About Me

1150 Words
(Sneak Peek) Hi! You all know from my mom's previous story how things went with me and my sister's growing up. I was labeled autistic with moderate to severe intensity. That is what the first psychological testing was done. Yes, I was and mostly am stuck in my head. Not only do I, outside factors for my "ticks" as I have dubbed them. I have inside ones that wear at me harder. I can't run from them. My sister has been able to speak via mind link with me when she got her pack link at 6ish years old. Our mother never knew because we knew that the dumb-dumb we had for a first dad never told her. When the events that came along leading to our new family we began to show her that we had the abilities all along. Speaking out loud is damn hard. The mind link is so much easier. I can talk more freely and don't have the confines of vetting my mouth to say the words my mind has. My mouth has always made it hard to speak. When I got Tys my wolf my world got that much harder. I had a lot to recoup. Not only was I dealing with my own inner and outer world but that of an ancient wolf known as Tys. He is very powerful. He can sense and see into the future. A lot of his issues stem from seeing that future. He is very hard to control. It took me several years with the help of Elder Braun, Mortou, and my dad Joe. Even then it is very hard to get him to stay calm. Tys has been getting antsier and antsier the closer we get to heading for Southern wolf territory. I literally can't stand Tau right now. I want to murder him, and have thought of million different ways to. The change came when we finalized the trip to Mortou's mate Linzi's house. My wolf began the influx of aggression to him the night Jewel went to the balcony. She wanted him to dance with her and when he hadn't she became upset. I know they are likely fated as long as he stays alive after the fight of his second task. I also know there is a second chance mate for her in the background. She will meet him when we get to the south. The reality is that if she finds she is fated to one the other will find their second chance mate. I have watched what happens in both scenarios and both, it hurts my sister's heart. I hate seeing her hurt. I want to save her any more than I can. I know at some point Tau and she will realize the connection. I have a feeling Tau already knows. Jewel is still blessedly out of the loop. I can't help my aggression, it has gotten stronger and stronger toward Tau. Granted he is the only one who would survive my wolf's attack. I have been having a really hard time controlling him as of late. Linzi Mortou's mate seemed to notice this. She managed to get my wolf under control easily. She knew I was losing control of him. Thankfully so did the Goddesses. They sent me my mate through Linzi. I was not expecting her until Jewel's coronation day. The fact that she showed up early, meant the Goddesses knew just how dangerous things were about to be. She is my calm, she is utter magic to my senses. She is a great-granddaughter of Mortou from a female bear he had with a witch just before he met Linzi. There was more magic added to her bloodline. She is rare as she shifts to a bear, has magic like Mortou, and carries the wolf trait of being a true omega. That true omega trait is exactly what Tys and I need to stay calm and focused. Not let our temper flare as it had in recent months. I haven't told a soul about my struggle with Tys. I didn't want to appear weak when my sister needed me. I want to be strong for her, she is going to need it. There will be suitors, there will be challenges and most of all her heart will be put through its biggest test. I cannot save her from the last one. The first two I know I can. I worry about Tau, he is perfect for her, but it's that last task that puts me on edge. Making Tys push him away. Tys thinks her second chance mate would be better. I haven't met him but I like Tau. He understands the events with Tvso and is willing to pause everything until that second task is done. I can feel the chemistry with them. Much like I can feel what is between Jakarta and me. I went to her room to go back to get Jewel. Jakarta started asking me questions and I was lost in her calm. I forgot my meeting with the guys and everything! Very much unlike me. I ran to the living room to see she was gone and so was Tau. When I got to his room he was not there. Going to Jewel's I could smell him, but when I called Shaman I found him in with the rest of the guys. It made me feel better that he hadn't tried something the first time I wasn't totally available. I can sense something different about him something stronger now. Linzi gave him help. Tys announces in my head. What kind of help? I hate having to ask him. The tooth from Tvso's father killed Conin. I paused when he said that. It meant a lot of things in this reality would switch. I was not sure what would happen now. This reality has been getting big changes. Did that mean what I saw was wrong? If it did, why haven't I been shown something new? Things are changing because of free will. We cannot make people follow the path we see. They have to choose in order. A new path is here, enjoy the quiet while you can. Tys spoke in my head. I looked at the room a bit more surprised. It was less pressure. Less pressure was good. ************* Greetings Readers! I know people have been wondering why the sudden change in young Hawk. I am starting this one a bit early so that people can have a better idea what is going on in his head. I will be updating this a couple of times a week like I did Athens. So that when something comes up you can get the "ah ha nuggets" that we loved with Athens. Or what Hawk's thoughts are on certain things transpiring in his sister's life. Much Thanks and Love, M. Merrill **************
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