face back to hers, so he's looking at her, this shocks him. "You're not losing anything, My Lord. You're kind, sweet, funny, and even...very...handsome," she says the last two words, heat creeping up on her cheeks. She's never told him this before...he has never asked. She sees that Stephan is staring at her as if to decipher whether she is lying or not...thus causing her to avert her eyes. "Look at me, Laila." Slowly, she looks back at him, trying her best to slow her heart that is frantically beating, this is what this man does to her. The young lady is startled when Stephan crashes his lips against hers, but she does not hesitate to respond when she recovers. He holds her, flipping them and placing her on the bed as he hovers over her. Laila is breathing hard by the time Stephan breaks the kiss. He begins undressing her, as his lips meet her skin that he uncovers. He doesn't mind that it is morning, he is certainly taking her now.
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