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William’s P.O.V.       “What’s her problem, man?” I glared my phone in anger and Nathan smirked at me. I was also hell annoyed with my best friend here. He was making fun of me instead of helping me with what happened with Pamela. Venessa was only talking to him and if I ever tried to approach her she shoved me off as if I didn’t exist in this world. For God Sake, I am a heartthrob and girls would die even my one look at them. And this girl, Venessa, I didn’t know what was the deal with him.       “You are grumpy as an old woman”, Nathan mocked again and I felt like strangling him to death. I clearly remembered the warning that my father gave me once I screwed the first girl during middle school. He clearly told me that he didn’t want any rumour, any conspiracy that could affect our family status. He told me to be careful with my choice of girls and from that day till today, I was well aware of my path. I cursed Tesla so many times in a second once Nathan told me what Venessa told him. I didn’t know how did she know so much?     “Did I ask you who is this Venessa Hamilton?” I asked him because I didn’t have any memory related to that girl around me. I noticed her for the first time in our PE class in high school. I couldn’t deny the fact that she had an amazing body or should I say, an amazing untouched body. I knew this because every boy standing with me there in the field drooled over her badly when she came to practice in her shots and a tight t-shirt that I could say was not hers.       “She is  Venessa Hamilton, younger adopted daughter of Patrick Hamilton, CEO of Hamilton Inc. It is said that she is the daughter of his younger brother who died in a car accident years ago with his wife. Patrick Hamilton then adopted Venessa who was only three years old then. What I know is”, he paused as if he was contemplating whether to tell me or not.       “You know are????” I looked at him with raised brows. We were sitting in a club drowning ourselves in alcohol after a hectic day. He pursed his lips and then gulped down the whole content in one go. This was weird. Nathan has never behaved like this in front of me before. We had shared almost everything with each other even our first experience with a girl. I wondered what was with that girl that he was all mysterious right now?       He sighed and then looked at me. “Her adopted parents or should I say her uncle and his family is giving her a very hard time since her childhood. One of our maids has worked for them for more than 10 years and she told me that Venessa is nothing but a slave for them. Though she owned half of their property, still she had not luxury in her life as she should have had. I also heard that she has other ways of earning money without being noticed by anyone who can tell her uncle about her job”,  he finished and signalled the bartender to fill his glass again. I narrowed my eyes on him and curiosity started kicking me. “How did you know so much about her?” I asked him out of curiosity. He looked straight into my eyes and then looked around cautiously.     "Care to explain why I didn't know anything about her when you have all knowledge?" I eyed him and he sighed. "This is because I came to know about her coincidently when she helped me once in the past. She threatened me not to reveal anything about her as she didn't like anyone to pity her", he looked at me this time and I could say that he was telling me the truth now. "When did you need her help?" I asked him in confusion. He got help from her and I didn't know a thing. “Remember that girl, Rhia, in the high school who claimed that I am the father of her baby in her womb?” he tilted his head to confirm with me and I nodded. I clearly remembered those few days when Nathan almost looked like a zombie.       “It was Venessa who helped me to get out of that situation. She gave me some dirt over Rhia that proved that she was screwing 7 boys at one time and even she couldn’t tell who is the father of her baby?” he almost whispered the whole thing making me startled. I nodded lightly to reconfirm what he told me and I saw in awe.       “Wow… I mean… 7 boys at one time?” I exclaimed and Nathan shrank his nose after gulping down the content of his mouth. “You are awe by Rhia?” he asked me in surprise and that was when I felt that he was actually telling me about Venessa’s capability.     “Yeah… a bit… but… I was glad that you didn’t fall for her trap”, I admitted and then drank from my own glass. He rolled his eyes on me and then there was silence between us as the club was filling with light music right now.       “You asked me what’s wrong with her, right?” he asked me after a while and he looked up while putting a finger under his chin as if he was thinking hard. “If my guess is right then she doesn’t like players like us and the present issue is related to her only friend, so she is treating both of us like s**t”, he spat this time and I chuckled.       “Is there any chance that you like her, Nathan, huh?” I teased him and he almost spit out the whole content of his mouth. He coughed hard while eyeing me. “Are you crazy? She is off limit, bro . You need tough balls if you want to date her”, I rolled my eyes because he was now exaggerating her.       “Forget it… I am thinking to call Pamela and ask her well being. Whatever happened with her is… I felt that partially my fault too”, I lowered down my voice in guilt. I never had forced myself on a girl and I was sure that didn’t r**ed Pamela but something was really off here.       Suddenly the whole area filled with the scream of a man. I looked back over my shoulder and found a man sitting on the ground on his knees and a figure was hovering over him. I couldn’t see who was that person because her back was towards me. The man was looking at her with so painful eyes. I could see his one hand in the air.       “Take it as my last warning to you, Wiscott. One wrong move again and you will be 10 feet under the ground”, she threatened him in a very cold voice. Her voice was familiar to me and I looked at Nathan for confirmation. He was also looking at her with curious eyes. I looked back at her and in front of my wide-open eyes, she kicked him so hard on his shin that he fell down on his back at that very instant. She pulled her hood over her head and then moved back.       Our eyes met and my breath hitched in my throat. Her face was covered but I knew those cold eyes. I gulped hard and tried to breathe again. She removed her cold gaze from me and went out of the room as if nothing had happened.       The two helpers instantly went to that man and helped him to get out of the club. He was in immense pain and I could say that he was not able to stand up for the next few days. I looked at Nathan and horror was written all over his face.       “What’s wrong?” I asked him with concern. “If anything bad happened with Pam and she got that you are the one who caused her pain, you are dead”, he looked at me in horror. I jerked back my face in worry. His words were still ringing in my mind and the flash of his man’s trembling image was getting in my nerves now. I could imagine myself in the place of that man and I felt that I was not able to breathe now.     “I am going to find that b***h”, I almost bolted out of the club in horror. There was no way that I was going to take that beating of Venessa. She was dangerous….. no… she was evil and dangerously dangerous.
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