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-Mother… - Ussi exclaimed as they all entered the vault, and he rushed to kneel before the white-haired woman sitting on the sacred throne, the emotion evidently dripping from his pores while he gave her a respectful bow - Aig Yahurah Nahe. -Ahir Yahurah Kah, my child – Pahoka-Xe greeted him in her musical voice, gesturing for the warrior to approach, then nodding briefly at Souna, who stood beside Sehira a fair distance behind, both holding a child in their arms – Welcome! It's good to see you all back. Ussi stood up and walked towards the old lady, letting her fingers tenderly caress the skin of his cheek, his hand cupping hers softly and his eyes welling with tears. -I have missed you and my brothers deeply – He declared, a painful smirk appearing on his face for a second, before recomposing himself – It is great to be back home indeed. -Thank you for having us – Souna said, taking a step forward as Ussi retook his place beside her – It is an honor to be part of such an important moment in Yahur´s history. -As you were meant to be – The Guider simply responded, her eyes wandering to the infants in the siblings´ arms – You all were… How are your children doing? -They're growing stronger by the day – Ussiariah replied, grinning at her – Axe has been making a lot of progress lately and Skhana… Well, this lady here has the fiercest voice I've ever heard. She's very strong-willed… Just like her mother. -I'm sure she is – Pahoka-Xe agreed, giving them a kind nod – ... She needs to be if she is going to live up to her fated future. -What the hell does that mean? – Souna anxiously demanded to know, looking at her with a defiant gaze and holding onto her daughter protectively – Is she in any danger? What fated future are you talking about? Speak to me, Guider! -We are all in danger my child – The old Yahurian Mother calmly declared, standing up and turning around, waving at them to follow her – But today is not the day to talk about the dreadful future. I'm sure you must be hungry and tired after such a long journey… -No! – Souna yelled angrily, making her stop mid-step, and every masked soldier present in the room flinched at once – I'm sick of your stupid secrecy! I have the right to know if there is a menace looming over any of my children! And I deserve to learn my story as well! All of it! So, you won't keep ignoring my questions anymore, because I'm not leaving this place until I get my answers this time! Is that clear? The silence following her storming rant was absolutely deafening, the breaths of the numerous soldiers flanking each side of the vault held in tense expectation as the white-haired woman slowly spun on her heels, facing her. Her small steps heading to where Souna stood stoically crossed armed, and placing a bony hand on her shoulder in an appeasing way. -It is loud and clear, my darling – Pahoka-Xe reaffirmed, looking briefly at Ussi and Sehira, who remained impassive next to her, before resuming her dialogue – And I assure you that you won't be leaving this city empty-handed. I can see how troubled your heart is and how deeply in need you are of these answers. I also believe that you are ready to learn them at last. So, I am giving them to you. -Oh really? When? – Souna barked, holding her gaze with an unfazed expression. -Soon, my child – The Guider replied, looking serenely into her eyes – You have my word. – Oh, great! So, now you finally think I'm ready! – She scoffed bitterly, glowering at her – Gee, thank you! How generous of you to think that way… Because last time I saw you, you gave me nothing but cryptic garbage, and you left me with even more questions than I already had! What changed? -You did – The old woman sighed, patting her forearm cheerfully – You have grown to be the leader that you were meant to be… As has your sister. So, the time has come for you to gain the knowledge that will allow you to fulfill your fated missions. -Which are…? – Souna inquired, raising her brow at her expectantly. - All in due time, my sweet girl – Pahoka-Xe muttered, pulling both sisters closer to her and embracing them – We must all sit and have a long… long chat, my dears. -That would be lovely – Souna said, rolling her eyes up condescendingly – A little family reunion! Please… Let's just do that! What are we waiting for? -We will – The Guider assured her – It is one of the reasons why you are here… But let's not forget the main one. If you recall, the last Initiation Ceremony we celebrated inside these walls had to be performed under the shadow of a grim war. And I am afraid this time is no different, war is coming… -War? – Ussi muttered pensively – Does this have anything to do with Hathengatt? We were attacked on our way here by a party of scouters sent by them. -We know – Sehira replied, nodding at him, then looking at the kid in her arms and smiling – Axe told me. -When? – Souna asked, glancing at them in confusion – We just got here. He's barely said a word to you. -A couple of days ago – She explained, pecking the infant’s cheek tenderly – He… He talks to me in my head. It's been going for a while now. -How? – The warrior mumbled, his eyes squinting as he stared at the silent child – I didn't know he could do such a thing. He has never done that around us… Have you Axe? - I just like auntie Sehira – The toddler shrugged off, pressing himself against the girl's plated chest – Her mind is easy to find. Are you mad I told her? - No, kid… Of course not. – Ussi replied, his features softening, and his arms stretching towards him kindly –Come here.... I'm just surprised, you never told me you could do that. Cause it's awesome! He took the child from her arms and turned towards the Yahurian Guider, his brow raising inquisitively. -I told you, my son – The old woman spoke, tilting her head to the side with amusement – He is still growing, and he is doing it wonderfully, thanks to you! She sighed, patting Souna´s and Ussi´s arms appreciatively, her milky eyes brightening. -You two are doing a good job building this child's character. And the more he bonds with people, the more his abilities develop. Consider him as the most delicate flower. When given the proper nurture, he will thrive! And the universal virtues contained inside him will slowly come out to light. Pahoka-Xe paused, running her fingers through the child's hair briefly, then looking intently inside the couple's eyes with a grave expression. - But beware of the shadows that he may find himself exposed to – She warned them - Because it is under that darkness where evil roots and corrupts the purest souls. You must guide him, so he can discern his own righteous path. -We will – The warrior responded, straightening himself decidedly – You have our word. -What about war? – Souna suddenly asked with worry – Is it imminent? Are we bound to fight again so soon? -I'm sorry my dear, but I'm afraid you are – The Yahurian maiden nodded at her, squeezing her wrist slightly – We all are. -When? – Ussi inquired, his hand instinctively running down his spear and his features hardening - Is it Hathengatt? Because in that case, there are some things regarding them that I must ask you myself, Guider. -Those are some tricky questions, my son – Pahoka-Xe said, gesturing towards Sehira – And we are still figuring them out ourselves. Until then, let us enjoy these festivities in peace, and honor the soon-to-be pledged. We will properly address all your concerns once the Ceremony has passed. She turned around, signaling for the hallway leading to the diners and waving her hand invitingly. -Now, if you don't mind, your brothers have been avidly waiting to spend some time with you and your lovely family… Let us be kind and grant them their wish.
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