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Mikkho had been put in charge of keeping an eye on the ferocious girl that they'd captured. Rovktan Hawkeye, their leader, had said that it was his right to do so after the teen had been the one to spot the small but precious opportunity that had led to the craved success of their hunt. -If you help catch it, then you help watch it, son! – He'd told him cheerfully, patting his back animatedly and chuckling loudly – You should be proud of yourself kid, Hawkeye's crew is gonna be filthy rich very soon thanks to you! But Mikkho wasn't feeling very proud at all, as he knew perfectly well that he'd really just been poorly trying to deflect attention from the fact that he was far from doing his job when they'd almost walked into him right in the middle of jerking himself off. So, what his fellow crew-mates had ingenuously labeled as accurate surveillance work, had been nothing but a mixture of sheer luck and some quick thinking on his part, only to avoid getting his ass kicked out of the squad because of his flagrant incompetence. There was a reason why he had been assigned to cover the graveyard shift, and that was because nobody else wanted it. No one was expecting anything meaningful to happen during those dead, late hours, as the white man had already set camp for the night, and they all knew how painstakingly careful he usually was. So, seeing that they had no hopes of making any progress that day, Rovktan and the rest of the scouting team had promptly put him on the watch and retired to their tents to sleep. Ever since the experienced mercenary had spied their target's silhouette and her traveling companions from a considerable distance, he'd warned them all that this would be no ordinary mission at all. Rovktan didn't recognize the woman that they were meant to apprehend, but he certainly could make out a Yahurian armor anywhere. And he'd heard the cautionary tales regarding the white one in particular. So, he was taking no chances with him. The rumor had spread fast among the huntsmen's underground circles, and with the promise of such a tempting sum of money fueling their greedy souls, a lot of his fellow bounty hunters had jumped on the opportunity, looking to make a quick fortune on this mission. Unsurprisingly, there were plenty of other chasers tailing the small group of travelers at the start of the Mideian road, each and every single one of them pursuing the same goal as they were. But the golden-haired man had effortlessly lost them all during the very first day, including Hawkeye's seasoned scouting group. Yet the difference between Rovtan´s crew and the rest of his amateur competitors was that, unlike the others, he had a squad to rely on, and he did not skimp on resources, nor did he want to keep the bounties all to himself. He recognized the value of well-executed teamwork, and he took great pride in always surrounding himself with only the most talented people he could find. Cause in the long run, there was no use in being a cheapskate when there were no prizes to collect. Therefore, he would always choose to share his profits over naively pretending to do everything on his own and failing… So, that gave his group a clear advantage over their runner-ups, and quite a respectable success rate. But above all, he also had the good fortune of being a patient man, and that was a very rare virtue to find nowadays in his line of work. One that not many of his counterparts possessed. It had taken them almost half a day to find their elusive trail once more, despite their best tactics. So, once they did, Rovktan had made it very clear that he was not willing to lose them again. He'd cautiously kept his crew at the longest distance that they'd ever been from a target, just barely enough to stay on their track, and always minding the direction of the wind to avoid being sensed by the vigilant warrior or his beast. -I don't care how long it takes us – He'd told them with conviction from the beginning – If we are ever going to catch her, this is the only way. The opportunity will present itself if we just observe and wait. Unfazed, he had completely ignored the complaints of the ones who had tried to argue with him, stating that they needed to hurry if they wanted to gain some advantage over the other eager contenders who might try to strike first. -Oh… Let them do that – He'd chuckled dismissively, turning his back towards them – It would lead them nowhere. You´ll see. The sudden rustle of the girl's fidgeting inside the cage where they had thrown her in brought Mikkho back from his reverie, his eyes adjusting to the almost complete darkness surrounding them, as Rovktan had been very adamant about keeping their light sources to the minimum, so they could avoid being detected. -Stop it! – He called out worriedly in a hushed tone, faintly making out the almost bare silhouette of the girl trashing around among the shadows– You're only going to hurt yourself. -Open the door – She coldly responded without interrupting her frantic wiggling behind the bars, her eyes sparkling with rage – Let me go now and maybe, just maybe, you'll make it out of this alive, boy. Something about the inflection of her voice made him unwittingly wince, a shiver running down his spine as he recalled how he'd ended up sitting there, watching the imprisoned woman that crouched fussing around the small space, her luscious body peeking out of the single blanket that precariously covered it and bringing back the memories of the powerful arousal he had felt that night. Mikkho had been distractedly watching the uneventful campsite through his field glasses for a while when the routinary nightly preparations of the people he was keeping surveilled suddenly shifted into an entirely different scene… A much more interesting one. With widening eyes, he soon realized that he was about to witness a very private affair that was beginning to take place. His palms getting clammy and his heart pounding thunderously inside his chest once he was made aware that, somehow, he had a front-row seat for this unprecedented spectacle that was developing in the distance. His nervous mind unconsciously checked that no one else was snooping around at these hours as he gulped heavily and adjusted himself expectantly on the cold ground. It hadn't taken long for the couple below to get immersed in a heated session that had made the teen's cheeks blush and a warmth spread around his groin as he lurked in the shadows watching every little detail unfold, feeling incapable of averting his sight for a single second. He'd stared for a very long time, experiencing a tingling sensation building up inside his trousers as he took note of every position the couple unsuspectingly performed before him as he attentively spied through his binoculars. With crescent arousal, he'd observed every mute gesture of theirs while he tried to put a sound to them all in his mind… He could only imagine the noises their unknown voices were making, but judging by the expressions on their faces, they were definitely very hot and loud. The young tracker had never been inside a woman himself, nor had he ever seen another man doing it either. Yet somehow, he could tell that the white warrior's performance was something worthy of attention, and he was determined to learn a thing or two out of it. Gazing in profound concentration, he'd seen him expertly lead that woman to a seemingly deep trance, her features contorting in a way that he had never seen anyone's face react before. And even when he could not hear any of it, he could still pinpoint that exact moment when she'd clearly ended up bursting out in pleasure with all certainty. By the time they'd finished their sensual deeds, Mikkho´s member was painfully throbbing against his trousers and begging for release. So, he'd proceeded to free it from its entrapment and give it a much-needed relief. He had just copiously ejaculated a large load of his seed onto the ground after reliving every little memory of what he'd just attested, when the approaching steps of someone coming his way made him jolt in panic and clumsily put his manhood back inside his pants as fast as he could. -What the hell are you doing kid? – The playful voice of Uthar, an infamous old prier, and annoying mischief-maker asked as he stomped heavily towards where he sat. -N- Nothing! – Mikkho had rushed to say, desperately searching for something else to add, so he could distract him from his dirty acts. His hand grabbing his lenses as he pretended to busy himself, awkwardly looking at the campsite. His eyes thankfully spotting a sparkle of unexpected activity taking place below like a gift from the gods themselves. – I was… I was about to call you guys! - He´s shouted - There's movement down there, look! They had both watched with disbelief the improbable occurrence of the woman heading to the lake, almost completely nude and alone. Their bodies failing to move for a whole second before they finally reacted and woke the others up. Rovktan had made them wait until she was innocently floating right in the middle of the lake, helpless and defenseless, before finally ambushing her with a rapid and effective maneuver. They didn't know why, but she had somehow sensed them coming from afar. Fortunately, that hadn’t been enough for her to make it to the shore before the men reached it and the blanket that she'd been wearing wrapped around her shoulders earlier as her only garment. Snatching the sharp dagger on top of it, leaving her naked and unarmed. And yet, she had still fought them all courageously. Surprising them with her feisty attack. Some of her forceful blows had managed to hit a few of them while she kept successfully slipping out of the grip of most of her large assailants, who seemed incapable of containing her relentlessly flailing limbs, until their leader had caught up with her along with three other of their own and put an end to it when he'd forcefully hit the back of her head with a wooden mallet. Silence had then replaced the previous ruckus of the brief violent encounter, and Rovktan had made them all flee the place immediately despite the oppressive darkness. They'd been tirelessly marching all night and all day long, putting as much distance between them and the white warrior as they could, before he had allowed them to take some rest at last. That was when Rovktan had announced that Mikkho would be the one keeping an eye on their prey, and he had ended up watching that woman struggling inside her makeshift cell. -What a wild little beast...– Uthar had said at one point as he blatantly ogled the woman’s body and began heading towards the cage with hungry eyes –How I would love to tame that one senseless. - Don't! – Mikkho had warned, standing in his way with crossed arms and a serious look – She's our mission, not your toy! So, you better back off if you don't want Rovktan to kick your ass for threatening to damage our bounty insurance. Feeling strangely guilty, he had then fetched the blanket that he'd recovered from the lake's soil that night and handed it to the girl, allowing her to cover her body as she stubbornly kept trying to get rid of her restraints. -Thanks for defending me from that man earlier – The woman's voice suddenly whispered, momentarily ceasing her efforts and piercingly staring at him from within the shadows. A broad smirk appearing on her face as she tilted her head aside and narrowed her eyes as if perking her senses up – I promise I'll try my best to spare you from his full wrath. -W-What? – Was all that he could stammer before an abrupt noise made his head snap in the opposite direction, hearing a loud commotion dangerously coming his way – What hell is that? -He's coming! – She happily giggled, getting on her feet with difficulty inside the cage and charging towards the still closed door, the thundering blow startling his already alerted heart even more. - Who? – He mumbled to himself as his crazed eyes intended to discern the faint movement of the large figure that was rapidly nearing them, followed by a quick series of thumps, making him back away in fright. – Oh, you'll meet him soon enough… – She muttered against his ear, her cold and unexpectedly free hands grabbing his neck and pulling him forcefully backwards, a muffled yelp getting caught miserably inside the terrified youngster's chest – You just wait and see... Now give me those goddamn keys, boy!
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