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-I want to come with you tomorrow – Ajora abruptly announced, disrupting the gentle vigil that the monarch had been keeping over her in the dimly lit room and making his eyes widen in sudden surprise. -W-What? – He stammered in confusion as he sat up in bed to face her, his eyes inevitably trailing her naked body under the candlelight – What do you mean? -You heard me – She smirked. Crawling over him and running her fingers delicately down his chest while her eyes stared at him with unwavering determination – I said I want to join you and your men on the battlefield… And before you say no, I suggest you let me make my case. They had spent the last few days mostly barricaded inside the young King´s chambers, and Ajora had given up trying to resist his charms by now. She did not know where this whole situation would land her in the end, but she was certainly enjoying the ride. It was clear that the man knew how to treat a lady and that was enough to make her overlook all her previous concerns, at least for the time being. -All right – Ishtun sighed resignedly – I can already tell that you won't be leaving me any other choice… So, go on then. -Really? - She exclaimed, her face beaming triumphantly at his words as she eyed him coyly – I thought you would make it a lot harder for me, Your Majesty. -I don't see the point in doing that – The ruler simply responded, smiling knowingly at her – That will only make you insist with even more vehemence, am I right? -Yes! Yes, you are! – She clapped excitedly, positioning herself comfortably over him and making sure that she was the indisputable center of his undivided attention before taking a deep breath and beginning her speech – So… First of all: I have been present in every meeting of yours, and I know that strategy down to a tee. -Fair enough – The young king breathed out, raising his eyebrows inquiringly at her – What else have you got then? -Hum I… I know my weapons and I know my moves! – She blurted out, regaining her confidence after a brief moment of hesitation - I have been properly trained before, and I can fight for real. Therefore, you won't even have to worry about me... Better yet! You practically won't even notice me being there at all! -Well, that's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? – Ishtun scoffed, amused – I'm pretty sure I am incapable of not worrying about you, much less of not noticing you… But fine! If you say you can fight, then you can fight. -That´s it? You're letting me join you? – Ajora shouted with incredulity, her eyes scanning him for any signs of trickery – Just like that? -Why not? – He asked nonchalantly – You were the one who brought us the warning of this war in the first place. So, it's your lawful right… And if you really want to stand up for your homeland, who the hell am I to tell you otherwise? As long as you are certain, it will be my honor to fight beside you. -Are you serious? – She cautiously questioned him, her head tilting with suspicion – I swear that if you're mocking me right now… -Why would I? – The monarch frowned, his eyes narrowing with genuine bewilderment – Do I sound like I'm joking? Am I not being clear enough? -Y-You are – Ajora mumbled, still gathering her wits – You are. It's just… I thought you would have some objections because I am a woman, that's all. -Again… Why would I? – Ishtun repeated himself, a playful smile extending on his face – I've had the fortune to fight alongside some of this land's toughest women for long enough to know that war doesn't give a flying s**t about what lies between our legs. Either we got what it takes, or we don't… It's as simple as that. So, do you? -I do – She rushed to reply, sniffling out decidedly and pushing herself up to a sitting position – You'll see it for yourself real soon! -Good – He nodded satisfied, pulling her towards him again and spanking her playfully – Then it's settled. Gear up and make sure to be at the gates by dawn if you're really marching with us. Cause I'm not waiting for anyone's ass, no matter how cute it is. Understood? -Why are you so different from others? – Ajora asked with genuine curiosity – You don't seem to judge the way most men do, nor do you lead like any of them. Where did you learn those rare standards that you live by? -Well… I was lucky to fight my first war under the wing of a legendary role model, remember? – The young ruler stated cheerfully – So, I've picked up a few guidelines from this great warrior's commanding style along the way... And you should know that I do not appreciate prejudiced actions in the very least either, as I have been underestimated more than once myself. -Really? – She exclaimed in a surprised tone, her eyes opening widely – But you're the King! -I was also very young when I ascended the throne – Ishtun calmly retorted – Not everyone was convinced that I was the best fit for the job in the beginning. Even your father said so... He paused, closing his eyes and massaging the spot between his eyebrows, before offering her a pained smirk. -Not everyone trusted my judgment at first… Or do I need to remind you that the council didn't back me up when I decided to march to Lowland's gate the last time? They thought I was mental! So, yeah… I know what it's like, to be discarded. To be considered unworthy over a bunch of stupid nonsense! -I'm sorry – Ajora mumbled, her voice straining with shame – I… I didn't know you had experienced that. -It's fine – The monarch grinned, quickly regaining his composure and patting her forearm reassuringly – It only made me stronger in the end, so, joke´s on them… Ussiariah taught me that nothing matters more than having the guts to fight for your people, and after what you've risked so far, I already know that you do. So you are more than welcome to come with us... Now, on a totally different note, I'm curious: Who trained you? -Hmm… I´d tell you. But only if you tell me who taught you how to please a woman – She responded, batting her eyelashes seductively at him – You see? I am also curious. -All right – He conceded, sighing heavily and smirking deviously at her – If you must know, there was one of Queen Histya´s lieutenants who thought I was... in her own words: So helplessly naive that it was adorable… And she took it upon herself to instill some wisdom in me. -So, she screwed you dry – Ajora deduced, a crooked smile curling up on her face – Is that what you're saying? -Not exactly… – Ishtun shook his head slowly, his eyes squinting in remembrance – I said it before, you were my first complete experience… I don't know if you're aware, but Xoltun´s archers aren't allowed to copulate outside their mating season, so we kept ourselves to more creative things. -Are you for real? – She chuckled with amusement – That's the craziest thing I've ever heard! - Yes, that's the way it's always been – The young man shrugged off, his dark eyes sparkling – Yet she was a very challenging mentor when it came to alternative pleasure forms. That woman knew exactly what she wanted, and she made sure to show me plenty of tricks, so I could deliver it every time. -And of course, you diligently learned them all! – Ajora teased, dragging her voice purposefully and slowly crawling over him. -Hum… Let's just say I was an avid apprentice – He admitted, flashing her a proud smile and a charming wink. -Well… I should thank her then – She muttered naughtily, briefly pecking him before rolling around and turning her back towards him, a tired yawn escaping from her mouth – She did a wonderful job... Remind me to send her a thank-you letter sometime... Good night. -Wait! – Ishtun exclaimed, pulling her gently by the shoulder and making her face him again – You don't get to go to sleep just yet, lady! We had a deal, remember? I told you what you wanted to know, and now it is your turn… So, who trained you? -Fine – Ajora groaned, defeated after a silent moment, the words pouring reluctantly out of her mouth with a heavy sigh – It was this man called Finjël. He was the one who taught me how to fight. - Finjël? The Cahenean warrior? – The monarch murmured with a mixture of recognition and confusion, his brain rapidly making calculations as he simultaneously spoke – This had to be last year, at Lowland's gate. But he was already in charge of the entire town's defense… The ruler's mind kept going completely absorbed and on its own, his distracted voice echoing around the chamber as he continued reasoning immerse in his thoughts. Miserably failing to acknowledge Ajora´s increasingly paling features. -He already had a unit, so why would he be taking the extra time to train another recruit? Unless…- He bit his lip pensively, a sparkle igniting in his eyes as his rapid conclusions streamed freely into the night without any restraints – Unless this wasn't about needing an extra element at all… His sight darting towards her shocked expression as the words spilled out of him before he could stop them – He didn't want you to join the unit. He just wanted you to have the skills! – He found himself blurting out, his hand grabbing her wrist with sudden realization - Why? Is it because you were hurt?... Who hurt you? An instant regret rooted inside him when he finally managed to notice the utter horror frozen on Ajora´s face. The girl's terrified eyes widening in stupefaction and a muffled yelp emerging from her throat as she yanked her arm away from him, rushing to cover her mouth in distress. Clumsily bolting for the washroom in a frenzy, and shutting the door forcefully behind her while ignoring the monarch´s voice desperately calling her name… The sound of her heartbreaking sobs reaching his ears and making him wish that he could just take it all back.
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