1874 Words
Xanhdor had been tossing and turning around for an hour, fruitlessly trying to fall asleep. He forcefully shut his eyelids, keeping them tightly pressed until the darkness behind them exploded into a thousand colorful dots that invaded his vision. A deep groan escaping from him as the oblivious figure lying beside him stirred a little under the blankets and made his frustration grow at the easiness with which everyone seemed able to rest around there, everyone except for him. The campsite was unnaturally silent as his crew deservedly reposed after spending all day hiking nonstop along the wild paths leading to the notably inaccessible Damthesian road. Resigned, the emissary let out a lengthy yawn and cursed his persistent insomnia for the thousandth time that evening, mentally preparing himself for another sleepless night. It was true that he was exhausted, but he was also terribly troubled by this final stretch of the mission ahead of them, and the fact that the last headstrong monarch they'd visited had rendered his squad almost devoid of people didn't help one bit. Only a handful of men remained from that plentiful group of soldiers that left Hathengatt´s premises and started this crucial quest barely a day after the Queen's main troop had begun marching towards the southern lands. Nearly a third of the entire city's manpower had once integrated Xanhdor´s recruiting party, and they had all diligently headed to every targeted realm, one by one, east to west... Adding adepts to their stubborn ruler's cause. They had combed the region strategically, dropping by each marked destination and presenting their monarchs with Queen Elande´s offerings and requests. One of the first stops they'd made during that journey had been their visit to the feral Laheshian land and its dozen tribes... This had been no arbitrary move at all, but entirely the opposite thing. Xanhdor knew that even when, in theory, Kings Wimhar and Stenthfor were bound to acknowledge their debts to Hathengatt and their new Queen, he would most likely need the majority of his large squad intact anyway to help persuade those untamed realms to join their hazardous crusade. And he hadn't been wrong... Getting those vast territories plagued with savages on board hadn't been an easy feat to pull off, in the very least. Just as he had predicted, the clans had been very reluctant about their petitions at first, and no one could even blame them for it. After all, they were being asked to enlist into what sounded dangerously comparable to a plain suicide pact. There had been a brief but quite intense moment in which Xanhdor had truly feared for his men's safety... Once it was made clear that the endorsement of a couple of rulers didn't mean a thing when they still needed to convince ten more of those ferocious chieftains to participate in such a questionable endeavor, he had been rightfully unsure that they would even make it out alive. But also, as the Queen had anticipated, that hostile mood had visibly changed when they all got to listen to the offerings that he had to make. Suddenly, what Hathengatt proposed didn’t seem like such an outrageous idea anymore… To Xanhdor´s relief, it was soon evident that Elande was in fact very well acquainted with all her targets and their deepest desires. So, with slow but firm steps, he and his unit traveled across the wide land, diplomatically gaining allies as they steadily advanced from town to town. Of course, not all of them had jumped headfirst into their subversive conspiracy. A lot of rulers had politely rejected their invitation while some others had outright shut their doors in their faces without even bothering to grant them an audience. The prospect of facing the crude Yahurian wrath was not something to be taken lightly, and that was the main reason why a lot of them wouldn't dare to hear a word they had to say. But the ones who did had slowly grown braver as they learned about the other realms that now backed them up in their rebellion. There was a certain strength in numbers, and an undeniable sense of safety that had helped turn these cowards into such adventurous mutineers on the spot. Most of their supporters held some kind of resentment against the Order, and a lot more had always agreed with the expansionist ideology. So, the likeliness of finally being able to freely pursue their interests without the annoying Yahurian interference sounded very attractive to them all. But with every player they summed up on their game-board, Xanhdor would also have to forgo a fraction of his men, as he would dispatch them to the indicated positions along with their newly made allies, so they could help complete their assigned maneuvers in the exact same manner as the Queen had destined it. Little by little, their lines had been growing thinner with every town they'd added to their plot. This was expected, as those had been the precise orders that the soldier had been given from the very first start. Which, to his utter satisfaction, had even had a higher success rate than he'd ever dared to expect… Against all odds, they'd had a general good outcome so far. So, Xanhdor was feeling a little optimistic himself. Considering their current progress, and if everything went according to plan, they now had a pretty decent chance to win. Yet, there was something that concerned him greatly even when it all seemed to be marching right on track at first sight. At this point, the hill-man kept helplessly watching how, despite all their recent accomplishments, this course of action was also slowly depleting his resources and leaving him without sufficient men. The biggest issue with this being that they still had a couple of places to be at before they could call their mission completed. Xanhdor knew perfectly well that neither of them were very welcoming sites. So, he might still need some muscle as an incentive to sway them their way. As a consummated negotiator, he was aware that most alliances usually came with a price, and he was prepared to pay it. But the last one they'd obtained had cost him much more than he'd originally expected. King Savghor was known to be a squeamish ruler in almost every aspect of his life except for the eating part. So, when Xanhdor and his men had shown up at his gates, he hadn't been so thrilled about it at all. He'd received their proposal with cautious suspicion, limiting himself to quietly listening to their plea without giving any signs of emotion at first… That had quickly changed once the experienced Hathengatter had incisively brought up the subject of his late father to the table and triggered the reaction that he was looking for. -This could be your chance to avenge your father and vindicate his name at last – The warrior had casually suggested, staring sharply at him – Do it for your brother's memory, it's the least you can do after so dishonorably cooperating with one of those assassins last time... -Shut your dirty mouth, you stupid bumpkin! – The monarch had loudly shouted, exploding in rage and losing all the composure he might have had – You've got no place to talk about my family or discuss their fate among my walls! -You're right! Your Grace, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! – Xanhdor had rushed to reply, raising his hands up in a practiced innocent gesture – I didn't mean to offend you… I just thought that you would like to resume your predecessor’s legacy. I'm sure it would make him very proud if you were to finally conquer Xoltun after all these years. -Why would it work out this time? – The flabby man had asked with mistrust, his saggy triple chin trembling just as much as his uncertain voice did while he eyed him defiantly – Why would I risk joining this blatant seditious act of yours? -Because you wouldn´t be on your own this time, you'll have our full support – The messenger had calmly explained, confidently smirking at him – Right now, we've got the Laheshians on board along with their twelve powerful tribes, Muhonos and Vihant are also on our side, just as Berantha and Karellhya… He paused, tilting his head invitingly at the large ruler, the grin on his face extending widely. -You see, we already own an advantageous tactical belt across Midland even without you – He shrugged off – Once we start tightening our grip around Lowland's fragile neck, we are going to make them all choke on their old ways and beg for our mercy, and that's barely stage one… This is the beginning of a new era, Your Majesty. So, how would you like to play a part in it? Or are you just going to be a bystander as usual? Looking at his face, Xanhdor had instantly known that he had succeeded even long before the monarch had pronounced a single word. The raw greed gleaming inside his dark, beady eyes letting him know that he'd won. -I want three quarters of your men to assist my army over there – The King had demanded in an unflexible tone – And once this is all over, I'm claiming Xoltun for myself along with Histya´s head. That's how Xanhdor had ended up walking to their last pair of destinations with only a few of his original crew. Even if they were almost done, time was ticking, and they needed to optimize their next actions as best as they could, so this left him with no other choice but to divide their resources even more. He winced. Recalling the earlier conversation he'd had with Ubant, his second in command, and sighing with frustration. -I don't think this is the wisest idea, Xanhdor! – The tall man had stated heatedly, grabbing him forcefully by the shoulder and pleading with him – We should stick together, it's safer that way! -It would take us too long! – He'd retorted firmly – We don't have enough time! -So, the best solution you can come up with is splitting our already small squad in two? – He'd shouted back in disbelief and shaking his head with disappointment – Please don't do it… It doesn't feel right... Please! The young warrior had begged insistently, squeezing his forearm and staring deeply into his eyes. But he had already made up his mind at this point and there was no turning back. -We'll be fine – Xandhor had replied reassuringly, cupping his square jaw and smiling weakly – I'll deal with King Onduhl, you'll get Xiblen´s favor, and we'll be reunited sooner than you think… You'll see. Now, as he tried to catch a wink of elusive sleep, his sight kept constantly traveling to Ubant´s bare torso, innocently peeking out of the scattered blankets covering his lean figure while the soldier calmly rested by him. An old prayer coming to mind as he pecked those closed hazel eyes and genuinely hoped that their fate would not end up proving him wrong.
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