Stage 2- Blessing

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"I would like to formally announce to you all that the top four of this graduating class have all been chosen to be commanding officers of the cutting edge new transatmospheric space assault carriers of our glorious kingdom, His Royal Majesty's Ships, the Nebula-Class Assault Carriers!"     The announcement of the lord high admiral was meant with ear-splitting applause from all the people on the grounds as the gigantic aerial screens show four massive spaceships flying through the dark void of space gracefully.     "HRMS-01 Cetus Super Carrier, the lead ship of the Nebula-class and to be given to our top one, Captain Katarina Oliviera the Prodigy!"     A tall, pale and beautiful girl stepped forward from her group and saluted in front of the lord high admiral as he pinned a golden medal on her right chest, which is engraved with the name and semblance of the new ship she will be commanding.     "HRMS-02 Aquila Command Carrier, the second ship of the Nebula-class and to be given to our top two, Captain Jana Andra the Intellectual!"     The second captain is a small, petite, and cute girl barely reaching the shoulders of Katarina skipped her way to our group leader's side and saluted as she received her medal, signifying her new and esteemed position.     "HRMS-03 Mago Defensive Carrier, the third ship of the Nebula-class and to be given to our top three, Captain Cairyn Jagger the Cunning!"     A happy-go-lucky girl with a dangerous sneer on her mouth stepped forward and saluted snappily as the lord high admiral chuckled nervously while he pinned the medal on her chest.     "HRMS-04 Ursa Assault Carrier, the fourth ship of the Nebula-class and to be given to our top four, Captain Pyotr Llaro the Brave!"     The eldest in our group and undeniably the strongest physically marched forward before stopping abruptly and saluting respectfully at the old man, who responded the same before giving him the medal proudly.     "Everyone, the Royal Space Academy's pride and joy, Antares Team!"     I joined the applause this time and screamed their names as loud as I can as they all saluted snappily for us all here and those watching on their televisions at home or work.     This is the first time in our academy's history that a whole team of the graduating class's thesis group has been granted captaincies of warships immediately after graduation.     I heard that our group was the exception to the rule and was given priority by His Majesty's War Council amongst other seasoned veterans in line for the position.     Something about the king's fondness with children taking the lead together with the indisputable capabilities of my groupmates, I am hardly surprised when the four of them excitedly told me the news.     If they are going to ask me, they have nowhere to go but in a captain's seat.     As for me? I am done here in this school.     My thirst for space warfare and warships has been quenched during my four years of stay here. I thank my lucky stars for being picked by my four groupmates as the last member of their team when the time has come for them to choose amongst us who belong to the lower tier of the batch.     With one last glance at the confetti-filled stage and rejoicing graduates, I began to head towards one of the pneumatic tunnels leading to the academy's gates where my luggage and bag are waiting for me at the guardhouse after I sent them there yesterday in preparation for my departure here.     -0-     "Five minutes earlier, as usual, Lord Caerus..."       I stopped walking when a tall and massive man a foot taller than me and twice my size wearing a crisp black suit and tie that barely hid his muscled body that is obviously a dead giveaway of his position as a soldier directly tasked with the king's protection.     "Well, you know me since I am a kid, and I don't like being late at all," I said matter-of-factly that made him chuckle a bit.     "Still the same as ever, my Lord," he said as he began walking side by side with me on my towards the capital, "By the way, allow me to personally congratulate you on behalf of His Royal Majesty, King Regus the Seventh and the rest of the Royal Family and Households."     I looked at him in surprise because this is the first time I ever received greetings from the king himself. Not even on my birthdays or holidays.     But then again, the Royal Household always sends me extra cash on my birthdays for me to spend on whatever I want to.     "That's new..."     He grinned at me and clapped my back happily, "It is your graduation day from the Royal Space Academy, my Lord! Not only a graduate but part of the elite students that managed and the top five himself in his batch. His Royal Majesty is most pleased with your achievements thus far. Well, not just him but the Queen Consort and Crown Prince, not to mention us in the Royal Household."     "After more than a decade of non-committal, you are telling me that the king cared for me enough to send his salutations on the day that I barely graduated at all when all these years you have told me that you can neither confirm nor deny if His Royal Majesty was reading the letters I am sending him through you," I said suspiciously that made him grin even more widely.     "He cared for you enough to send you to the most expensive school in our kingdom, not to mention using his position to bypass the age restrictions because from what he told me back then, you really wanted to learn more about war strategy and warships so much that for several years, your correspondence with him contains clippings of battleships, carriers, frigates and several excerpts from naval strategy books," he then heaved a sigh and removed his black shades that revealed his piercing steel-gray eyes that matches pretty well with his handsome facade as he looked at me kindly, "Tell me, Lord Caerus, do you think that the man who personally took you under his protection, supported your financial needs and sent you to the best schools doesn't even bother to read the letters he specifically asked form you?"
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