1471 Words
Sehira was readying her armor as her sister's children slept peacefully on the bed and Iktan sat beside them, silently watching their features with a pensive look shining in his eyes. His sight traveling from the infants´ faces to the place where Sehira stood, focused on polishing the metallic plates of her outfit. -Are you nervous about tomorrow? – He asked, staring at her diligent technique with admiration and a bit of jealousy because of the way her armor seemed to always look spot on, unlike his... Even when he tried his best. -A little – She admitted, taking a step back and inspecting her work distractedly – You know? I keep having this nightmare where I forget all the words and just stand there like a fool... What if I do? -Oh – Iktan chuckled, standing up and walking to where she stood, pulling her towards him – That's just impossible… You have known that oath by heart for months now. -Yeah… I guess you're right – She sighed, encircling his neck with her arms and kissing him – What about you? Are you ready to say yours? -I am – He nodded proudly, his eyes sparkling with a glint of pure excitement – I can't believe I'm finally going to be one of them… It's simply unreal! -You've earned it, honey – Sehira cheered, looking tenderly at him – You've come a long way! You did all the hard work and it paid off. -Well, we both have – Iktan replied, pouting his lips playfully – And I might be turning into a sworn Yahurian tomorrow night, but you are the one who will become the boss around here... As usual. -Oh, boy... I hope I don´t mess up – She muttered. A hint of concern reflected in her tone – It's such a huge responsibility! -But you won't be handling it alone – The tall warrior reminded her – Remember, this is still a symbolic naming. Nobody is laying all the weight on your shoulders just yet. And no one expects you to carry it all by yourself either. You are simply taking a step-up the ladder, that's it. - I know… - She exhaled out loudly - And I know that I will still have Pahoka-Xe´s guidance for a while to lean on, but I also want to prove to myself that I can do it on my own… -You will, baby – Iktan smirked confidently, pecking the tip of her nose – I have no doubt that you're going to be a wonderful leader when the time comes… And I swear I will fight under your guidance till the last of my breaths. -Easy, Yahun – Sehira snorted with amusement, holding him tightly – There is no mention of that line anywhere in the Oath, if I recall correctly. -No, but there is one in my personal pledge to you – He smiled, his large chest puffing out with determination – I will serve and fulfill the creed along with my brothers every single day of my life. My spear and my entire existence are devoted to them from now on, but my heart will always belong to you, my dear… Even long after I'm gone. -That is a beautiful but risky vow to make. I am afraid – She responded, her eyes squinting pensively –A true Yahurian does not take sides, nor does he share mundane bonds. -Neither am I – Iktan responded firmly, nodding at her– The bond we share is far from mundane, it is otherworldly and deeply ethereal... I am convinced of that. He took a step forward, closing in on her and clutching her hand in his. -And don't worry, I'm not taking any sides, I don't have to… Because I know you won't. So, following your lead only ensures that I don't either. I have given it enough thought to know that this is a sustainable promise to make, and one I can keep without disregarding the creed. -Well, it certainly looks like you have been seriously thinking this over for a while now – Sehira chuckled nervously – Why is that so? The warrior tilted his head at her, giving her a stern look and searching into her eyes. Then he inhaled loudly and cracked a broad grin. -Sehira – He began saying, clearing up his throat a little and steadying his shaky voice – I know that we are never meant to be a traditional couple, and that our lives will hardly ever get close to the tiniest semblance of normalcy that most lovers enjoy. He paused, his sight softening as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze and knelt before her astonished face. -But I still want to take this brief moment to commit myself to you in body and soul – He went on, his sparkling eyes fixated on hers –With silence as my sole witness and you as the only recipient of this: My eternal vow, I promise to forever endorse and enjoy each moment of happiness... But also, to accompany you and help you carry the heavy burdens that might weigh you down along the road. With a loud sigh, he offered her a knowing look and a kind smile, nodding at her purposely. -Because I love you, and all I want is to take your hand and walk by your side to wherever this unknown path will lead us to. And I know we can never be properly married, but I do want to spend the rest of my life beside you, and I sure as hell can surrender my heart to you. So, may this night and tomorrow's festivities mark the celebration of our newly united fates. -Oh Iktan – Sehira muttered in bewilderment – I, I don't even know what to say! Your words... They are so beautiful. I love you so much and I… -I'm not done – He said, standing on his feet and raising his brow intently at her – There is something else we need to discuss before we go into that auditorium to get those masks upon our faces and take our sacred oaths… He straightened himself, his glassy eyes darting to the ceiling as if looking for a suddenly lost courage before taking a decided breath. -Baby, there is something I will never be able to give you, not now, and definitely not in the line of work I am pursuing… But still, I think you need to take this into some serious consideration. And I'm talking from experience. Because you don't want to make such a life-changing decision lightly, like I once did. -What do you mean? – Sehira asked in confusion, her hand cupping his cheek and looking into his welling pupils – Is this about your previous life at the temple? -Yes! – He exclaimed, a mixture of shame and frustration straining his voice – I gave up my chance to be a parent without a second thought… And trust me, I've already made my peace with it. But you still have that option. You could still be a mother if you wanted to! -Here's the thing, I don't – She replied resolutely, staring confidently into his eyes – I never understood why women wanted it that much, I never experienced that desire to bring a new life into this world. It's just who I am. The gentle stirring of the sleeping children on the bed made them both snap their heads in their direction and Sehira walked to where they rested, making sure they were properly tucked in. -I like babies... – She declared, tenderly brushing their faces and looking up at him – And I love being an aunt, don't get me wrong. I just don't want to have my own. So, trust me when I tell you that I'm more than okay with this. -Well, you're technically about to become the mother of thousands very soon – Iktan scoffed. Breaking the solemn atmosphere and stepping next to her, pulling her into a side hug. -Oh yeah! But they are all mostly grownup warriors, there is no nappy changing or any gross ass wiping involved… – Sehira chuckled, rolling her eyes at him amused and throwing her arms around his neck. -So, does that mean that you're saying yes to spending our days together then? – He asked, looking intently into her eyes – Just the two of us?... And an army of Yahurian men. - I thought I had made that clear from the moment I asked you to come with me – She replied, pecking his lips seductively and smiling– Now get your ass here! I still need to at least try and match that killer speech of yours.
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