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Ishtun´s eyes widened impossibly as he found himself suddenly being attacked by this incredibly small lady with surprising force, his steps receding clumsily as her hands fluttered all around him, unlacing his robe and ripping it off his body with tremendous eagerness. -A-Ajora...– He managed to murmur before his mouth was abruptly silenced by her intruding tongue, which began sucking the air out of him ruthlessly and rendering him speechless. His faint objections soon fading into the night as she climbed over him and barely paused to admire his bare torso, her eyes briefly sparkling with a strange drive for a moment, before she directed her movements to the undergarments containing his already aroused member, and she pulled them down unceremoniously, almost in a rude manner. The young King hazily noticed that somehow, she was already completely naked over him, the diaphanous gown that had been precariously covering her body a moment earlier lying carelessly beside him as he exhaled raggedly and tried to wrap his exhilarated brain around the situation developing uncontrollably all around his stunned person. His body frozen on the mattress while he felt her s*x descending over his length, and he sloppily grabbed her rounded rear, unable to think or do much more than that. Ajora on the other hand, had a sole idea ringing incessantly in her mind. “Screw him dry!”- her soul screamed at her - “Unveil his weaknesses, and he loses all his power over you” “He is just a man! It´s just desire! f**k the human in him and set yourself free!” She had spent the last few days being a helpless bundle of emotions, and she hated it. No man had ever had that effect on her before, and no one should have it. So, this was her way of regaining control… Because between her legs, he was no king. Among those sheets, he was a simple mortal at the mercy of his own lust. He had made quite an impression, no doubt. He was a ruler after all, and she had never met one before… He'd preyed on her, using his undeniable attractiveness and his splendid generosity to catch her off guard. But it was all a gimmick, she knew better… So, she was going to do what she should have done from the very first start: She was snatching the reins out of his hand and taking him out for one hell of a ride. On her terms and at her pace. Just like it was supposed to be. And boy, once she was done with him, he would have lost all his novelty at last… They all did. No more shaky legs, no more upset stomach, no more stupid daydreaming about him. Her frenzied thoughts halting as she slammed herself harder against him and took a moment to appreciate how good it actually felt. Her brow frowning with confusion. He had a big one, she could tell. She was no virgin after all, and she’d had her fair share so far. But it was not the size that puzzled her, but his demeanor. It was completely different from what she was used to getting from other men. His hands, to begin with. They were not obnoxiously swarming over her and stroking her viciously like others did. Instead, they were touching her ever so gently, almost caressing her with utter care. His eyes… They seemed darker, yes. But they weren’t filled with consuming thirst. In contrast, they were fixed on her with a weird affection, almost like a profound reverence. Apart from the vicious attack which she had started their encounter with, Ajora hadn’t kissed him again ever since she’d thrown him on the bed and started riding him… It was not her style. But seeing him now, lying there under her body, with those serene eyes glued to her nude breasts and those ridiculously perfect lips invitingly agape… The temptation was simply becoming too much to bear. “Well… There is no harm in having some fun” - She thought to herself, shrugging off and leaning over him, her hand darting to his jaw and pulling him towards her, intertwining her lips with his. She felt his own warm palm instantly cupping her cheek as she did so, his tongue exploring her purposefully and deepening the kiss. A muffled moan escaping him as she inadvertently let out a distracted grunt as well and her eyes shot open with surprise. She was enjoying that.... a lot. Panicking, she pulled away from his lips and sat back up, crouching down on him and resuming her previous relentless pace, a smirk creeping up her face as she heard his strained respiration agitate even more, feeling him grow and stiffen inside her, knowing that he was close. “Oh… No, no, no…but you don’t get to come inside me, darling” – Ajora mentally declared, her teeth gritting and her eyes rolling backwards in pleasure as she allowed herself a few more thrusts before brusquely taking him out of her and crawling down his lower body, putting him inside his mouth. “No one does” – She reminded herself as she diligently devoured him in silence, licking him up and down as she let her palm do the hard work. Rubbing it eagerly against his inflamed, slippery pole and feeling every inch of his body undeniably getting rigid, the first signs of his impending climax encouraging her to quicken her movements even more. Her ears perking at the sound of her name being yelled by him as she begged her to stop for a second, which she didn’t…. A rewarding load of juices spurting into her mouth a second later instead. She wiped him clean as the last of his twitches faded, and a grin extended on her face as she heard his stupefied exclamations echoing around them. There it was: The primal discharge that turned men into beasts. He was no different after all. -Why didn’t you stop? – He asked in a raspy voice as she felt his hand reach out for her arm and pull her towards his chest before she could even react, his eyes scanning her with a mixture of intrigue and hurt. -Why would you want me to stop right before you come? – She chuckled, eye-rolling him and intending to get off his hard pectorals, away from his annoyingly piercing sight. -Because you hadn´t finished yet – He answered, staring pointedly at her – I wanted to get you off as well. -How would you know if I finished or not? – Ajora replied, holding his gaze stubbornly – Maybe I did and you just didn’t notice. -You know… - Ishtun sighed, still holding her tightly against his muscular torso – You could be right. After all, I must confess that this was my first time doing the whole deed… He paused, pulling her chin up and searching into her eyes with seriousness, then cracking a broad smile. -But it is not my first time pleasing a woman though, and I know how it is supposed to feel, and how it sounds… So, I’m not buying your lie. Ajora stared at him wordlessly, her wits suddenly lost at these statements. Not knowing how to react to any of them, and still trying to understand how they made her feel. Was he casually and unapologetically acknowledging being a virgin? Who did that? Most of the men she’d been with would never admit that to her, even when it was clear that they didn’t remotely know which part went where! Her brain completely torn between what she had just perceived and his own declarations… Could that be true… Was he really a virgin? Or was he just messing with her? He didn’t seem to be one. He didn’t behave like one either… Actually, he didn’t behave like any man she’d met before if she was being honest, and that bothered her the most. -Come here – His voice requested as he gently rolled over her body and started trailing her skin unhurriedly, his tongue exploring her delicately from the neck, down her breasts and through her stomach, taking his time to traverse across every little portion of her as she remained immobile and starstruck at his actions. -What are you doing? – She yelped as he reached her groin, and she felt the unfamiliar warmness grazing her. -What does it look like? I’m making you finish – He calmly explained, looking up at her briefly, then burying his face between her thighs. A loud moan escaping her as her mind was blown away, not only by his insanely delightful actions but by the meaning behind his second statement. His words echoing inside her head as she was hauled into an unknown void: “I know how it is supposed to feel, and how it sounds…” – He’d said. She didn´t.
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