Chapter 5

2038 Words
“Where is my driver?!” “You will be joining me from now on.” His voice pops up behind her, and Arora feels the anger start to rise in her stomach. “While you are busy planning my life, why don’t you just take over my decisions on what I wear, or eat or even drink for that matter!” She turns around in a rage and stumbles right into him, losing her balance. “If you had eaten properly, you wouldn’t be fainting on me.” His smile says a lot, and she whips around, stomping off to the limo. Hearing him laugh, she ignores him and slides into the back seat of the limo. They can force her to spend time with him, but she will NEVER agree to marry him, even if she is wearing his ring… Dammit… She forgot to put on the damn ring! She fidgets with her finger, actually enjoying the idea that she forgot the damn thing. It’s huge and heavy and… It’s her design… “Here,” He takes her hand and slips it onto her finger. “You forgot this.” How did he know?! *** Dremon smiles at her reaction. He knew even before he arrived that she would rebel against wearing it to school today. So, he asked the staff to collect it from her room if she arrived at the dining table without it. She doesn’t realize that she is just making the chase so much more interesting by fighting him. The limo pulls up in front of the main doors of the university, and before she can jump out, he grabs hold of her hand and waits for the driver to get out and walk to her door. He gave the driver strict instructions to keep her in the car until he has reached her door. He wants to walk her to school so to speak, and he is not going to let her stubbornness interfere with his plans. He is giving up more than she can imagine for this marriage, and he is not going to let her stuff it all up, just because she doesn’t want to be together. If she is anything like most girls, it will just take a couple of dates with flowers and some chocolates perhaps, and she will be falling over her feet to be with him, but she isn’t like any other girls… Is she? As he suspected, the moment the car door opens she is ready to bolt, but he grabs hold of her arm and slides her hand through his elbow. Making sure her hand with her ring is flashing everywhere. “There you are! I’ve been waiting all morning to see if you are okay!” He hears her best friend come closer and rolls his eyes. *** Traitor is the first thing that comes to Arora’s mind when she sees her friend. How could she support this ridiculous situation when she should be supporting her friend! She feels the grip from Dremon loosen and grabs the chance to escape, making up an excuse that she has to use the bathroom. Grabbing hold of Tricia’s arm, she almost runs into the building and to the bathroom, not looking back. “Hey, you are hurting me.” “Sorry,” She sighs, then goes into a rant about how her friend betrayed her. After a couple of minutes, she notices the tears forming in Tricia’s eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… It’s just… I never wanted to marry him. This is all an arrangement made between our parents. I was just shocked to see you there.” Tricia explains what happened. Even how she helped plan the party and that she was under the impression that Arora would be happy. “How could we have such a huge miscommunication?!” Tricia puts her hands on Arora’s arms and rubs them. “I guess we’ve been too preoccupied with exams to really spend some quality best friend time together. I’m sorry.” Arora pulls her friend in for a hug, and they hear the first bell ring for class. The moment they walk out the door, a pair of strong arms grab her around her waist, and before she knows what happened, his soft lips are on hers! She pushes her hands against his chest trying to escape, but his grip simply gets tighter before she realizes that there are people cheering them on and shouting congratulations. When he finally lets go of her lips, he pulls her tightly up against him before thanking everyone and making his way to her first class. She is still so gobsmacked that she feels as if she’s having an out-of-body experience and that it’s not her! “You don’t have ancient potions class.” She shoves her hand into his side and he just laughs. “I do now.” He stops in front of the door, and they move slightly out of the way when a group of students wants to walk into the classroom. “Arora, stop fighting this.” He turns her so she would look at him. “You and I both know this is bull!” She exclaims. “You can’t tell me that you are happy about a possible future with the girl who brought her own mom to life and created a monster!” *** Seeing the pain in her eyes, Dremon lets her go and watches her walk into the classroom and take her seat. The story of the young necromancer girl is well known in their circles. When he first found out it was her, he was surprised and didn’t believe the rumours, until he was able to speak to Tricia. How could she still blame herself? She was a child then and didn’t know the consequences of resurrecting someone. She probably didn’t even know that there is a difference between resurrection and calling the spirit of the dead. If it was him, he would only have been thinking about getting his mom back. That’s the day he started asking questions about her and her family. It’s been three years now. When his parents originally suggested the marriage, he thought they were insane! But he secretly admired her, and his admiration turned into something over the past two years. The girls were simply to try and make her jealous, but she didn’t seem to be affected by his escapades! The only time he saw her socially was at the races, and she didn’t pay any attention unless you were one of the people racing against her. She infuriated him sometimes at the reckless way she would take chances with his life until finally, she had the accident. By then he had already arranged for her ring to be made, but he was going to give it to her at the dance. The accident made him decide otherwise, and they urgently arranged the dinner and after-party. Now she is his, and he is going to do everything in his power to keep her by his side. *** Sitting down, Arora taps her pen on the desk until the professor glares at her. She can’t concentrate at the moment. She takes the exam page from the professor and puts it down on her desk, patiently waiting for him to announce that they can start. She opens the front page the moment he starts their exam and stares at the first question. She knows the answer… It’s right on the tip of her… *** After two hours, she closes the cover sheet just in time before the professor starts taking in the last of the papers. Most of the class finished already, and she is one of the last people to finish. She took the time and tried her best to go through all the questions as many times as possible to ensure she answered them correctly, but now she doesn’t know. It’s all just a blur in her mind. “That was pretty tough,” Tricia announces as they walk through the door. She feels his huge hand slide in behind her back before realizing he’s there. Why the hell won’t he just leave her alone? She can’t spend her entire exams in the bathroom! They walk out of the main building and make their way to the next class. She can’t ignore him completely. If she keeps this up, she is going to fail her exams! Her father will just say that it’s a good thing and that she is going to get married, so she won’t need her degree any longer! Fastening her pace, she decides to show all of them that she can do it all on her own! She doesn’t need his approval or her father’s. Unfortunately, his long legs keep up with her! She tries her best to write her exams without thinking about him, but the day just drags on. When they can finally leave the campus, she feels relieved that she can go home and hide in her room! Tricia jumps into the back of the limo with them, and they drop her off on the way home. For once Arora is grateful that her chatty friend is gone, and she picks at her nails when the ring catches her eye. She will never feel the same about it again. She will never wish to one day have it made or hope to receive it from her destined love… Not that she ever thought she would be lucky enough to fall in love. She doesn’t even realize that she sighed when she feels his hand slide over hers. “I don’t bite, you know. You can talk to me.” “I don’t have anything to say to you.” She hisses before glaring at him. *** “I bet that’s not true.” He lifts his eyebrow in amusement. “I bet you have a lot to say, you just don’t want to.” “I learned the first time around not to take any of your bets! I lost my car thanks to your last one, and nearly lost my life in the process.” “If you weren’t driving so recklessly…” He starts as the images of that night floods his mind. “There is no use in fighting over it now. What’s done is done.” He frowns. He isn’t in the mood to fight with her over that night that still haunts him. Watching her car roll over and over nearly tore his heart apart! He won’t say that he’s in love with her, but he does feel something! When the car pulls up in front of her house, he lets her go. He has been trying to get her attention all day, but even he needs time after this long day! He climbs out on the other side to say goodbye, but she is through the front door of the house before he can say anything. Deciding to let her be, he slides back into his seat and orders the driver to go home. *** “And? What did your friends say?” Her brother saunters down the passage as she walks to her room, and she feels as if she can strangle him! “Another traitor in my life I don’t feel like talking to.” She barks at him and slams her door in his face before locking it. Suddenly she feels alone. Totally alone. Nobody seems to understand what she’s going through. If only she could get out of here and start her life, on her own, away from all of them! She leans against her door before dropping her backpack on the floor and walking to her window. His car isn’t there, and she breathes a sigh of relief. Calling downstairs, she asks that the staff bring dinner to her room and makes up an excuse that she’s not feeling well. A couple of hours later, her father knocks on her door, but she ignores him. How dare he talk to her right now?! She finally falls asleep in the early hours of the morning.
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