1314 Words
-Dad, what are these? – Axe’s voice called out, his head popping out of the big, old sack sitting on the bed and containing Ussi´s belongings. His extended palm holding two green stones attached to a pair of cords as he inspected them curiously. -Oh! – Ussi said, directing his attention towards him and smiling cheerfully at the sight of the items the kid was dangling before him – That... was supposed to be a surprise for later, but well, now that you’ve found them… I don’t see why you shouldn’t have them. Souna raised her eyes at the sound of their conversation and gasped in surprise when she discovered the familiar objects in the child’s hand. -Ussi! How? They’re identical to mine! – She exclaimed, her palm instinctively darting at the charm hanging around her neck - Where did you get those? -I found the jade stone on my way back from Ragthaer Cove – The warrior replied with a proud smirk, winking at her - Then I got Olrik to cut it and set it into two similar jewels for our kids to have. -Awe, that’s so sweet! – Souna cooed, walking up to where he stood and placing a kiss on his lips – You know? Mom gave Sehira and me ours when we were not much older than Axe. She said that they would keep us safe… Then I found out Anam and Pahoka-Xe wore similar necklaces too, so I guess jade’s something like our family’s gem indeed! -See? It was fated then! – Ussi nodded with conviction. Walking towards the boy, picking one of the pendants and fastening it around the kid´s neck – It is only suitable that it protects Axe and Skhana as well now. He was about to take the remaining one from the child's palm, when the infant rushed to drive the gem to his lips and quickly place a small kiss on it before silently handing it back to the warrior under their puzzled eyes. -Thanks Axe – He said, his brow rising with an appreciative gesture – All right, let’s put this one on your sister, shall we? He paced towards the crib and, very carefully, he wrapped the trinket around the baby’s tiny wrist, making sure that it didn’t hang too tight. His pupils inspecting his work thoroughly, before letting out a satisfied sigh. His eyes squinting briefly when a rapid flash of light, seemingly coming from the bright rock, caught his attention momentarily and made him blink twice, before discarding it as a simple mind trick. -That’s weird – He murmured distractedly, shrugging off and picking the baby up, his focus switching to their journey’s itinerary... An inadvertent grin extending on his face from side to side. They were going to visit Yahur for the first time since Souna and Ussiariah had left to start their quest towards Cahen city, almost two years ago… So, saying that he was excited about it was simply an understatement. Because no matter how much he loved this new life they had together, and even when he madly enjoyed training his troops at Lowland’s gate, he sometimes just missed his brothers deeply. The truth was that he still lived by most of the Yahurian code himself, and he made sure to teach it to his army to the maximum extent possible as well. Yet, there was something so intrinsic to Yahur... and Yahur only, that he could not replicate it, nor replace it, even if he tried. So, as the date of their departure slowly approached, his mood noticeably brightened too, his joy palpably oozing from his pores with each passing day, and permeating everyone around him with his infectious bliss. By the time all the necessary arrangements finally concluded, everyone was just as thrilled as he was about this little family trip they were making together. Souna was also ecstatic that she was going to see her sister again, and she beamed with pride at the fact that they were attending such an important event... She knew firsthand how hermetic and private Yahur´s Order was. So, she had been truly grateful that they had been allowed to attend this famously intimate Ceremony as a couple. -That’s so generous of them! Inviting all of us… And by us, I mean me! – Souna had commented admiringly when Ussi finished reading the invitation a couple of months back – I know that Yahur can be very apprehensive about letting outsiders inside its walls. -But you’re not an outsider anymore! – He had chuckled, playfully leaning over her and kissing her tenderly– You are family now! Getting ready for this journey and ensuring that the city would still remain on track while they were gone had been an incredibly exhausting and consuming feat. Running and protecting a growing town was a twenty-four-seven job, and it constantly demanded their whole energy and attention. Before they could set foot on the road, they needed to be absolutely certain that the wheels were to keep on turning, regardless of their absence. Ussi had spent the last few weeks selecting and sending a large group of specially handpicked men towards Ragthaer Cove, to be trained by the triplets and become their elite naval crew. As their tactical preparations should follow their unaltered course right as planned, and just the same, rain or shine. Prior to their leave, the Commander had also run a full inspection of the bastion’s walls and gates, making sure that they were all solid enough and properly fortified. Greghan, being the Captain, and Ussi´s right hand when it came to security matters, had lawfully been put in charge of the entire city’s protection, and in front of their army while they were away. Knowing that they would be out for at least a couple of weeks, Souna was feeling a little bit anxious about abandoning her post for the very first time since she had been crowned. She’d assembled a selected team of her most trustworthy subjects. Which included Yórug and Orstig, who were to oversee that the food supply would keep on flowing correctly. Alahina on her side, was the head of their clinic, of course… and Dabe and Yoe had been entrusted with all the commerce related issues that they might have to deal with during that time. She had also designated a diverse council that represented the different needs and interests of their quite heterogeneous population. Lowland’s gate had gradually turned into a very cosmopolitan city, and Souna was determined to rule it accordingly... -Are you ready? – Ussi asked playfully, his deep voice dripping into her ear, and yanking her out of her tribulations. -I think so… - She sighed, biting her lip, doubtfully getting on the black feline’s back and stealing a concerned glance towards the palace– Let’s hope it holds just fine. Fingers crossed... I guess. -Give them some credit - He calmly said, nodding at her and placing their baby into her arms – You know all these people! They’ve already fought for you once, and they will do it again if need be… They’ve proved their worth plenty of times, so stop worrying about it that much. -You’re right – Souna agreed, securing the bundle to her own body as Ussi picked Axe up and placed him inside the carrier against his back before mounting on Kohu – It’s just... I can’t shake this bad feeling I’ve been having for days in a row now… But, maybe it’s just my nerves. Who knows? With that, she took a deep breath and held onto his strong waist. Ussi let out a low growl that made the beast lunge immediately forward towards the large gates… A bunch of smiling faces gathered to witness their marching, and happily waving goodbye to them.
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