1391 Words
-How is she? – Pahoka-Xe´s voice asked from the entrance of the chamber, her sturdy figure standing gravely at the door, her arm held by Xibu as they both walked in. Iktan had carried Sehira all the way to the infirmary when she had fallen unconscious after the incident in the sacred stone hall, his voice calling out for help desperately as he flew through the corridors and pushed away anyone fool enough to stand in his way. Copious tears blurring his sight while he openly sobbed. The masked medics had been of very little help, their only action limited to sending a child looking for the Guider and patiently waiting for her to arrive. Iktan had held Sehira´s cold hand the whole time as he crouched by the bed where he had placed her, begging into her ear to please wake up and shamelessly bawling his eyes out as he did so. The Guider had arrived ten insanely long minutes later, and the Yahurian recruit had looked at her with reddened eyes that irradiated resentment and fury. -You pushed her too far! – He yelled at her. His face lit with pure anger – All she wanted was to prove that she was ready… That she could decipher those damn visions! But it was too much for her to bear and she just couldn’t take it! - He exclaimed, his face contorting in concern - Is she going to die now? -Calm down, my son – The white-haired lady had spoken in a serene tone, slowly pacing towards him with small, calculated steps – I know how upsetting this must be for you… -Upsetting? – Iktan scoffed sharply, cutting her off, his eyes watering – Forgive me Mother, but I’m not upset… I’m terrified! You didn’t see her face, she was beyond herself! It was like she had just witnessed the end of the world! -Maybe she did… – Pahoka-Xe muttered pensively, covering the distance between them and placing a gentle hand over his shoulder. His back tensing a little at her touch as Xibu kept his dark eyes trained on him in a clear alerted state. -And how is that supposed to make me feel any calmer? – He inquired sarcastically, before noticing the Commander’s glowering expression and taking a deep inhale, raising his hands in the air – I’m sorry, I’m just… -Worried – The massive Yahurian warrior finished saying, nodding sympathetically at him– I know, lad… -My son… - The Guider called out, taking a seat on the chair that Xibu had just settled for her and looking intently into his eyes – Premonitions are exactly that: Warnings. Unlike fate, they are not predestined, nor unalterable. That’s why they come to us, so we can prevent them from happening. -So… We have a chance then? – Iktan mumbled, glancing at Sehira once more and wincing at her condition, his hand still interlaced with hers. -Of course we do! – She replied cheerfully - Yahur´s mere existence is a constant testimony of this. Our sacred task has always been bound to fight these mere threats… And now that they have been revealed to her, we can finally do something about them. -But not all has been revealed... Mother – Sehira´s feeble voice made them all turn towards the pale girl lying on the bed –I haven’t seen the when yet… and the worst part is, that, the where is Everywhere! Iktan had been strongly invited to leave the room shortly after Sehira had woken up and started recalling her premonition. -All right, lad, she’s alive and kicking – Xibu had promptly announced, gesturing towards the door – You’ve seen it for yourself… Now let’s give them both some space. -B-But… - He had started blurting, his eyes darting at Sehira with worry, then pleadingly staring back at him – I can’t go... I need to make sure that she is all right! -Out – The Yahurian had simply uttered, pointing at the door with his thumb – As far as I’m aware, you are no medic… And you need to get some rest or you’re going to get your ass handed to you tomorrow at the pit. -Do you seriously think that I will be able to catch any sleep at all after this? – He cried out defiantly. -Do I look like I care? – Xibu responded, tilting his masked face at him – Stop talking back to me and get the hell out of here… Now! Iktan stood up hesitantly and remained immobile before the massive Commander, glaring stubbornly at him. -Just go, please – Sehira pleaded in a reassuring tone, reaching for his arm and grazing it – I’m fine, I promise. He closed his eyes at her petition, taking a deep, long breath, before reopening them and obediently heading towards the door in silence. -And lad… - Xibu called out as the young soldier walked past him – Since you claim you won’t be getting a wink tonight, then I’m sure that you won’t mind finding out what real Yahurian training is. Xibu had been making Iktan charge at him nonstop for hours and he was at the brink of exhaustion… Yet he refused to let it show in any way, so he just kept going. He had known perfectly well that his insubordinate behavior wouldn’t fly with him at all, and that he would be harshly punished for his insolence without any contemplation. So, at this point, he simply gritted his teeth and endured the ruthless training that the fierce warrior was inflicting on him. Ever since they’d left that infirmary and the Commander had informed him that he was signing him out of Jardos´s group for an indefinite period, and taking over his lessons instead, his fate had been irremediably sealed. For the past couple of days, he’d been practically living at the Yahurian´s nonexistent mercy, which included irrationally long combat drills with little to no time to shower or eat, much less to rest… It was a true living hell. -So… what you say? – Xibu asked, striking tirelessly at him with a mocking laugh – You think you could catch some sleep now, or are you still too worked up to try? Iktan didn’t reply, instead he kept dodging his lunges, his mind focused mostly on maintaining his feet on the move. They fought for a little longer, their breaths and the sound of their spears colliding the only noises echoing around them as they battled each other under the scorching rays of the sun. -I get where you're coming from – The warrior remarked as he directed his attack at him, slightly hitting him with his weapon – And I’m glad that you’re so eager to put your ass on the line to protect our future Guider. -But? – Iktan asked, ducking his head and avoiding another hit, then rolling over his body. -No buts – The Yahurian calmly replied, catching up with him effortlessly and pinning him down on the ground with his spear, the edge of it barely puncturing his neck – You still don’t get to disrespect me, kid… That’s all. Iktan remained slumped on the dirt, staring starstruck at the warrior as the sunlight blinded him and obscured the large figure towering over him… His lungs painfully gasping for an elusive breath of air. -Get up! – Xibu ordered, retreating with his weapon and offering him his hand to take. The apprentice gathering his wits and jumping on his feet before him, then assuming a combat position once more, making the Yahurian smirk behind his mask. -Glad to see that Jardos hasn’t been giving you the soft treatment – The Commander commented in a pleased tone, his attention switching to the entrance briefly, then returning to him – Go hit the showers, rookie. -Am I being dismissed? – Iktan asked confusedly, knowing that their usual session was far from over yet. -For now... – Xibu agreed, tilting his head at the gates and signaling to the familiar newcomers that were just passing below the huge threshold, a big smile growing on his shielded face – Be back by dawn, sharp. Cause I’m going to let Ussi teach you some manners, lad.
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