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They’d been riding on Kohu all day and Souna was exhausted. Ussi had insisted that they needed to keep going, even if the kids had been quite fussy for a while and the mood was generally tense among them. -I know you’re tired – He had remarked a few hours earlier as he spurred the feline eagerly – But we better get our asses to Tanmudt before it gets dark. This territory is not safe enough to camp for the night, trust me. Much less with children… Just hang in there, and I promise you that we will all get some proper rest very soon. Souna had remained quiet, letting him lead them through the heavy forest, as she trusted him more than anyone in the world… And she knew that when the bravest man she knew was not comfortable sitting outdoors in those woods, then he surely had a very good reason for it. Besides, even if she was feeling fatigued, she was also certainly enjoying the ride with him, just like in the old days. Only silence and nature embracing them as they advanced steadily, mounted on Kohu´s large frame. Back in the city, they were rarely ever alone…. Always surrounded by a bunch of people and plenty of guards. So, it was nice to take this trip with only her family for a change. The sun was starting to set when they finally reached the outskirts of the colorful town. It was a small and modest village situated at the base of the solemn mountains that they knew led to Yahur´s path. Last time she'd walked that road, Souna had barely bothered to glance at the cheerful settlement, as she'd simply passed by it and continued her way up along the marked route, immersed in the deep apathy she had been feeling back then. But now, her eyes were taking in every little detail as they stood at the edge of the vegetation, staring at the promised resting stop. -It's beautiful – She whispered enthralled, keeping her sight fixed on the cute bunch of gable roofs scattered around – It kind of reminds me of Phenjal and the good old times. -We were attacked at Phenjal, remember? – Ussi scoffed, helping her climb off Kohu´s back – I don't see how you would perceive those times as good. -Well, I recall other things happening there as well… – Souna shrugged off, stretching her sore limbs and giving him a playful look – You know?... Better things. The warrior rolled his eyes at her, not without blushing slightly while he made sure that he had all his weapons on him. Except for his firearm, which he proceeded to hide behind a bush. -It's better if we keep our profile low – He muttered. Concealing the rifle carefully with the aid of the numerous thick leaves lying around - I don’t think people here are yet familiar with guns, and we know how the sight of new things might trigger a person's greed. Once he had freed the black jaguar from his saddle. Ussiariah made sure that Skhana was properly tucked in her mother’s arms before placing a cap on Axe’s head, hiding his characteristic hair and picking him up. -Same goes for you, young man – He sighed, inspecting the child’s appearance, and nodding, satisfied. His wife and children were all dressed inconspicuously enough to pass as simple travelers, or at least that was what he was hoping for. Ussi, on the other hand, preferred keeping his armor on and his spear in hand, above blending in, as long as he remained ready to fight at all times. -Fine – He breathed out – Let’s go, it’s getting dark… Kohu, you know the drill my friend, be back by dawn. Souna was not surprised when every head snapped towards them as soon as they entered the packed hostelry. The chattering instantly silencing in the spacious common area, and the eyes of every patron darting at the large, armored man. It was a huge building that seemed to serve as the town’s only pension, just the same as its crowded bar... and some sort of convenient supply store equally. She ignored the curious looks and paced behind the warrior’s heavy stomps, shielding the bundle she was carrying in her arms as Ussi reached the counter, holding the toddler with one hand and placing a sack of spices on the wooden surface with the other. -Two beds and meal - He ordered, his firm voice resounding loudly around the place and making Souna smirk at the familiarity of it all. -I could recognize those blue eyes and that armor of yours anywhere – The woman behind the bar, a busty lady with long braids hanging down each of her meaty shoulders declared, narrowing her sight – I ignore why you’re not wearing your mask today, but I've lived in this town long enough to know who you are, Yahun. I’ve seen you and your men come and go for years. -Well – Ussi breathed out, unimpressed – It’s only natural… Tanmudt is the first and last stop on the way to the Yahurian trail. -You say well – The barmaid agreed, grabbing the sack off the counter, and inspecting it thoroughly – I’ve housed you and your kind plenty of times before. Yet, I find it odd to witness you in these extraordinary looks. So, I must ask… Is there danger coming our way, Yahun? Is war nearing so fast now that you even forgot to put your mask on? A loud laugh erupted from Ussi´s throat, reverberating all through the walls of the inn with its cheerful tone. -Don't worry, woman – He finally said when the last of his chuckles subsided – War is always nearing, as you must know... But today I assure you that my presence here obeys a mere social matter… That’s all. -Good – The flabby woman sighed, relieved. Her demeanor immediately changing as she pointed suggestively to the large door standing behind her – If this is a social visit… Perhaps, I could interest you in one of our girls then... As your brothers have attested many times, our parlor is famous for its vast assortment of exotic options. I might have exactly what you need back here! The warrior gave her an unfazed, piercing look, paired with a slight tilt of his head. Silently holding her gaze for a stretching minute, and letting her uncomfortably stir on her spot as she nervously eyed the quiet kid he was holding, before smirking wryly at her invitation. -Having hosted me and my men in the past as much as you claim, you really should have paid closer attention, lady – The warrior dismissively said – Then you would already know that I couldn’t care less for those petty diversions... Now, stop wasting my time and ready our chambers, I have famished companions to tend to, so I expect our food to be ready when we get back from the public baths. Soaking in the thermal pond had been a welcome treat, Souna enjoying every minute of their time floating on those soothing, steamy waters as they happily held their children, cleaning them up and letting Axe play around freely. Ussi had used that opportunity to resume his swimming lessons, gently guiding him around the giant pool and instructing him how to gracefully move his arms and legs. The kid giggling happily as he showed off his improvement with pride and the warrior cheered for him eagerly, his broad smile sparkling along with the tiny water droplets adorning his beaming face. Souna had watched them dreamily as they both splashed around and laughed for a long time, sitting at the edge of the spacious tub with a foolish grin plastered on her face and holding their sleeping daughter. But once they had all gotten dressed again, and they had started walking to the pension in silence, an ominous feeling had taken control of her, making her scan their surroundings restlessly all the way back to the hostel. Even when the warrior’s pace was visibly calm, and he showed no signs of worry at all, she hadn’t been able to relax one bit during the entirety of their thankfully short stroll. Only when they reached the building’s entrance without any further incidents, she’d allowed herself to exhale the breath she’d been inadvertently holding, and she’d blamed her anxious state on the memory of their previous experience. Because now that she thought about it clearly, it was more than obvious that no one was coming after them this time. She had to be imagining things, right? -Come here – His deep voice had called out that night in the silence of their room as he pulled her towards him and kissed her softly – Why don’t we relive those good old times we had in Phenjal then, huh? I would gladly let you show me how to do that a few million more times.
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