Chapter 11

2142 Words
She takes the first turn, and it almost feels as if the car might get away from her, making her ease back on the gas as the other racer pushes past her and takes first place. She immediately recognizes his car, and it seems they had the same idea of letting off steam! Dremon! She passes him on the short straight, but when the second turn comes, she holds back again as fear rushes through her body. The back wheels of her car screech in protest, and she fights to regain control over her car before hitting the next straight. But she is surprised to find him pulling over to the side of the road. “HA!” She shouts and then her car’s engine cuts out, forcing her to a halt. “What the?!” She is still staring at the console in front of her when he comes walking around to her side and leans into her window, resting his arms on the door panel. “Engine problems?” “I don’t need your help!” “You apparently also didn’t want my car, but here you are… racing.” “Get out of the road! There could be racers on their way!” She can’t think of anything else to shout at him, and she needs to stay angry at him. “Nobody is racing. I sent them all home. I reported police on the way, and they scattered like the little worker ants they are.” “What?!” Then she notices the radio in one hand and while looking, she notices a strange remote type thing in his other… “YOU!” She barks at him and shoves the door to climb out, but he simply pushes her back and closes it again. “You did this to the car!” “Yes, I had a cut-out switch built-in. Arora, you aren’t ready to race yet. You are angry, and it’s never a good thing to race when you are…” “Don’t you dare say emotional! If one more male tells me that I’m an emotional woman, I might just murder them!” She barks at him again. “What the hell do you want?” She glares into his eyes, seeing amusement staring back at her. “I want to talk to you. I want you to at least consider a life together.” “NEVER!” She is so angry, she feels as if she can pull the steering wheel from its bolts and hit him with it… That’s if she didn’t need it to getaway. “Okay, then you leave me no other choice.” He opens the door and holds out his hand for her to take. She has no other choice but to take it because her car is so low to the ground. Once she is out, she notices the black SUV parked a block away, and Dremon waves at them. A man in a black suit climbs out of the front passenger seat and comes running. Dremon hands him the device, holding tightly onto her hand. He walks over to his car, opens the passenger door for her, and waits for her to climb in. “You can’t tell me what to do and where to go! Even if that is your car! You can’t keep me, prisoner, we aren’t married yet!” She says through gritted teeth but still slides into the seat. She is so angry that she’s shaking and realizes that she won’t be able to drive even if she wanted to. He takes his seat, and she watches the road as he drives them to her house. Whoever is driving her car is following them, and behind that is the black SUV. “That is Stalos by the way. He is your new bodyguard. Seeing as I can’t trust you to look after yourself when I’m not around, he will be with you at all times. Even after we are married. You will not be going anywhere without him, and don’t even try to escape again. I will find you, and he will pay for your transgression.” What does he mean by that?! He can’t be serious! “I don’t need a bodyguard.” She huffs and looks at his hand shifting gears. He has long fingers and huge hands! She would hate to think what he could do with them. Part of his reputation or at least part of the whispers around his reputation is that you don’t mess with him. One of the girls mentioned even going to some underground fight with him on a date! Arora knows not to believe everything she hears, but something about the way he is currently acting is telling her that some of those rumours might just be true! And her father is making her marry this monster! “You WILL be my wife,” he takes a moment to look at her before returning his attention back to the road. “And as I told you before, you will need a certain amount of protection because of that.” “Why? Because you are such a Bad boy and have made so many enemies? I know your reputation and I will not marry you. I would rather take…” She stops before saying anything else. “Before what? You hurt yourself? In that case, I will have to tell Stalos to keep an eye on you twenty-four-seven.” He grins at her, and her hand flies into the air before she can think about it. She slaps him right on his cheek, but his head doesn’t even move, and her palm is burning like hellfire. “Did you get that out of your system now? Are you feeling better?” He sighs and pulls into the driveway at her house. To her surprise, her father and brother are waiting at the front door, and not to her surprise, her father is looking furious. How did he know that she left?! How did he even know to wait outside for them? She looks at Dremon who pulls the car in front of the door and then climbs out, walking around to open her door. When she climbs out, she realizes that the SUV and her car aren’t there. Where did they go? Where is this so-called bodyguard of hers? “Dremon, I apologize for my daughter’s behaviour!” Her father shakes Dremon’s hand and if she feels surprised. For the first time, she notices that her father looks almost as if he is cringing before the bastard! What the hell is going on and what aren’t they telling her?! “It’s no problem, Azakras, but I do think that she should move into our house as soon as possible. Her guard has parked her car in the garage, and he will bring her home tomorrow. I want to go furniture shopping and will need her there early. If you were so kind as to make sure she is dressed and ready.” Dremon smiles at her again, and she can see a slight bruise forming where she slapped him. “Yes, of course. I can understand that you would want her safely under your roof. She will be ready.” Arora notices the man who drove her car appear out of nowhere and Dremon introduces him to her father and her brother, who has been unusually quiet. Dremon then takes her hand and Stalos follows them inside the house with her father and brother behind them. They don’t follow the three of them upstairs, however. When they reach her bedroom door, Dremon drops a kiss on her hand, but his eyes have a warning tone in them. “Don’t misbehave, Arora. Remember what I told you the punishment will be if you do.” He turns on his heel and leaves without another word, and Stalos takes up a stand outside her bedroom door. “Are you kidding me?” She looks at the dark-haired man who almost looks like a statue standing there staring out in front of him. She turns around and slams her bedroom door behind her, shouting in frustration. This is ridiculous! She is a grown woman and can think for herself! She turns around and opens her door to find Stalos still standing there. “Do you need anything, miss?” He looks at her with no emotion on his face. “Yes, for you to go away!” “I do apologize, but I can’t do that.” He turns to look straight ahead again. She slams her door again, screaming, before getting ready for bed. What part of Dremon’s life would require that she has a bodyguard? What was he into and more importantly, why is her father grovelling in front of him? Punching her pillow, she finds it very tough to find a comfortable position to fall asleep. *** Loud banging on her door pulls her out of deep sleep, and she looks around her room, feeling confused for a moment, before getting out of bed and opening the door. Her father walks into her room followed by some staff members carrying boxes. “What the hell, dad?” “You heard what your fiancé said last night. I can’t believe that you did that! Aren’t you ashamed of your childish behaviour?” She rubs her eyes trying to focus and doesn’t waste her breath on trying to defend herself. “Can I at least get dressed before you kick me out?” She sighs, holding onto the door handle. “You have half an hour to get ready before you leave. The staff will pack up your room. Arora,” He takes her hands and when she looks at him, she sees something cross over his eyes before it’s gone. Was that pain, concern, or was he just angry at her? “Please, don’t mess this up. I beg of you. Behave for once in your life. You won’t want anything. Dremon will give you the world if you ask it of him.” A bunch of retorts rushes through her mind, but something inside her tells her that if this is the last time, she has to talk to her father like this, it would be best not to leave things with a fight. “Yes, father.” He leaves the room and the staff follows him, so she can get ready. She stares at her closet and has no idea what to wear for furniture shopping… Comfortable shoes probably… *** Dremon smiles when he hears the car pull up and walks down the stairs to meet his fiancé. His staff rushes out of the house to unpack the boxes from the truck. He arranged that her things be collected first thing. He wants her here where he can keep an eye on her and not give her any reason to go back home unless it’s to visit her father. She never seemed to have a close relationship with her brother, and he doesn’t really like the sniveling little snake, so, he is confident that she will not go there to visit Kozor. She walks up the steps and his chest swells with pride. No matter what he tells her, she still fights to be her own person. She is dressed in her signature black torn jeans with her boots and a blue t-shirt that hangs over her shoulder. He pulls her closer, putting his hands on her upper arms, and leaves a soft kiss on her cheek. “Welcome home, Arora.” “Yes, fine, let’s just get this over with. Which way is my room?” “You can decide that later. Right now, we are going out to have breakfast, and then we are meeting the interior designer to choose furniture. You will need a bed to sleep on tonight unless you want to share my bed.” He knows full well that she will not, but loves it when her face turns bright red the moment, she gets angry with him. “I thought not. Let’s go.” *** “There is no way all this is going to fit into my stomach!” Arora looks at the huge plate of breakfast they just put in front of her. Once again, he didn’t give her the chance to order for herself and the food is too much! She is not a breakfast person. The idea of having food this early in the morning is nauseating. “Just eat what you can, but eat something.” She glares at him and ponders ignoring his instruction, before deciding against making a scene. She sticks her fork into the eggs, and it screeches as it hits the plate, but he doesn’t seem fazed one bit.
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